A Burning Passion

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"So what did you call me out here for?" Teddy said curiously, taking his helmet off. The breeze felt great, and the wind gently ruffled Teddy's hair as he looked at Jake. "I don't really know." Jake admitted, looking out at the river reflecting the stars. "I just wanted to go somewhere with you." "Well, seeing how the world is pretty empty...that's pretty convenient for us, huh?" Teddy said, smiling. "Yeah, you're right." Jake answered.
The two of them started at the rippling water for a few seconds, neither of them saying anything.

"This is kind of out of the blue but...do you think we'll go back?" Teddy asked Jake, breaking the silence. "You mean...back to our previous lives?" Jake questioned. "Yeah." Teddy explained. "Back to the real world."
Jake thought about it. "Well...I don't know, to be honest." He admitted. "Somehow... it's not really a problem. I've gotten kind of used to this world. Even with the death games, when you don't have to play them, this world is kinda...comforting."

"This world was hell. All the games, all the death...my friends died in front of me." The man thought to himself, running up the stairs as quickly as he could. It was so hot...just how quickly was the fire spreading? The man next to him leaned on the railing, but leaned too far over and fell, screaming. If the fall didn't kill him, the massive blaze forcing the players upwards would.
He tried to continue running up, but he suddenly fell down on his knees. The ground felt warm and fires were breaking out all over the staircase; the fire would reach this floor soon. He needed to move. He had to!

But...his legs weren't moving.
Was this it? Was this really how he would die? He didn't even know if his friends were still alive. One had left to play a game and never returned. One committed suicide. The others played this game with him. He knew in his heart...they were all already dead. He was the last survivor. Slowly, he sat down, accepting his fate.

"Yes, this world is hell. At least...it'll be over soon."

The fire roared upwards, devouring everything in its path. Staircases, furniture, people. The entire building was aflame. Burning, unrecognizable corpses littered the stairwell in various states of agony as the speakers crackled to life, with 2 simple words:


"When I don't play them?" Teddy said, tilting his head. Amused, he went on. "Jake, I'll let you know that I do enjoy these games. But...I admit I probably went overboard with the last one. Sorry I made you worry."

"No, it's fine, we're just lucky Peter was there." Jake said quickly. "And I see what you mean when you say you like to play them. When it's not a Hearts game, the adrenaline you feel, it's not like before, where you had to find a reason to live. Here, you just live purely for the sake of living, and for others too."
He sighed, his eyes becoming sad. "It's just...that 1 in 4 chance of a Hearts game appearing. From what I've gathered, the venues for a Hearts game can be anything. You never know when a game will be one of those cruel games. That's what I dislike. That's why I believe we should enjoy ourselves for these next two weeks. Before we have to risk ourselves again."

Teddy sighed. "You're not the only one who doesn't like hearts games. To be honest Jake...I really hated the heart game we played. When we first met in the casino, I felt like I was ready to betray everyone and win by myself. But when you decided to save me at the end... my heart lifted.

In the real world I had friends, but all I did was give and all they did was take. I was too kind...
But when you gave me a chance to live, my eyes just lit up.

I feel really close to you, Jake. That's why when I had to hurt you in that game...I was terrified. The worst part was, I didn't even know if you'd come back to life. I felt...lonely."

The woman clutched the stick to her chest, shivering. "In the end...we're all alone in this world..." she thought to herself, despairingly looking to the central fire as she shivered.

By this point, the others had given up trying to force the sticks out of each other's hands. They were huddled as close to the dying fire as possible, trying to grab whatever warmth was left. "I just...can't sacrifice myself for these people. I don't think any of them deserve life any more than I do..."

Yet she was not alone in that sentiment, and she knew it. All the players thought that as they glared at each other with the last of their strength. Their fingers turned blue, their breathing slowed, and they ultimately fell to the ground, as dead as the cold fireplace that was their only hope. Yet even in death, they clutched their logs despairingly, refusing to let go under any circumstances. They hadn't died from the external cold of this Clubs game...they died from the cold in their own hearts.

They died together, and yet they died alone.

"You don't have to be alone anymore, Teddy." Jake said quietly. "The truth is...my life before this world wasn't all that great, either. But now, even though this world is scary and completely insane...I can still enjoy it, enjoy myself, because of you, Teddy."

Teddy was too surprised to respond, so Jake slowly continued, stammering. "You're...you're more precious than anyone I've ever met before. When you almost died yesterday...I was so scared, you can't even imagine." Jake slowly reached in and hugged Teddy. "Meeting you...w-was the best thing that ever happened to me. You're not just a friend to me, Teddy. I love you."

"JAKE!" Teddy said, shocked. He felt himself slowly tearing up, unable to control his tears as he hugged Jake back. "I hope this isn't going to ruin our friendship." Jake said softly, hugging Teddy close. "I just...I had to say it. To get it off my chest." Teddy slowly pulled himself together and looked at Jake, his eyes shining with tears. "Jake, you cane into my life and became the most important person to me. If we ever had to go back to our world and couldn't meet again, I'd hate that. I'd rather stay with you here.

You saved my life Jake. You're my hero, and I will always love you."

Love...he'd almost forgotten how that felt. The man looked around in despair, trying to find the others. Everyone he had ever been attached to had died...whether in real life or in this cruel Borderlands. And now here he was. He had been forced to choose between himself and the only person he had left. He could still hear his sister screaming at him to save himself as she ran...but it sounded so far off now. How could he rank himself above everyone else? Even if he won...he wouldn't have had anything left anyways.

And yet, despite that...

Why was she running? Why wasn't she letting him die?

He screamed in despair as the timer reached 0. The building began to explode, claiming the lives of the players that had received GAME OVER. Fire surrounded him as he sobbed, slowly trudging to the edge of the roof and looked down. He knew that if he lived here, he wouldn't be able to move on. He wouldn't have anyone left to live for.

So he jumped.

A skyscraper exploded in the distance, the fire illuminating the Hudson River as Jake and Teddy hugged each other in earnest. Buildings exploded, lasers fell...and yet, despite the horrors of this world...neither of them wanted to leave.

"Thank you for loving me, Jake." Teddy said, choking back tears of joy.

"I should be the one thanking you, Teddy." Jake said softly.

They both leaned in for a kiss, the sky around them glowing orange as the buildings continued to burn.

Just like their love.

Author's Note: Sorry I haven't been all that active recently! I've been super busy with schoolwork and all sorts of other stuff. I'll still try to post semi-regularly, so don't worry; this story isn't over :)

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