Chapter 13 - Reunited

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Fisher closed his eyes and let out a sigh. The twolegs were gone, yes, but now he was alone without his group. He knew which direction they went in, but how would be know how far they went? He just hoped he could track their scent. He hadn't done it before but he was sure he could figure it out.

He got to his paws and climbed out of the thorny but protective bush. He glanced down at his pelt and grumbled to himself about the many pokes in his skin thanks to the thorns. "At least they kept the twolegs out." He told himself, trying to find the bright side. He was glad that his group got out safely though, they couldn't have known if those twolegs were eager to help or to harm them. Fisher realized that this would be his mindset from now on. He used to enjoy being around his housefolk and the twolegs, he didn't realize the trust he had unknowingly put into their hands. He was glad for those years, but he knew he would never return to them. Once he found his housefolk, he wouldn't let anyone other than him around. "It's for the best," He meowed to himself. "Okay, time to think. They went this way..." He lowered his nose to the ground and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the musky dirt, the fading twolegs smell.. and... "Ember!" He caught her scent, and tumbled after it, not knowing how long it would stay before it left him alone without his friends.

"Ember!" Fisher yowled, hoping she was close enough to hear. "Tooth! Swift!" He continued on, nose to the ground, thankful that her scent was strong. It smelled of fear, whether for herself or for him when he raced towards the twolegs. He couldn't wait to show her that he was okay, and to see the same for his friends. He knew they would be okay, all of the twolegs had followed him, his plan worked, there couldn't have been any mistakes. The world couldn't do that to him, he couldn't lose anybody else in his life, he just couldn't. With that surging through him, he sprinted forward in determination, easily tracking his friends scent. He ran quickly, eager to see them. It felt like he'd find them any moment! They couldn't have gone too far, maybe they'd be right up ahead, maybe-


Fisher tumbled over in surprise. He had found them! He got to his paws and glanced behind him excitedly. Tooth was now on the ground, thanks to Fisher knocking right into him. "Oh I'm so glad you're okay!" Fisher gave the elder a swift lick, knowing it would upset him but he didn't care. "I knew you guys would be okay, you had to be."

"Of course we are!"

Fisher turned to see Ember padded up to him quickly. "We were the ones who had to worry! You were gone for so long! I wanted to come and look for you but Tooth said I should stay in case you were already on your way back."

"And I was right, wasn't I?" Tooth grumbled, pawing at his face where Fisher licked him. "No need to slobber on me for it though." He growled, though his eyes danced with amusement.

"Man! You were so fast Fisher!" Swift bounced up to him and looked up in excitement. "I wasn't scared at all! Ember grabbed me but I bet I could have outran them too! You guys know I'm fast, right? I told you how I can outrun King, right?!"

Fisher purred in amusement. "Oh yes, you've told us many times. But I think it would have caused Ember some terror if she saw you running towards those twolegs, I think we would all be worried!"

Ember scoffed. "Yeah, I would think so!" She rolled her eyes, but rubbed up against Fisher and Swift, letting out a loud purr. "I'm just glad you are okay Fisher, I thought we would have lost you for a while there. What would have happened if they grabbed you?"

Fisher shrugged, hoping he hadn't caused too much stress for Ember. "I knew I could outrun them, no worries. I had to make sure they didn't go after you guys." He glanced at Tooth, thinking to himself about how he had been worried Tooth wouldn't have been able to get away fast enough.

Tooth saw him looking and let out a huff. "Well now, don't even say it! I was just fine by myself, I did just fine gettin' away from them nofurs. I ain't that old!" He stalked away a few feet and sat down, curling his tail over his paws in annoyance.

Fisher purred, and made his way towards Tooth, with Ember and Swift following. "I knew you'd be fine." Fisher told him, flicking him with his tail. "But I couldn't help worry for all of you."

Together the four cats crouched together, thinking about what had just happened, and they stayed like that until they fell alseep, still pushed up against one another.

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