Incident-4000-w part 1/5

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Ten months after incident-4000-D, SCP-4000 was re-contains, and containment procedures have been updated. All staff is advised not to fall for SCP-4000 manipulation and reality-bending abilities.

Added notes: after incident-4000-W and the trauma placed on Junior researcher Iceberg, SCP-4000 is now permanently in a medically induced coma, any attempts to wake SCP-4000 up should be placed in quarantine for 24 hours. (added on 1/16/2023)

A letter from Researcher Talloran:

My analysis of the current containment of SCP-4000 is extremely risky. He can still breach containment, hurt people, or worse. He's still talking to a disembodied voice in a small room with reality-bending abilities, but I swear to 343, I and other members of personnel keep hearing a disembodied voice. Please upgrade SCP-4000 containment, o5 council, if you're reading this! SCP-4000 CONTAINMENT IS STILL RISKY! He can still break containment. Something is going to happen! Someone is going to get hurt!

-James Talloran.

Note: After the incident 4000-w, James Talloran requested a meeting with the o5 Council:

James Talloran meeting with o5-6 [?????? ??????]:

Talloran: "Aren't you satisfied?"


Talloran: "[??????] Will I hope you're happy! More are dead! Six thousand more people are dead! And sixteen were injured, including your brother.


Talloran: "DAMMIT! [??????]! PLEASE ANSWER!"

o5-6: "What do you want me to say? It was just an unfortunate accident! An accident that MONSTER caused!"

Talloran: "Let me remind you! I warned THEM! He warned you! We all warned you! What that creature is capable of? But no! You and the other o5s didn't listen to any of us!"

o5-6: "Stay in your place young man!"

Talloran: "....."

o5-6: "Now! I'm not saying it's not like I tried to convince them to do something about 4000s containment!"

Talloran: "How about you explain that to your brother and Iceberg!"

End of log.

3 days later:

Reported casualties, injuries, damage, and cost to the jointed sites of 17 and 19:

Reported damage to the site: Scp-682 cost 5%, Scp-035 cost 3%, Scp-049 cost 2%, Scp-106 cost 12%, Scp-096 cost 15%, Scp-076 cost 14%, Scp-4000 cost 49% of the damage.

Reported injuries to D-class, staff, guards, and MTF agents: injuries to D-class were 3%, staff were 38%, guards were 56%, and MTF agents were 3%.

Reported deaths to D-class, staff, guards, and MTF agents: D-class was 12%, staff was 50%, guards were 10%, and MTF agents were 28%. Total deaths of over six thousand personnel.

Cost of damage: $12,000 for the damages and payment to staff's families who died in action.

Five months before the incident:

He can see what's in his mind, he can feel his feelings about his boss, a man forty years his senior, and he can smell him sometimes. Iceberg was a young man, with black hair, dark skin, and green eyes. He knew they left him alone.

SCP-4000: Dangerous Man (A newscapepro fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now