A Burning Passion (4): Blazing Storm

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June walked around, looking around at the mess in her room. Melody meowed on the sofa, demanding attention. June picked her up and rubbed her head, calming Melody down and causing him to purr contentedly. June smiled despite herself as she set Melody down and looked around at her room again. She'd never really been able to clean it up. Now, she wouldn't get the chance to.

Everywhere she went, music was never far behind. It was like the universe had joined Sarina in tormenting June, taunting her by exposing her to it at every turn. Even her cat was named Melody, although that was more her fault than anything else. She'd named him back when June had loved music. Back before the bullies, Sarina especially, had bullied her about it so relentlessly that she could never love it the same again.

Was life even worth living, now that she'd been forced away so completely from something she used to love?

June sighed and collapsed on the couch, Melody leaping on and cuddling close to her, giving her a questioning look. June felt guilty; she'd be leaving him behind too. "I wish I could just travel away from here, to some foreign country..." she sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

June hugged Melody a little closer, thinking about what to write to her friends.

It wouldn't be long before the time came.


Seven of Hearts
    Rounds: 5/6           
Alive Players: 4/6

"Oh my god!" Teineji yelled, running to June. "Charlie, you asshole!" Without responding, Charlie charged at him with the fire extinguisher. Teineji quickly rolled out of the way as the fire extinguisher slammed into a door. "3 minutes left." The speaker droned. Teineji cursed and brought out his homemade flamethrower from the Five of Spades, and attempted to blast Charlie with it. However, he missed, and Charlie ducked under the flames.

"GOODNIGHT, BITCH!" Charlie laughed madly as he swung the extinguisher against Teineji's head, knocking him into a wall. However, Teineji managed to grab June's unconscious body and throw it out of the way into room 608 just before impact. As Room 608 closed and locked, Teineji stood up, his head spinning. "Fuck...how am I supposed to stop this psycho?" He thought to himself. Then, he saw his lighter, which had been attached to the flamethrower, and tried to grab it. But then, Charlie lunged at him with a knife. While the smoke made him miss, it grazed Teineji's arm, causing him to drop the lighter. "Shit." Teineji muttered, backing up.

However, Teineji then noticed an opening where he could make a break for room 601, one of the two unoccupied safe rooms. Teineji ducked under Charlie's punch before running into the room, which quickly locked behind him. "Charlie, I know we're enemies, but go to room 610! It's a safe room!" Teineji called to Charlie through the door. There was silence for a few seconds, then Charlie called back from across the hall, "Tei...I hope you die." With those words, the hallway and the unsafe rooms burst into flame. As the fires burned, Teineji saw smoke coming from the wall. "What? Did Charlie throw alcohol on my door?" Teineji said, panicked. He refilled the water gun portion of his flamethrower by replacing the chemically treated water with normal water from his water bottle, and began shooting at the flames to make them disappear. Eventually, the fire on the door went out as the doors all unlocked.

Teineji cautiously stepped out of his room, realizing that the room he had heard Charlie from was Room 605: a room not shown as safe on his tablet. As his shock, sadness, and relief fought to become his dominant emotion, Teineji noticed June running up to him. "Teineji! Are you alright?" June asked. "I'm fine. Charlie isn't, though." Teineji replied. "Oh...what happened?" June questioned. "He ran into room 605." Teineji said sadly. June's face froze. "Room...605?" She said shakily. "Yeah...why?" Teineji asked cautiously. June pointed towards the cracked screen beside the room, and Teineji turned to look at it. Then, he gasped. The smudge was gone.

Alice in Borderland: New YorkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang