An Unexpected Development (2): Six of Diamonds (2)

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Teddy was shocked. "What the fuck, man!" He demanded as Teineji fell onto the ground. "You killed him!" "He shouldn't have yelled at me, then!" Jake yelled, his eyes wild as he turned his pistol onto Teddy. Before he could act, though, a laser fell from the sky, and shot the gun out of his hands.

Jake backed up, his eyes wide, as the now useless gun fell onto the floor. Deflating slightly, he turned back to the table, glancing at Teineji's body. "Round 2. Minimum required amount: $55." The speakers droned. Everyone was silent as they chose their card, and before they knew it, the speakers were back. "This round's card: the Five of Clubs." Everyone exhaled in relief. "Player Teddy, betting 15$ correctly that the card would be odd, now obtains 15x2, with a total of 130. Player Jake, betting 20x2 correctly that the card would be odd, now obtains 20x2, with a current total of $140. Player Xavier, betting 15$ correctly that the card would be a clubs, obtains 15x4, with a current total of $160." "Old habits die hard, I keep thinking we have to conserve our money." Xavier sighed. "And besides, we can probably relax for a bit: the
minimum value is increasing really slowly." And with that, they all turned back to their cards.

The rounds went on and on. After about 10 additional rounds, the minimum value finally passed 100. While Teddy and the other players had a stockpile of virtual dollars by this point, the monetary value began to increase faster, to the point where they were starting to struggle to keep up. Of course, Teineji, with his jackpot on round 1, would've been fine if not for the bullet hole in his chest.

"Round 29. Minimum value: $310." The speakers droned.
By now, players were forced to refer to the flatscreen TV that displayed all of their points to remember how many they had:

-Teddy: $420
-Jake: $390
-Xavier: $330
-Teineji: $1000

The round was tense, as everyone tried to decide what their best option was. "If I simply go with odds or evens, I have a 50/50 shot." Teddy mused. "But even though it's practically guaranteed to earn me money, it's actually better to take the larger risks now, while you still have time to earn as much as you can, and if that fails, to go for the safer option. Teineji really was smart..." Teddy tried not to think about the man, who had seemed friendly and was now bleeding out on the floor, as he selected his choice: the Three of Hearts.

Once everyone had selected their card, the speakers announced the results yet again. "The card was the Nine of Diamonds." "Shit!" Jake yelled, banging his part of the table. "What card did you pick?" Teddy said, slightly amused. "Ace of Spades." Jake said, disgruntled. "Again?" Xavier said. "Hey, there's a one in 52 chance of it! All I have to do is keep betting, and when I win once, I win the game!" Jake protested. Just then, the speakers returned. "No players win any money, as Player Teddy incorrectly said the card would be a Three, player Xavier incorrectly said the card would be even, and player Jake incorrectly said the card would be the Ace of Spades.
Round 30. Minimum value: $330."

"Shit." Jake said. "It went up again..." Teddy cursed. Xavier, meanwhile, was panicking. "No, no, no... if I don't win this round, I'm dead..." he said nervously. "Well...hopefully we get lucky." Teddy said, stretching. "Good luck!" Jake, of course, didn't hesitate to pick the Ace of Spades again, and Xavier simply seemed to pick a random card before burying his face in his hands. Teddy, meanwhile, kept thinking. "Well, there's more Clubs cards left than any other suit, so it's most likely that it's one of them." Teddy thought, tapping his foot on the ground. "And while all the figure cards are left, there's still 7 Clubs cards in total, so it's slightly more likely that it'll be one of the numbered cards." With that, Teddy selected the Three of Clubs, and chose suit, deciding to play it safer than usual. "Round complete." The speaker said blandly. "What did you pick?" Teddy questioned Xavier. "F...four of spades..." he muttered. And then, the speakers returned.

"This round's card... the Three of Hearts."

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