Chapter 6 - Missing

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"Get off him! " Ember screeched, racing to the dog. She rammed into the mutts side, both crashing to the ground.

Fisher felt the world spin, causing him to be sick. He laid weakly on the ground,  unable to dob anything but listen to the snarls and yowls behind him.

"Fisher wake up! " Ember yowled behind him. "Help! "

Fisher lifted his head, his senses dull. "Run." He croaked, before a black wave crashed over his vision.


"Arrgh...." Fisher shakily pushed himself to his paws. He glanced around slowly. It was silent. He was on the cold hard ground, and his fur was wet and matted. Slowly, his memory returned. "Ember?" He called out hoarsely. He winced as his voice caused pain in his throat, and he felt his paw ache. "Where are you?" He called out roughly.

No response.

"Ember?" He called again, panicking.


Ember was missing.

**Hey,  Sorry for short chapter but yah know. My phone is stupid.  Hope you enjoyed!!! **

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