Chapter 10 - Soaked

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"You're crazy!"

"I'm not crazy, Tooth. It's the only way." Fisher rolled his eyes, looking at the grouchy old cat. "How else are we supposed to get around the water?"

"You have a better chance of me sprouting wings and flying over it, than to get in that wet stuff and swim across!" Tooth grunted, casting a glance at the water again. "Ain't no way I'm getting my paws wet."

Ember padded closer to Fisher, rubbing her pelt against his reassuringly. "It doesn't sound like the most fun solution, but it seems to be the only one. I think we can do it. We can pair up, I'll take Swift and Fisher, you can go with Tooth. That way we can make sure we all make it across."

Fisher sighed. "Yeah, what if our partner doesn't want to participate?" He shot a glare at Tooth. "At least if you sprouted wings we could get across this without anymore of your complaining."

Tooth let out a growl. "I'll give you more than some complaining you runt, don't be smart with me." He stalked off angrily.

"Well now, Tooth get back here!" Ember scrambled to her paws and chased down the elder. "You've been a big help getting us past this twoleg place, and without you we wouldn't have found each other after King got us. Please stay, we need you." She let out a purr and flicked her tail at Tooth, guiding him back to the group.

"Oh whatever. I ain't happy about this. You're lucky we made it this far, I don't feel like coming all this way for nothing." He padded over to Fisher, still glaring.

Fisher grumbled to himself quietly. He just wanted to get to his housefolk, why was this all becoming so hard? What if he didn't even find his owner, then what? The thought scared him too much to answer.

Swift bounced up to Ember, distracting Fisher. "Okay! So I'm not sure how this is going to work, since I can't swim! But we can try and get across, I trust you Ember!"

Ember purred, picking the kitten up by his scruff and twisting around to place him on her back. "I've got you Swift, just hang on tight, okay? If you have to swim, kick your legs and make sure you hold your breath when you're underwater." She padded up the the large bank of water, and took a deep breath. She slowly walked into the wetness and grimaced. "It's quite cold." She muttered.

Fisher watched anxiously as she began swimming across, kicking her legs determinedly. Swift clung to her, his tail fluffed and sticking straight out. Fisher turned to Tooth, who watched in disgust as half of the group became drenched in the water. "Great." He growled. Fisher felt a drop of remorse suddenly, he realized this old cat was an elder after all, he must be worried if he could keep up the strength to make it all the way across.

Tooth stalked up to the water and looked across. "We got a long way to go," He remarked. "I can barely see the side."

Fisher nodded anxiously. "But it's okay, we will make it across together." He tried to say encouragingly. "Look at Ember, she's doing fine!" He watched as she continued to make her way across the body of water, and let out a purr. "She's a strong cat." He whispered.

"Sure is." Tooth sighed. He shook his pelt and let out a determined growl. "Let's do this.. I guess."

With that, they both plunged in, staying close together with their tails twirled around each other to stay close.

Fisher gasped as the cold hit him, and he shook the water out of his ears. He had to do this, he had to find his housefolk again. If that meant getting soaked and cold, he would do it. He was sure his housefolk would do the same for him.

Fisher's teeth chattered as he swam, kicking his legs through the icy water and holding his nose above. He glanced at Tooth, who seemed as if he regretted ever coming, but they both continued on.

Ember was directly ahead, Swift still on her back. She called out to Fisher worriedly. "Are you guys okay?"

Tooth let out a loud grunt, but didn't respond. "We're okay! Just behind you!" Fisher yowled, and tried to speed up.

The group continued swimming, all silent in what could have been tiredness, fear, or both. It seemed like hours before they had made their way across. When the shore finally appeared, each of them gained a boost of energy as they swam. It was midday when they hit land.

Ember clambered onto the dirt and collapsed, breathing heavily. Swift let go of her back and sat next to her, staring wide eyed around him. Fisher let out a sign of relief as he and Tooth reached land as well and climbed out. Their pelts were fully soaked and it felt as if they had never known what warmth felt like.

"Well," Tooth breathed. "We made it."

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