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again i seriously don't know what i am doing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯..


Namjoon pov:

I was woken up by someone knocking on my rooms door nd that's when I realised i slept here only and now my muscles is aching.. i groaned getting up from the floor stretching myself and opened the door revealing jimin and jungkook.

"Namjoon hyung.. come downstairs for breakfast" jungkook said as soon as I opened the door.

"Namjoon hyung.. you look horrible" jimin said to me.." huh?" " yes hyung looks like you didn't slept last night" jungkook said. I sighed "I'll come after taking a shower you guys go" i said before closing the door.

Authors pov:

Everyone was having breakfast except for namjoon, yn and aksh.. aksh and yn were on the way to their home (for now somya's home)..

Namjoon came downstairs a little late some were finished having their breakfast and some were still eating.. he went towards the table and sat quietly and served himself and started eating slowly..

Other members were kinda worried seeing namjoon like this well they all 'members and somya' know the reason behind this.

After having breakfast somya went to clean the kitchen whereas the boys were sitting in the living room except for namjoon he was sitting in the garden admiring the nature and thinking about yn.

He started weeping without him knowing.. he kept his hands on his face suppressing his cries he didn't want others to worry about him..

Soon namjoon felt someones hand on his shoulder and he immediately wiped his tears before looking at that person..

"It'll be fine namjoonah.. don't worry she will soon regain her memories and her feelings" somya said sitting next to namjoon who looked confused after hearing somya's last words.

"Ik you must be thinking what feelings" somya again said looking at namjoon.

"Well let me tell you a secret" "what is it?" Namjoon asked..

"Well you are supposed to keep it a secret.. then only I'll tell you" somya said
"Ok ok.. now what is it?" Namjoon said

"Well on my sangeet night yn told me she has feelings for someone.. " somya said.. "w-who" he couldn't utter more words.

"Well she didn't confessed to him nor did that person confessed to her.. such cowards right?" Somya said namjoon couldn't form words.

"Who is that person?" Namjoon asked in a low voice.. "well are you sure you can handle that" "yes.. just tell me his name" namjoon said

"Namjoon shi" somya said "yes" namjoon looked at her confused.. "his name is namjoon" "w-what?" Namjoon asked

"Yes namjoonshi.. it's you " somya said looking at him.. unknowingly tears welled up in his eyes and he looked away

'Well she doesn't remember it now.. she doesn't remember that s-she l-loved me.. so it's of no use now' namjoon said to himself still not believing somya's words

"Don't worry namjoonah she will surely remember everything soon" hobi said sitting beside somya "from how long you are listening to us" somya said "well not long tho" " well let me tell you mr it's a bad habit" somya said.. "oh it it" hobi said keeping his head on her shoulder.

"Ig I'll leave guys" namjoon said getting up.. "where are you going Namjoonah" hobi asked looking up at him..

"Nowhere I'll just take a walk.. it's too much for my mind" namjoon said quietly and left..

On the other hand yn was also discharged from the hospital and was in the car along with aksh.. while aksh was driving them to somya's house..

Yn's pov:

I was feeling good except for an empty feeling inside me.. it was like i am missing something.. like a part of me felt totally empty but I didn't knew what was that.. maybe it's because of my memory loss i assured myself and kept looking outside from the window..

Soon we reached at home and I stepped outside the car nd went inside nd was soon welcomed by a tight hug.. i reciprocate the hug by tightly wrapping my arms around that person

"Yaah somya..i can't breathe" i said petting somya's back nd she let go of the hug.. "yk i missed you so much" somya said.. "oh really i don't think so"i said with a smile nd went inside greeting somya's mom nd hobi.

"Well ynshi they all are my best friend more like my brother" hobi said "he is jin hyung the eldest among us, yoongi hyung second eldest nd namjoon? Ah he is outside I'll introduce him later. Nd he is jimin, taehyung and jungkook our maknae line means youngest" hobi said introducing everyone.

"Hie I'm yn.." i said nd smiled at them.

'Well namjoon name kinda felt fimiliar' i thought to myself.

Then we all sat down in the living room and aksh bhai was talking to someone on the phone..

"Yes babe.. I'm fine it's just i was busy with something... i didn't forgot you how can I.. " aksh bhai said to someone on the phone.. well me and somya both heard him talking on the phone and we looked at eachother and smiled wierdly.

As soon as he hunged up we went towards him.. "so aksh bhai" somya started sitting on his left while I sat on the right side..

"Yes my lovely sisters" aksh bhai replied
"Don't you think you should also find us a bhabhi right somya" i said.. " we'll see about that yn I'm not interested in any relationship" aksh bhai said looking everywhere except us

"Oh so who was that babe on your call" somya said "w-what .. yk it's not good to evesdrop someone's conversation.." aksh bhai said..

"Oh so you aren't going to tell us that you went on your business trip and found someone and didn't thought to inform us" we said emotionally blackmailing him

"It's not like that" aksh bhai said" but still you found someone right" somya said

"Ah yes.." aksh bhai said akwardly.. "so you didn't told mamma papa?" Yn asked.. " um not yet." "yeyy.. then I'll call them rn I'll inform them" yn said getting up from the couch.

"NO yn don't..not now" aksh bhai said also getting up.. "but I'll" i said running towards my phone taking it and then running somewhere in the house while laughing whereas aksh bhai was still chasing me.

I was running towards the garden while laughing and I was soon bumped into someone and fell on the ground with someone on the top of me nd his hands were behind my head preventing it from getting hurt..

'He looks VERY fimiliar' 'nd my heart why it is beating so fast'..


Idk if it was good or not but anyways.. so buie guyss will meet in the next part..

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