Chapter 11 - Relief

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The cats looked around them tiredly. They had just made it across the water and now had to face what was on the other side. It seemed it was a thin line of trees dividing the water from whatever else there seemed to be. Fisher listened as the water's splashing was overridden with the noise of-

"Monsters!" Ember gasped, peering through the trees.

"Monsters? Those are cars." Tooth narrowed his eyes, staring at the large creatures.

"Cars? Those things eat twolegs! Look!" Swift flicked his tail towards one close to them. The car had two housefolk in it, and while it seemed they were eaten, they stared ahead calmly.

Housefolk could be crazy, Fisher thought to himself. He didn't understand how so many monsters could be around but there still remained twolegs, as if they didn't even realize they were prey.

"Those things are always around them no-furs. I ain't ever liked them, but the cars never hurt me none." Tooth stood to his feet and let his legs splay out in a stretch. "Anyways, I'm exhausted. Why don't we sleep here for a bit?" He pointed to the trees with his tail. "That way we can recover from all that swimming."

Ember nodded. "Good idea, as long as the monsters stay away."

Tooth grunted amusingly. "They won't bother us, come on now, lay down and let's sleep."

Fisher padded over to the trees with his group and flopped over in relief. A nice rest would help them gain more energy, maybe they'd even be able to find his housefolk within the next few days! How big could this place be anyways?

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