Chapter 14 - Same Old

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The group had been awake and traveling for hours now, still wary after the incident with the twolegs. They didn't like being so close to monsters and twolegs but they had no choice, as this area seemed to only be that. They had gotten close to a few twolegs who did their best to touch them, but after a quick hiss and quickening the pace, they backed off.

"It's me," Swift meowed suddenly, bouncing up to Ember and Fisher, who were in the lead. "Them nofurs just can't deny my cuteness! So they gotta come over here to see us. Getting a closer look of me!" He boasted, purring.

"Oh I believe it," Ember purred. "You are certainly the cutest kitten that I've ever seen!"

Fisher nodded, nudging Swift gently with his shoulder. "You better tone down the adorable factor then, so we don't have to deal with them too much."

"Oh, well I don't know, I don't think I can control it! I'm just that cute!" Swift waved his tail happily, and bounded forward.

"I can't believe he has so much energy, even after all of this. It seems that all we've been doing these past few days is walking, running from danger, and then walking some more." Fisher grumbled, envious of the younger cat.

"Don't forget the swimming." Muttered Tooth from behind.

"Oh yeah, can't forget that nightmare." Fisher let out an amused purr. "That was definitely something I don't plan on reliving anytime soon."

"If we gotta swim again, I'm going back home." Tooth scoffed. "Unless someone wants to carry me on my back." He joked.

Ember let out a piteous cry. "No! Tooth you can't leave us, you're a part of the group now!" She let out a purr. "You're staying, and that's that."

Tooth let out a grunt. "Alright, fine. You'll just be the one to carry me."

Fisher listened silently, enjoying their joking and bickering. He couldn't believe how much they meant to him already. They had been together for a short time but he couldn't ever imagine going through this journey by himself. It couldn't have happened, he was sure he would have given up after a day of hardship. But when he had his friends, suddenly those difficult times were worth it, so that he could get through it with them.

He was overjoyed as he began thinking about what would happen once they found his housefolk. He was going to be able to let his housefolk meet Ember, and Swift, and even grouchy Tooth! It would be amazing. He let out a purr, and glanced over at his friends. "You know, my housefolk is going to love you guys! I can't wait for him to meet you all. Oh! I can show you guys my spot in the kitchen. It's rather cold at night but during the day when the sun is out it feels absolutely wonderful, you'll see!" He meowed eagerly, sharing his excitement.

"Yeah!" Swift crowed. "It's gonna be great!"

Ember stayed silent, as well as Tooth. It took Fisher a moment to remember why. He realized that they wouldn't be going to his housefolk's home, why would they? They all have their own homes. He didn't even know where his home was compared to theirs, what if they lived days away? What if he never saw them again? His eagerness slowly ebbed away, and his tail drooped.

They walked on quietly, even Swift caught on the sudden mood change and stayed silent. As they padded on, Fisher continued to think about the future. He wasn't so sure which would make him happier, finding his housefolk and going back home, or if he decided to stay with his friends. He was sure Ember's housefolk would take him in, she was so nice to him before.

Ember seemed to catch Fisher's glances, and she pushed against him comfortingly. "We'll figure it out." She whispered.

Fisher let her words soothe him and he walked on with his friends. Suddenly it wasn't just walking, running, even swimming, it was soaking up every single moment he could with his friends, just in case they happen to be all that they get.

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