Chapter 1: Beginning

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Writer-sama: This is my first fanfic ever so please don't get mad at me :"3. Also fell free to leave a comment for ideas or what i should do for my next chapter and LET ME KNOW IF I SHOULD UPLOAD MORE!! LOVE YA AHAHAHA *LAUGHS LIKE BLACK*STAR* Okay I'll stop- ON WITH THE SHOW

Reader's POV a year later:

8:00 a.m

I was thinking about the other day when Edward and I last talked which was a week ago. As always, our conversation would start with food because we both love food. And then we would gossip about our weird best friends (Mine: Shinoa, Edward: Winry) I was so happy that we had a lot in common. Even thought he's a jerk and I'm like...heh...waayy nicer *cough* *cough*

"(Naammmeeee) are you done yet?" My best friend asked. I quickly snapped out of my daydream.

"Yeah almost" I yelled back. Hair is perfect. No spots. And no holes in my pants. " Okay I'm done" I hurried downstairs.

"Jeez (Name) you're not always taking this long. You're just going to see the Fullmetal Alchemist for your meeting. Also known as..."

No she was not


No gurl don't you even

"CULLENS JUST KIDDING HAHAHA" she was laughing hysterically.

"Omg Shinoa I hate you" I said not in a serious manner.

"HAHAHA no you don't" Shinoa replied wiping her tears. "Anyway, what do you see in that midget, he's so bratty."

I had a huge crush on Edward Elric and only Shinoa knew about it. Sometimes she would love to tease me with his name both Cullen's and Edward.

" why should I tell you, you Pansy." I don't even know what I just said.

"Well because I'm your best friend and your onee-chan [big sister]...wait change that to onee-sama" she said in a princess like voice.

I rolled my eyes. Yep. This weird from outer space or something is my very best friend. I knew her since we were 5 years old. "I'm not calling you sama you pleb."

She faked cried and I stuck my tongue out.

Then I looked at the time "OH SHOOT WE'RE LIKE AN HOUR LATE LETS GO!"

"Stop exaggerating paranoid (Name)-chan" she told me while walking out the door with me.

"Paranoid?" I questioned

"Pleb?" Shinoa tried to imitate my voice.

"Well whatever lets get to the military but car and no you are not driving." I added the last six words quickly.

Shinoa pouted like a kid. " fine then I don't want your cooking." I sighed.

We got in a car and had to wait for 30 min to get to central because we lived pretty far.

I am a state alchemist since I was 13 years old. I found myself abandoned in a alleyway until Shinoa and her brother found me in the rain. We all grew really close together until her brother died from a illness when he was in Risembool. Shinoa and I were so helpless without a elder supporting us. That's why I became a dog of the military. Also that's where I met Edward Elric. And um...he's kinda mean but he's cute and smart-

" funny, handsome, muscular-"


" Ooohhh so they were your thoughts. I'm so smart" Shinoa said happily.

We got out of the car and I was trying to clear my face from the redness.

[{(Mini time skip brought to you by SYMMETRY !!!!! Death the kid: SYMMETRY OMG WHERE?!)}]

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"Okay I'll be of now (Name)-chan" Shinoa said leaving Mustang's empty office "call me if you need anything and- *runs toward you to whisper in your ear* love advice"

"Out" I pointed to the door struggling to hide my smile. Shinoa just snickered skipping out of the office. I saw a blonde boy walk past her.

"Hey (Name) why does Shinoa look so happy?" Ed asked

"Well didn't I tell you she was not a human being" I said jokingly. Ed smiled.

"Not as much as Winry." He commented.

"Whats so weird about Winry?"

"She throws a wrench and she doesn't act like a girl"

I had no comment because i couldn't argue with the truth. "Well I don't think i act too girly I hope." I tried to defend Winry. She was really nice to me at least.

"Then that makes you weird (Name)" He grinned at me and i narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well I'm special after all" I tried saying in Shinoa's voice and Edward laughed.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" Edward asked checking his watch and I shook my head.

"Shinoa said she didn't want my cooking because I didn't want to get carsick if she drived." I sighed

"Thats because you're a terrible cook (Name)." the short blonde snickered. Yes I called him short because he called my a terrible cook.

"Whatever" I mumbled looking away

"I'm joking (Name) gosh you're so serious sometimes. How about i take you out to eat ramen with me since stupid Colonel takes forever to come." He offered.

"RAMEN? RAMEN???? I LOVE RAMEN" I grinned widely not thinking about the consequences if we get caught when Mustang arrives. Ed may be a jerk but he's really nice.

Wait, is this a date?....... Nah

"But you're paying" I said.

"I know that." He replied pouting. "It was for last time anyway."

"Then we should go to the bakery and buy some cake and sweets!" I squealed. And of course, our entire conversation was about food.

[{(At the Ramen shop)}]

Edward's POV:

"Two large bowls of beef ramen please." I asked while paying.

He gave us our ramen and (Name) and I were starring at it with watery mouths. 3 minutes later, we finished our bowl at the same time and ordered more. We gone through 10 ramen within 15 minutes and headed for the bakery.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME" A women's voice screamed

(Name) and I looked at each other and nodded. We headed for the voice and saw...


I thought I would add a cliffhanger because why not :) Hopefully this wasn't to bad and don't forget to leave a comment and maybe favourite pwetty pweese

\(O.O)/ <-- tried to make it look cute. Anyway I had fun doing this and I hope it was good enough. I PROMISE THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE FULL OF YOU AND EDWARD. Ano- sama out

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