Chapter 0.5 Not a prologue

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Writer: Chapter 0.5

Reader: Seriously -.-

Writer lol yeah :3 enjoy.


Reader's POV:

Its been a week and I just received a letter about my test results. Shinoa and I planned to look at it together.

"Come on open it!" Shinoa whined impatiently.

I slowly unrolled the scroll and read in my mind.

"...Congratulations (f/n) (l/n). You passed and now considered the dog of the military!

-Furher Bradley" I read the last part aloud.

"LETS CELEBRATE WITH DESSERT!" Shinoa exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air with joy. And dropped her arms around my shoulder to give me a hug.

So we went to a bakery near central that sold our favourite sweets. We decided to order a large mango fruit tart because Shinoa said its 'traditionally' a congrats gift which it WASN'T. I bet she just wanted to pick out her favourite dessert for herself. Gosh she's so spoiled sometimes.

"(Name) can I visit Kyo-kun at the automail shop?" Shinoa begged. "Here. I'll give you the money and a little extra okay bye." And she skipped of to see her Prince Charming.

Right after I bought the stuff, I bumped into some newspaper man. Or mailman. Or milkman. Whatever.

"Sorry I didn't.... No way! It's you! The girl with strange powers!" The man exclaimed. "HEY EVERYONE! THIS IS THE GIRL WITH STRANGE POWERS." A very obnoxious man. 

Wow thanks dude, just what I needed after a peaceful week I was having. And I was caught in another annoying crowd. I was bombarded with more annoying requests that were just so ridiculous that I was just  speechless. Here are some of them:

"Can you please transmute more food for me?" Believe it or not, this person was fat.

"Can you transmute more candy miss?" A boy pleaded with a BAG of candy.

"May you please transmute my dead cat back to life?" WHAT THE FUZZ MAN!! I BLAME YOU IF I LOSE A LIMB.

Just then I had enough of this bullcrap. People are so greedy and selfish. They are so ungrateful and I hate that the most, besides men.

"SHINOA! SHINOA!" I shouted desperately. But my voice blended in with the others so I couldn't hear myself.

Someone please help me.

Shinoa's POV:

The loud noise was distracting my moments with Kyo-kun. I went outside to look for myself and saw...

"(NAME)!" I see her with a mixture of fear and worry on her face. "YOU PEOPLE STAY AWAY FROM MY BEST FRIEND!"

Well that shut them up.

I pushed through the bunch and grabbed (Name)'s hand and forced her out.

"Jeez can't you ever speak you ever speak up for yourself?" I said mercilessly.

"S-sorry." She managed to reply to my harsh words.

I sighed "Well at least you stayed loyal and brought me the mango fruit tart wanted instead of buying something else." I went back to my happy attitude.

She laughed and hugged me, body trembling.

"(Name) what's wrong?" I said worried.

"Scared.... Want to cry.... Can't." She said while trying to swallow the pain. "It just hurts."

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