Chapter 15

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As Astrid left, she couldn't hold her tears, she was crying and decided to land over the open space close to the headquarters "Astrid!" she heard Mimosa call her and when she turned around she saw them running towards her, Mimosa hugged her tightly "We gonna miss you!" she nodded "Yeah this is so unfair! just because of that brat they decided to kick you out!" Klaus said in a disappointed tone "It's just for temporary. I'll be back soon" she wiped her tears, Yuno smiled at her "Where are you going?" he asked, she shook her head "I Don't know. Maybe at the church or somewhere else" He sighed "Even if it's for temporary it's still unfair!" she squeezed Klaus' hand gently "Take care of them while I'm away" he gasped and looked away "Of course! just take care of yourself too" she nodded and let him go then she smiled at Mimosa before she flew again.

Later that Afternoon, William became busy of the work "Captain, you haven't eat your lunch" Klaus said, William nodded "I forgot" Klaus nodded, he understand William's feeling "Even though she's not around you shouldn't forgetting yourself, Captain" William sighed "This is for her own good. That's why I agreed to it. I know Freya was a spoiled kid and might cause a big trouble if Astrid didn't go" Klaus took a deep breath "I understand Captain but still, it's unfair for Astrid's part. She's a magic knight not just a random lady" William nodded "Very strong one. If she decided not to comeback it will be a great lost for our squad" Klaus looked away "I Don't think it's a good idea to keep Lady Freya around. She's only interfering our duty as a magic knight!" William nodded "I understand. Thank you for letting me know about your opinion, Klaus" After he wrote the information he needs he stood and went to the dinning room.

Astrid arrived at a small village outside the Capital, she looked for available Inn "Hmm..." she looked around but accidentally bumped into someone "Hey! watch it!" the man frowned at her, she apologize.

She found an Inn but when she was about to check in she noticed that her purse was gone "Damn!" she cussed and picked up her things, the man who bumped at her was a pick pocket "Now where Am I going to stay!?" she picked up her things and flew again "It will take me a few days before I arrive at home if I go home" She feel frustrated, so she sat down and sighed "Hi!" she looked up and immediately salutes when she saw the Captain of Coral Peacock "Uhm..." Dorothy chuckled "What are you doing there?" Dorothy asked while smiling, Astrid looked away "I was sent away. The guest at our headquarter is uncomfortable when I'm around. And how unfortunately, my purse got stolen so now I Don't have money" Dorothy chuckled "Poor you. Come with at the headquarter. I'll take care of you!" she winked at Astrid, she smiled and seems like the gates of heaven opened for her "Thank you, Captain!" Dorothy patted her head and motioned her to follow.

They arrived at Coral Peacock headquarters "My my what such a beauty but not as beautiful as me~" she looked around and saw Kirsch Vermillion, the older brother of Mimosa and Vice Captain of Coral Peacock "Are you a new recruit? hm?" he smiled sweetly at Astrid, Dorothy smiled and clasped her hands together "Oh she will stay with us temporarily!" Astrid nodded "Yeah that's correct" Kirsch held his chin "I see, but why?" he asked, she sighed.

When the went inside, they sat at the dinning room "Uh okay..." Kirsch was nodding while listening and clearly he is not pleased "Hmm... That's crazy! Even she's a guest of whoever it is she don't have a right to interfere when it comes to magic knight. It's rude and very disrespectful" She nodded "Exactly" Kirsch shoom his head "Good thing Captain Unsworth found me" she smiled at Dorothy "Well, you can stay here. I will tell it to William-" she grabbed her hand and Dorothy gasped.

"Please Don't let him know" Kirsch smiled "Hmm is there something between the two of you?" Astrid gasped and her face turned red, Dorothy smiled "Why? if he is your boyfriend then probably he is so worried about you" she looked away "I Don't want him to know. Please....just Don't..." Kirsch and Dorothy looked on each other "Alright Okay!" She patted Astrid on the shoulder.

Meanwhile at the Golden Dawn Headquarters, William called the trio "Is there any updates in regards of the dungeon? any other informations?" he asked Yuno shook his head "No. Aside from the informations we gathered last time there's no other additional" He nodded, Klaus was a bit confused but he remained silent "I have a secret mission for the three of you" They gasped a little but ready theirselves to listen "I want you to look for Astrid" They looked on each other.

Klaus cleared his throat "I was planning the same thing sir. It's not too obvious but as their senior, I am worried about her" Klaus said, Yuno nodded "We actually planned to do it secretly in case you won't allow us to do so" Yuno said "Why would I'm going to stop you? Astrid left without saying where she was heading to. I am worried with her as her Captain" Klaus smiled a little "We will do our best to find her" William smiled at them "I know I can rely on you guys!" Yuno smiled too.

They already out and looking around the area close by "Do you really think she will settle here? I mean probably she went home" Mimosa said, Klaus fixed his glasses and cleared his throat "Then she should have told us. Honestly, I think she's just around. Let's try asking to close by Inns" Yuno agreed with Klaus and they headed towards thr closest Inn they found.

"By the way, may I know what informations you gathered to the dungeon?" Mimosa gasped and looked up at Yuno, Klaus immediately noticed it and he sharpened his gaze to the two "Don't try to hide something from me" Yuno took a deep breath "Ah it's just some ancient things inside and some Ancient books and the rest are something we can't share with anyone" Klaus took a deep breath "why?" Yuno climbed the staircase towards the Inn's entrance "Because it's too private" He stared at Yuno and Mimosa for a while then he proceeded following them inside the Inn.

They greeted the front desk officer and asked if a magic knight happened to checked in but the officer said there's no magic checked in to them.

The three continued looking for Astrid but most of the Inn refusing to let them know due to privacy.

Meanwhile, Julius felt terrible and got distracted "You know what Marx, I can't believe this is the most terrible decision I made" he sighed and leaned his back at the back rest of his chair, he looked up to the ceiling "Hmm well, I genuinely think that somehow it was right. Freya is very immature if Astrid won't go for sure she will do something that might cause trouble to magic knights" he looked at Marx "But I shouldn't decides just bases on one person's perspective. I should at least considered William and Astrid's feelings" Marx handed him some tea "Well, we can't do anything about it anymore. But if you will sent Freya home it will be absolute relief for Golden Dawn especially for Captain Vangeance" Marx gave him a small smile "You're right. Maybe I should sent her home already. By the way, Do you have any informations about the latest mission for Golden Dawn? About that mysterious dungeon" Marx cleared his throat.

"Well, based on the report that I read the inside of the dungeon was filled with ancient writings and books" Julius frowned and now he is curious about it "Tell me, did they found an ancient magic?" he asked excitedly, Marx shook his head "I'm sorry but I don't know, sir." Julius stood "Well, there is one way to know! I' be heading to Golden Dawn and will ask William if they can guide me to it" Marx gasped "What? wait I Don't think it's a good idea! also, you still have lots of paper works to finish" Julius sat back on his seat and disappointment was clearly visible to his face "Fine" he sighed and continued reading the papers that was on his table.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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