💜🧑‍🦲clingy day💜🧑‍🦲

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Little: Kiyoko Shimizu
CG: Ryuūnosuke Tanaka

In days like today, Kiyoko would be really shy and non verbal while little. And Tanaka was completely okay with that. He made sure that his baby girl was always comfortable when she was little anyways, and is always careful about what he says or does.

On a day like today, Kiyoko would usually want to colour in all day, or maybe watch a movie. But today was different, she didn't want to leave Tanaka alone. This was very worrying for the caregiver, he didn't want to pressure her into telling him what was wrong. She might not feel safe around him anymore.

"Apa!" Kiyoko screamed not knowing where her caregiver was. She was playing with her toys while Tanaka was supervising her.

"Apa apa!" She began to cry thinking that her papa left her. "...apa..."

Suddenly, Tanaka ran into the room and looked around. "Kiyo!? What happened!? Are you hurt!?" He ran over and checked to see if his little was injured

"Apa! Apa back!" She hugged his leg and smiled. "Apa went missing!"

Tanaka just sighed and held her head. "Baby Girl you are worrying me darling. Why are you so clingy my love?" He rubs his thumb through Kiyoko's hair.

"...jus wan apa..."

Tanaka gave her a warm smile and picked her up
"Well how can I ignore you if you look so adorable!" He smothered her in kisses and sat on the couch

"Apa! Her peas!" She said bouncing on his lap pointing to her hair.

"You want me to do your hair?"

Kiyoko nodded, smiled and clapped. "Apa smort!"

Tanaka smiled and told Kiyoko to sit on the floor so he could platt her hair.

~Twenty Minutes later~

"All done my angel!" Tanaka said patting Kiyoko's shoulder

Tanaka has put two Dutch platts into his littles hair making Kiyoko scream with happiness.

"TANK OU APA!" Scream the little. She jumped onto his lap and squeeze hugged her papa

"I lub ou!"

Tanaka smiled and kissed Kiyoko's cheek

"I love you too my Angel"

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