An Unexpected Development (4): Six of Diamonds (4)

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Jake lit a cigarette and put it to his mouth before exhaling. He looked around at his private room, a makeshift but organized The hideout was busier than normal today, with Black Ace Mob members walking in and out, pacing, gathering supplies, making plans. The atmosphere was tense, as it had always been lately. The mayor had recently pledged to crack down on gang activity and allocated even more funding to the police, as well as asked the federal government for yet more aid. At this rate, tensions would escalate into a full blown war against law enforcement.

And then there was the other issue...

Jake's pondering was interrupted by someone walking in. He tensed. "Boss, you there ?" a voice called. Jake relaxed. It was Liam, one of his highest-ranking members. "Yeah, come in." He said gruffly. Liam entered. If he was nervous (and he probably was), he didn't show it as he sat down. "Any news on our friend and his army of blueshirts?" Jake asked. Liam grinned wryly.

"Well, they've started cracking down on us a lot more. At least 3 of our guys have been thrown in the slammer in the past 24 hours. John's been working overtime trying to get them released." he said, putting his feet on the desk. "The Sharks and the Jets are also starting to get uppity again. On top of their usual antics they've started trying to redraw our age-old boundaries with pocketknives and pistols." Jake sighed. "At this rate, it's gonna become a gang war, isn't it?" he said. Liam nodded slowly.
"And then there's the conspiracy." Jake thought to himself, looking out at the sunset. "I just hope that stays within the BAM..."

Six of Diamonds
Teddy: $820
Jake: $390
Xavier: $330, GAME OVER
Teineji: $1000

Jake sighed, staring at his screen. If he didn't do something this round, the minimum would increase to a point where he would die. The question was, should he keep going for picking the card while the odds got better and better, or should he play it safe for now? Teddy also seemed deep in thought, as he had been ever since the game started. Jake picked the Ace of Spades again, and after some thought, he decided to go down holding onto his hope. He selected the option to bet on the card, and waited. Strangely, however, Teddy still hadn't picked. "Hey, you should really pick soon." Jake said. Teddy hesitated. "But...once I pick, if you're wrong, you'll die." He said softly. Jake grinned, trying to hide his nervousness. "Nah, I'm a lucky guy." he said. Teddy still didn't seem comfortable, and stared at his box. And for good reason. Jake knew that he only had a 1 in 19 chance of surviving. It all depended on the next card. Suddenly, Teddy glanced at the screen as if memorizing the rules...and gasped.

He quickly opened his box, counted his money, and, leaning over the table, shoved some of it into Jake's hand. "Wh...what?" Jake said, startled. "The game's rules said that players weren't allowed to steal money from each other. But the money we were given is a physical object, and if one player willingly gives it to another...well, that's not stealing, is it?" Teddy said urgently, looking right at Jake's eyes. "Please. I...I don't want you to die." Jake smiled and took the money. Teddy relaxed and selected his choice. "Round concluded." Jake held his breath, staring at the screen, hoping that it worked. "This round's card was the Jack of Clubs. Neither of the players win any money, as player Jake bet on the card being Ace of Spades, and player Teddy bet on the card being even." Jake closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

"Round 34. Minimum amount: $410."

Slowly, Jake opened his eyes. No speaker saying GAME OVER. No acid.

He was still alive.

"Hell yeah!" He cheered, resisting the urge to stand up and celebrate. Teddy smiled widely. With an electronic blip, the screens updated, and Teddy and Jake checked their balance:

Teddy: $600
Jake: $610
Xavier: $330, GAME OVER
Teineji: $1000

The rounds passed by, with neither of them getting lucky. Until finally, on round 41...
"This round's card was the Ace of Spades. Player Jake receives 100x52, or 5200$."

"YES!" Jake celebrated, pumping his fist. "Thank you, Teddy! I couldn't have survived here without you!" He said, elated. Teddy smiled. "Don't mention it. Only 10 cards left, and we can finally clear this game." "Round 42. The rate at which the minimum amount increases will now accelerate, as there are only 10 cards left." "That's fine." Jake said. "It's increasing by 10, so it should go up by 30 this round."

"Minimum value: $600." the speaker suddenly said.

"What the fuck?!" Jake said, shocked. "Why did it go up by 50?!" Teddy sighed, staring at his screen. " life is pretty much in Jake's hands." He thought to himself. Then, as he looked at Jake...he felt a pang of fear.

All his life, he'd been taken advantage of by everyone else. He'd given and given and given...yet he never seemed to receive anything in return. Eventually, after an incident where he had helped someone else financially and they'd leeched off of him until he couldn't afford to pay his own bills, Teddy was devastated and from then on, he said he wouldn't help others. Helping just caused him too much pain, too much sacrifice.

And yet here he was, having just helped Jake to survive. Having celebrated when Jake won money. He'd broken his own rules. Jake now had more than enough money to survive. Why would he be different?
Why should he care about Teddy anymore?
Why should he care?

Why should anyone care?

Teddy felt hopeless. He didn't even know Jake that well! Yet here he was, like a fool, breaking his own rules that he'd set in place to keep himself safe. He was a fool for trusting others. Jake would betray him, take everything from Teddy and not give anything back in return. Just like the others. He'd fallen right into the same trap, like an idiot. Disgusted with himself, he looked up at the ceiling, and...


Teddy's thoughts were interrupted by Jake shouting at him. Hesitantly, he glanced over. Jake was looking right at him...and offering him a fistful of money.
"W...what?" Teddy stammered. Jake raised an eyebrow. "You saved my life." he said.

"Why wouldn't I repay you?"

Teddy's thoughts slowly melted away, replaced by an indescribable warm feeling spreading throughout his entire body as he looked at Jake, tears forming in his eyes.


Ten rounds later...

"All 52 cards have been revealed. It's now GAME CLEAR to all surviving players." the speaker said, as the ATM machines began printing several mysterious papers that said "Visa". "Thank god it's finally over." Teddy said, stretching as he stood up and grabbed his paper. "I wonder why the amount didn't go up for the last round." Jake shrugged and grabbed the other, leaving one extra. "Maybe it's because since you  were guaranteed to win anyways, the game didn't feel like it would do anything?" "Fair enough." Teddy said, looking around. "By the way, Jake...thanks." He said softly after a pause. "Don't sweat it! You're the one that saved me in the first place, and I always repay a debt." He said, grinning, before looking at Teddy again. "Y'know...I haven't found anyone from my old gang yet. If it isn't too much trouble...would you like to join?" he asked Teddy. Teddy thought back to before the Borderlands. His "friends" had been horrible people. Had taken advantage of him. They'd made him unable to trust anyone else for a while.

But maybe not everyone was like them.

"Alright, I'm in." Teddy said, grinning. "This casino would make a pretty good base while we get our bearings." Jake smiled. "Let's start getting some supplies, then." He said, offering a hand to the still seated Teddy.

Teddy grabbed it and pulled himself up before running outside,feeling the crisp and chilly nighttime air on his skin as the starlit sky twinkled above them both.
Author's note: Hi! Studded here! Thanks for reading this far, I really appreciate it :)
The following week will be devoted to the first side story, which will only have 3 fragments. Because of this, there won't be a Wattpad post next Sunday.

QOTD: Who's your favorite character so far?

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