Chapter 11

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Edris wrote another letter for her family

'Hello, mom. I miss you a lot! we're currently on vacation and guess what? I accidentally unleashed another magic! funny I Don't know it existed and I Don't know if I will be able to use it again.

By the way, Mom I have a lot of things to tell you I know I can't tell it to with just a letter hmm I was thinking of going home if I have time or if I can besides, I actually want to see you again.

I want you guys to meet an important person to my life.

Your jewel,


She put the letter to an envelope, she looked outside the window, she's happy with William but deep inside she can't help but to worry.


They are already back at the Capital and they are currently doing training, William announced the arrival of a visitor who is close to Wizard King Julius, her name is Freya and William were assigned to take care of her so he doesn't have enough time with Astrid.

He was waking with Freya at the garden and Astrid saw them, she salutes and walked past by and Freya raised her eyebrow on her "Wow she's pretty but not pretty as me!" William took a deep breath "I've heard you like one of your squad member, is she that lucky one?" She teased William and he smiled "I Do have lots of reasons to like her" Freya squint her eyes "Like what?" William took a deep breath while smiling "Like she have strong magic and kind heart. I know I have lot of things to know more about her" Freya cleared her throat, she likes William even before and saw Astrid as a challenge.

Astrid was doing a training with Klaus and Yuno, she got hit by Klaus steel chains and Yuno took the opportunity to attack her using the tornado which she managed to jumped away! but then, she got surprised when a solid sand hit her back, she groaned but break it using he shattered ice "Wow impressive! it's so rare to find someone with your magic" she look on her right and found a Freya, she cleared her throat "That was a surprise attack. Would you like to join us for training?" she asked while smiling, Freya walked towards them and tilted her head while smirking "Who told you I want to train with you?" Astrid furrowed her eyebrows "What?" Klaus and Yuno held her arms.

"Did you just attack me because you want to? are you stupid or something?" Freya, raised her eyebrow and chuckles "I just want to! you can't do anything about that!" Astrid shook her head "Whatever! can you stay away from me? I Don't have time for childish girls like you!" She removed Klaus and Yuno's hands before she walked away "Are you serious? I am a noble and I've heard that you're just a peasant! apologize!" Astrid took a deep breath "You know what? I have never been so rude to anyone nevertheless..." she looked back on Freya and smirks "Brats like you should at least have one person to be afraid of and one more thing..." she gave Freya her sweetest smile then she turned around and walked towards her.

Freya moves backward "I Don't care regardless of whatever your social status is. If you Don't know how to respect people then you will never gain my respect as well" Freya blinked twice as her heart racing and felt sense of panic deep inside as she stares on Astrid's eyes and at that moment, she realized that she's not a kitten but a tiger whom not easy to deal with.

Yuno noticed that Astrid was distancing herself with William "Astrid" she looked on him "What?" She asked, as she stretches her back "Was there something wrong with you and Captain?" he asked, she shook her head "Why?" she felt confused with Yuno's question "I just noticed that you haven't talking with him since that Freya arrived" Astrid just shrugged her shoulders "Seems like he is busy" Yuno smiled knowing that she's jealous but he remained silent "What about let's take a walk? you know, I know a good spot out there" she smiled "Oh I would love to!" Yuno held her shoulder as they walked.

Using their broom they flew towards the field that has variety of flowers, Astrid smiled as they landed "Woaaah! this is beautiful!" she smiled at Yuno excitedly, he saw how her eyes twinkles.

As Astrid picked up some random flowers Yuno contacted William "All good Captain" William smiled "I'm already here" Yuno looked over on Astrid and he saw William walking towards her, he smiled "I better go now. Take care" he said as he he flew away, Astrid noticed that Yuno left "Huh?" she was about to follow him when William grabbed her arm, she gasped and looked at him "E-eh!? Captain!?" her eyes widened and William chuckles "Surprise! I asked Yuno to bring you here since I can't leave Freya easily" Astrid blinked twice and she realized that it's all planned by William, she smiled "Oh haha I was surprised! I didn't know that you still have time to you know...think about me while Freya was with you" he sensed bitterness on her voice so he pulled her gently for a hug.

"I know you been sulking when I Don't have enough time for you and I want to thank you for your long patience, Astrid." She remained silent but her heart is too noisy that she can almost heard it "I'm really sorry that I made you feel unimportant or I made you felt that I've been ignoring you because of my duty" She pouted her lips "That's not it-" she was about to oppose but William hugged her tightly "Shh I know that's how you feel deep inside. You may deny it or pretend that everything is fine but No, I should have at least been considerate of how you feeling" she felt that he is sincere and it touches her heart so much! she hugged him back "You Don't have to apologize. I really do understand that sometimes we have to separate our personal feelings for our duty" she caressed his back and leaned her head on his shoulder "I really appreciate that you made a surprise for me" she smiled.

As Yuno went back at the base, Freya approached her "Have you seen William?" she asked "I believe he still have personal life to take care of and you shouldn't be involve with it" Freya furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms "Oh really? but he is serving me as my personal guard! I believe I have rights to know about his PERSONAL things!" Yuno frowned and looked down at her "First of all, you are a visitor here so learn to behave and stop acting like you own Captain! he is serving no one except this Kingdom and the Wizard King himself. Do you understand?" Freya scoffed and walked away.

"People here are so intimidating! hmm what if..." she smiled menacingly and went on her room.

William and Astrid was sitting on the field "So you know her eversince before?" Astrid asked, she was sitting to a huge rock and William sitting below her, she's making flower crown "Yes that is correct. Everytime she's coming here I am the one who's taking care of her since Wizard King Julius was trusting me wholeheartedly" she nodded and put the flower crown on William's head then she stretched her legs on his shoulders, he held it "I see and why does she act weird? I mean she's so spoiled!" William chuckles "I Don't know but most of the time, I'm not paying attention with her action. All I know is that I have to keep her safe while she's on my custody" Astrid took deep breath and put her head on William's head "Hmm you think she likes you? the way she act towards me is like a jealous teenager" William shrugged his shoulders "I Don't know and I shouldn't care, right? I mean I have you already!" she smiled and kissed his head "Right and I won't let that childish lady to take you away from me!" William looked on her while smiling, she kissed his forehead and he chuckled "Wait did you just-" he noticed the flower crown and was about to take it off but Astrid swat his hand "No and shut up! Don't touch the crown!" she said and pouted her lips, William laughed and she was surprised when he stood and carried her on his shoulder "Waaah!" she screams as he ran around.

It was about to get dark when the decided to go back at the based, Astrid just held her broom and decided to ride on William's.

When they landed Yuno came rushing towards them "Captain! Lady Freya had accident!" William gasped and immediately went in, Astrid was a bit surprised too.

When William went to Freya's room he saw Julius there, Julius stood "Where are you when it happens?" he asked, William looked away "I'm really sorry. I was actually outside" Julius glared at him " With Astrid? you know what William, Freya is important for me! she's like a family for me that's why I entrusted her to you! from now on, I Don't want you to come close to Astrid until Freya leave, are we clear?" Julius' voice was calmed but with authority so William nodded.

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