Chapter 5 - The Dog

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"Run!" Ember panted, her fur slick with rain, she pelted past him.

Fisher glanced up, peering through the harsh rain, he ran after her. "What?!" He yowled, bewildered.

"Dog!" Ember panted, as Fisher  raced after her.

"Where?  Are you okay?" Fisher gasped, still running.

Ember didn't answer, instead she just ran faster.

They had been resting for their journey when the ran began to fall. Fisher had thought that was unfortunate, he spoke too soon.

The distant sound of a dog barking soon burst into the air. Soon it became an ear piercing howl, blocking out the hiss of the rain.

Fisher turned his head, gasping as the giant dog's teeth snapped at his tail. The white hound bit into his tail, tearing away at the fur. He let out a screech of pain. He took a quick glance and felt relieved to still see a tail.

"Fisher!" Ember cried, stumbling to a halt.

Fisher fully turned, ranking his claws against the dog's nose.  As he did so, the mutt let out a sharp angry snarl.  It snapped at Fisher,  only barely missing his soaked paw. Fisher scrambled to his paws, and raced to Ember,  who was waiting in shock. As Fisher got closer, his injured hind paw buckled and he slammed into the hard ground.  The dog pounced.

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