Makeshift Paradise (2): A New Home

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They discussed for hours after that, gathering stuff. Peter told Teinejī he studied engineering and graduated after finding a job just weeks ago. Peter was blond, with blue eyes, but apart from that, there wasn't anything special about him. He was just an average guy. As he did that, he headed to the tech store in order to gather some materials. He wanted to create a sustainable source of electricity by using an electric generator. He learned many things about Teinejī, such as that he was studying psychology in his high school and ended up here without really knowing how. That was all they knew about each other. Just 2 random people, without any links whatsoever, ending up in that world together.

Peter finished plugging in the last cable, and the TV he had plugged in went on. He turned on the PlayStation he had linked to the TV and started playing Street Fighter with Tei. For a moment, they almost forgot about their situation, and this world in general. They were just having fun together, playing videogames. An hour later, the electricity stopped functioning, and the TV turned off. They played poker together, read books, started planting seeds and mushrooms in order to have a garden, and grow some food in a nearby future, and Teinejī started messing around with a makeshift flamethrower, that almost set Peter's books on fire.
The sun began to set, and, as Peter pushed beds over to the center of the mall, he noticed a bright light, coming from an abandoned alleyway that wasn't too far away.

"Let's see what this means." Peter said

Teinejī nodded and started coming with Peter to the nearby alleyway. As they both arrived there, they noticed they were not the only ones. They saw three other people: A blond high school student, a man with messy brown hair who didn't talk except to give his name, Charlie, and a friendly, muscled bodybuilder who immediately introduced himself as Beans. "Hi!" The blond teenager said, smiling when he saw Peter. "I'm Lucas. What's your name?" "I'm Peter, and this is my friend Teinejī." Peter replied. "Hey!" Teinejī said, smiling. " you know what this place is?" Peter asked. Lucas shook his head. "I know as little as you, sadly." He replied. "I have no idea why these lights are on, or why we're here." Peter felt better when seeing these new people, but soon realized something weird. A TV was on, carefully balanced on a trash can. The TV displayed a countdown, with the message: "15 minutes before the game starts. Please take whatever you want on the table." And sure enough, there was a display of many guns and weapons on the table.

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