Makeshift Paradise (1): The Beginning

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It was just an ordinary day for Peter. Until he woke up in a completely abandoned New York. Confused, he looked at his surroundings, wondering what this was all about. It certainly wasn't an elaborate prank, as it would be impossible to empty the entire city of New York like that. Maybe he had been drugged, and transported to a fake reproduction of the city? That was plausible, but very unrealistic. Maybe it was a dream? As he kicked a nearby wall with all his strength, he realized it wasn't.

Confused by all that was happening, he continued to explore the city, and went to a nearby mall. Malls. Probably the best source of food and materials there could ever exist on earth. The best symbol of American capitalism. As he thought about that, he wandered around, trying to find some food. He soon realized everything looked like if it had been left abandoned for 10 years. The vegetables and fresh food had rotten, and he resorted to eating canned ravioli in order to survive. He purified some water by boiling it and put it in several water bottles.

While he was still in the normal world, he never would have thought that he'd ever have to face a situation like this. He saw many disaster movies but did not even think that this kind of world could ever exist. As he continued to gather useful stuff, like knives and guns, to maybe hunt small animals; and some less useful stuff, like books and videogame consoles, he wandered around the city for a bit. When he got back, he noticed a small figure at the center of the mall. It was a man, awkwardly standing there.

"Another person! Do you know what that place is?" Peter asked, almost crying out tears of joy, seeing he wasn't the only human in this world.
"I'm, uh, unsure as of right now, but everything seems completely abandoned. I've been inhabiting the Tech Center." The figure explained, before smiling. "I'm Teinejī! Pleasure to meet you."

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