Chapter 9 - The Journey Continues

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"Can we stop now?" Swift complained from behind.

"Shh, we're trying to find somewhere with prey. We're all hungry, and tired." Ember soothed the kitten.

"We might go hungry tonight." Tooth remarked, sniffing the stuffy air.

Fisher nodded in agreement. They were surrounded by grass, the trees scarce. They had left the housefolk area and were in the wild. They had been searching for what seemed a moon, but no cat could pick up any scent of prey.

"If only we brought along King!" Tooth joked. "He would have found something to eat by now."

Fisher rolled his eyes. "Yeah, us."

Ember snorted from behind.

They carried on at a sluggish pace, tiredly putting one paw in front of the other. It wasn't long when Swift flopped onto his side, panting.

"I'm done." He declared.

Ember halted, and picked up the kitten by his scruff. "Well we're not. I'll carry you, but only because you're still small. Get any bigger, and you'll have to walk!"

Fisher watched as the she-cat carried the heap of fur. She padded up next to him, and gazed out in front of them.

They walked through the grass, and soon their paws were covered in mud. The noise of splashing water filled Fisher's ears.

Tooth let out a wail of despair. "Now what?"

Fisher stopped, and looked out at the large body of water in front of them. "Well, I'm done." He groaned, repeating Swift's words.


Fisher lifted his head slowly, forgetting where he was. It took him a moment to remember the journey he had began. He wasn't ready to get up, it felt as if he just laid down. The group of cats had walked back, away from the water, and found a small dip in the ground that they all bundled into and slept.

"Fisher? Are you up?"

Fisher let out a grunt. "No." He meowed.

"Come on, we have to try and find a way to get away from this water! There is no prey around here. Swift is very hungry." Ember nudged his shoulder, letting out a purr. "We're all waiting for you."

Fisher sighed. "Alright, alright. I'm up. Let's backtrack, I suppose. Maybe try going around the water?" He suggested, yawning.

Ember shook her head. "Tooth went out early this morning, looking for prey, and a way to go, and found neither. The water doesn't seem to end."

Fisher listened in silence. What were they going to do? Why did the world seem to be so determined to keep him and his housefolk apart?

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