Chapter 8

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Yuno smiled at Asta "I want you to meet someone" Asta smiled and Yuno guided him towards Astrid "Astrid!" she gasped and went back to reality "Yuno" she looked over at the two, Asta was mesmerized by her beauty but he shook his head thinking that Sister Lily should be the only lady on his head "Hi?" He smiled brightly at Asta "He is my friend Asta. Asta, this is Astrid" she smiled, Asta gasped "Woaaah!! Hello! you looked pretty! I mean! mean! you look nice! s-so nice!" Astrid smiled again "Ah thanks" Yuno gulped and looked away seeing Astrid with a two piece swimsuit.

"Astrid?" she blushed intensely when William called her name and Fuegoleon, Yuno and Asta noticed it but she turned around and saw William without his mask and he was only wearing his polo shirt that was opened, she smiled "Captain" he was captured by her beauty in a few seconds he felt like she hypnotized him, Astrid feels the same "I think this is yours?" she look over to a see through silk top "Huh? I Don't know..." she took it "No. This is for you I mean, here take this" she blinked and wore it "Alright, it's beautiful" she's more comfortable now "Thank you, Captain" he smiled at her before he looked behind her to his comrades "Enjoy the vacation, everyone" he walked towards a cottage.

"Man! I think someone was too conservative! he covered up the best view!" Finral complaints while staring at Astrid, Yami glared at him "Shut up!" he gasped "I-I wish I brought something like that too!" Grey said,She's an introvert and shy because she's wearing a one piece bathing suit "I wish I brought Marie with me" Gauche said, Astrid was chasing Mimosa "No! wait let's play something else!" Yuno watches the two "Can we play with you?" Magna and Luck ran towards the two "Woaah! I can sense strong Ki from you! would you like to spar with me?" Luck said excitedly while looking at Astrid, she laugh nervously "Maybe next time haha" she looked at the distance and saw the Silver Eagle arriving.

Nozel stopped seeing Astrid with her two pieces swimsuit since her top was see through, it looks elegant and attractive for him "Was that the Astrid they reffering? she dazzling!" Solid said beside him while smiling.

As time goes by, they all ran towards the sea, Nozel wore his shirt, he doesn't want to go topless knowing that Yami was there to tease him, Astrid was with Mimosa and Noelle they building sand castle but then, Magna kicked "Damn it!" Astrid used her snow and hit Magna made him fell at the sand Luck laughed so hard same as the others then she get up and held Magna's feet and dragged him towards the sea "No! wait!" the wave hits them and Astrid smiled her clothes got wet and revealed her body.

Nozel was about to walked towards her but William noticed it and walks towards Astrid "Astrid!" he called her, she smiled "Yes Captain?" he smiled and pulled her hand towards the deeper part of the sea leaving Magna who eventually got hit by waves "Do you enjoying it so far?" she nodded "Absolutely!" he smiled and without warning he dragged her down, she was surprised but she held on his neck and did not expect he would pull her closer to him and held her waist, they swam together under, she grabbed a beautiful sea shell and when the resurface they both gasped for air "Look! hahaha" she showed him the sea shell, he smiled still holding her waist, her eyes got locked to his and find it hard to look away.

Yami can see that Nozel was being frustrated by William's presence but he can also sense that William was being protective and possesive when it comes with Astrid "He really is something" he took a sip with his sake and smiled.

William continued staring at Astrid, she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and he took it as a signal to pull her closer and brought her under the water, they kissed!

Nozel was looking around trying to look for them, Feugoleon on the other hand saw what happened but remained silent and smiled a little, Yuno was looking for Astrid but he noticed that William was nowhere to be found too so he bet that the two was together.

After awhile, Astrid and William resurface, they swim towards the shore to an isolated area she was blushing intensely and wondering of they ever did it for real!

They sat there and none of them speaks, but Astrid decided to break the silence "Uhm..." she took a deep breath, William looked at her "T-that was amazing" he took a deep breath and sigh "I'm glad you find it amazing" he smile at her and moved closer "Astrid..." she looked at him and he leaned closer, they kissed again but this time it's slow but they stopped and William stood he helped Asrid to get up "Let's go back they maybe looking for us already" she smiled at him.

Astrid sat at the blanket watching her comrades and other squads playing "Do you find it enjoyable to just seat there?" she looked up and saw Yami standing beside him "Yeah I'm a bit tired" she hugged her knees and she gasped when he put a towel over her "Your man seems like doesn't know how to take care a girl" she gasped, he sat beside her "What do you mean, Captain?" Yami smirks and took a sipped with his sake "What? are you going to play dumbed huh Miss Frosty?" she raised her eyebrow "What? that's a weird nickname!" she complained but Yami just glared at her "Vangeance, he's been with me since from our old squad" she looked in front of them "He never had confidence to take off his mask but with you seems like nothing matters" she blinked twice and smiled "Keep him that way, I think you are his comfort" he stood and walked towards the boys.

That night, Astrid wore the dress that Klaus handed to him "Woah! that's such a beautiful dress!" Noelle compliments her "Thanks! Klaus handed it to me" Mimosa gasped and covered her mouth with her hands "Are you for real!? Klaus?" she nodded but got confused "Was there something wrong with that?" she asked, Mimosa waved her hands "No! No! Don't worry! haha I just did not expect he will give someone a dress" Mimosa said while smiling.

They put a flower crown at Astrid, everyone looked over at her when they walked towards them at the bonfire but William stood and smiled at her, he offered his hand to her and she accepted it while smiling.

She sat between William and Nozel, Nozel was blushing slightly and he secretly glanced at her "Captain she looked absolutely gorgeous" Klaus whispered at William, William just smiled at him "The dress suited you well, Astrid" she smiled "Thank you Captain" William gently held her hand, her inner self was in panic but she remained calm "While the others was still out there and doing mission I want to congratulate everyone of us for being here and enjoying this three days vacation!" Fuegoleon said, everyone smiled and clapped their hands.

That night, they all had fun but Astrid gasped feeling another mana at the distance, she looked outside the cottage but she found only darkness "Captain I'm just going somewhere..." William looked at her and he knows what she will do "Not by yourself, I'll come with you" he whispered to her so no one would notice, she nodded.

When they went out, she automatically felt the breeze but to their surprise someone threw huge rocks at them but William managed to use his magic and shield them,  the others on the cottage felt it too and immediately went out "What's that?" Fuegoleon was the first one who managed to reached them "My who's is that asshole that will ruin our vacation?" Yami said in annoyance while holding his katana "It's too dark we can't see anything!" Astrid uses her magic and created a stick then William wrapped it with some vines then Fuegoleon lit it, they all gasped when a huge rock flew towards them thanked goodness to Nozel who able to use his mercury magic to shield them "It's from the sea!" Astrid runs towards the sea "Oh Gosh it's cold!" she forgotten that she's barefooted and it's high tide! but she cleared her throat and froze the sea.

They saw a huge ship at the top of the frozen waves "Intruders?" Yami asked , The ship looks old and like it's been out of the sea for hundred years.

That person behind his Mask (William Vangeance Fan Fiction story)Where stories live. Discover now