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The answer to that question is...

Everything could go wrong.

"TAKEMICHI," Chifuyu yelled out. Takemichi had smiled back at him, "S-sorry I couldn't stay longer Chi... fuyu..."

At that moment, Takemichi had just passed away. Him and Chifuyu had just begun walking home from buying some groceries, when he had been hit by a car. 

"N-no," Chifuyu called out, holding him in his arms, "Please, no! Not you... Please!"

Now Baji and Kazutora had noticed they were taking a long time and drove over to them. They hadn't noticed what had happened just yet, that was until Kazutora had opened the car doors.

He ran over to Takemichi's body and fell down to his knees, Baji straight after him. "N-NO, NO, NO, NO," Kazutora yelled out over and over again. Their breathing was heavy and they had been crying. Their hearts throbbed in pain. Why did this happen to their sweet little sunshine? What did he do to deserve any of this?

"WHAT DID HE DO," Chifuyu yelled.

"W-what did he do..."

Baji just stood there in shock. He didn't cry, he didn't laugh, he didn't move, he didn't talk, he just stood there, breathing heavily with a face of disbelief. He couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe this. 

It must've been a dream, and even if it wasn't Takemichi could go back in time to fix it, right?

Not this time anyway.

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