Prologue 2

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Part 2 lets go go go!


Reader's POV:

I was dazing off until a swarm of smoke spreaded through the crowd.

'Alchemy' I thought.

"What's going on?!" a person yelled.

"I can't see anything!" screamed many people.

"(Name)! (Name)!"A voice called.

"Shinoa!" But before I could go to her direction, someone grabbed my hand and dragged me away. "Hey!" I wanted to scream but couldn't find my voice.

"Shut up if you want to be saved." the person whisper-shouted. I recognized it. He was the short blonde guy.

I followed what he told me and ended up in a alley way. There was someone waiting for us there, which was Al.

"We're really sorry that we had to force you here." Al apologized.

"No it's okay." I said. I turned to Mr. small. "Thanks for saving me."

"Whatever." He turned away.

"Bye the way, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Why should I tell you." Now he was facing me.

"What, you want me to call you little man forever?" I said teasingly

"Edward Elric." Edward immediately say.

"And I'm Alphonse Elric." Alphonse added.

Edward and Alphonse? I pointed to Edward "Oh I heard of you! You're the Fullmetal Alchemist!"

Ed smiled with pride. "Well I am pretty famous."

"So are you the youngest brother?" I asked.

That question made his smile fade. "N-no"

I looked at Al then Ed. Al then Ed.

"EEEEEHHHHHH?!" I exclaimed.

"Don't use 'EEHH' as your answer!!!" Edward yelled crying anime tears.

"Oh sorry hehe. Well I'm (f/n) (l/n)" I said. "I need to go find my friend or she'll yell at me. Thanks again." As I turned to leave, Edward grabbed my wrist.

"In exchange for helping you," he gripped me tighter, "you have to answer our questions."

"Equivalent exchange huh?" I said under my breath. Can't argue with that. I guess I'll try to tolerate a few questions.

"Please tell us how you we're able to do that during the exams." Al begged.

"Why should I tell you."

"Because its important." Edward said.

I looked at them. Edward really looked desperate but I can't really tell about Al. I noticed Ed is still holding my wrist.

"It's a skill not everyone can have." I gave in. "I can only do minor things with it which isn't much of a deal. And I don't know a lot about it."

"Also I don't want to use it much because it makes me uncomfortable." I couldn't believe I said that.

To some strangers.

Edward's POV:

"We'll help you unlock more secrets to your power." I was determined to do this.

"So are you doing research on me?" She said facing down. Shadow was covering her eyes.

"We didn't-" I tried to finish. I could feel her trembling.

Edward elric x reader - The unbreakable stringWhere stories live. Discover now