Chapter 11: Games

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Author's note: I am not ready for the next show...


This was it. They were going to die.

"Two!!!" Smg1 yelled, he inched his way closer to his meme guardian partner with Smg2 doing the same.

They linked hands and quickly grabbed meme energy to make a soft landing for the gang.

They all landed with an "oof!". And soon after, the landing disappeared.

"Ugh." Three lifted up his head. His ears were still ringing. He looked over to the rest of the gang slowly getting up as well. Sakio helped Slg4 off the ground as he couldn't do it himself.

"Mario!" Luigi cried out and ran to his brother.

The plumber in question was covered in cuts and scratches and his eyes were closed. Luckily, it didn't look like there were any fatal wounds but, he was in no condition to fly again.

Mario slowly opened his eyes. "Ugggh. Mario feels like shit."

"Well besides Mario, is everyone alright?" Shroomy brought out his first aid kit.

The gang shook their heads, it seems the only one hurt was Mario.

"It seems we might have to walk the rest of the way there." Two pointed over to the highway tunnel. "That tunnel seems to be our safest bet."

As the gang made their way into the tunnel, Mario let out a groan.

"Walk? Mario doesn't want to walk."

"Well, you're in no condition to fly." Three snapped back.

Just as they reached the end of the other side, gates appeared out of nowhere blocking both sides of the tunnel.

"What the hell?" Three stepped back at the sudden appearance of the gates. He groaned. "Oh, my bingus, what now?"

"DoN't WoRrY I CaN BrEaK ThEsE GaTes" Bob pulled out some tnt from his pocket.

"No! You'll kill us all if you it in here!" Meggy yelled at the hooded man.

"Mario's got this!" Mario started his backwards long jump technique, and he was off, he zoomed at the gates.

Only to be punched away by a shadowy figure.

Mario landed with an "OOF!" laying down in the famous Peter Griffin death pose. "Hey, what the fuck?!"

"Sorry, I can't let you do that." The shadowy figure stepped into the light to revel a Mario recolor wearing a green shirt and hat with light blue overalls.

"Ninety-six!?!" Three couldn't believe his eyes.

Xboxfan1996 or Ninety-six for short seemed unfazed by Three's outburst.

"Say why don't we play a game?" Ninety-six smiled, although it was more of an evil grin, and Three swore he saw he eyes shined purple for a second.

"And if we don't." Sakio brought out her hammer, ready to strike.

"Well then, I'll just blow us all up." Ninety-six brought out a remote.

"Fine!" Three said before anyone (Mario) could object. "We'll play your little game." Three crossed his arms and let out a huff. "I swear you pull any trickery; I will kick your ass." He grumbled out.

"Excellent!" Ninety-six said. A tv screen came down from the top of the tunnel. "Are you all ready to play? The Smg4 quiz?"

"A test!? Mario didn't study." The plumber clutched his head.

"I didn't study either!" Minion fell to the ground in defeat. "You guys go on without me." She muffled out, her face right on the floor.

The rest of the gang face palmed, rolled their eyes, or did both.

"Yeah, we're ready." Meggy said, still deadpanning over Mario's antics.

The tv showed a number 1 on the screen. "Question 1!" Ninety-six suddenly had on a sparkly red bowtie he didn't have before. "How many Super Meme Guardians are there?"

"Wait, how do you know what a meme guardian is?" Three asked him.

"I'm asking the questions here, Three. Not you." Ninety-six gave the edgy meme man a sweet smile.

"Well, if you count Niles... Then there are six of them."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"That's correct!" Ninety-six said. The tv changed to show a 2 on the screen. "Question 2! How much if a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

Meggy, Melony, Bob, and Tari all started at Ninety-six, Minion rubbed her temples together trying to think of answer and Sakio slowly brought up hammer, only for Shroomy to put it back down.

Mario felt a rush of numbers go through him; his eyes did a 360 in his brain. Suddenly, he knew the answer.

"Oh, ho ho! That's a super easy!" Mario said confidently. "Its two, as one of his arms are broken."

The gang all turned to the plumber in disbelief.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Correcto mondo!" Ninety-six said.

"What f-" Sakio was cut off by Ninety-six.

The tv changed to a 3. "Now on the question 3!" He smirked. "Speaking of Three... when was the only time he actually won?"

Meggy scoffed. "Oh, that's easy it was when he tried ea-" But Three covered her mouth and took over.

"Actually, I still technically lost later." He grumbled to her, before his attitude did a 180. "It was when I blew up the castle during Starman3's 5000 sub party." Three smirked and puffed his chest in pride.

Meggy noticed Mario and Luigi shivered at the mention of this Starman guy. 'What's that all about?' She wondered to herself.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"That's right!" Ninety-six said. The tv changed to a 4. "Question 4! What is Smg4's worst nightmare?"

The gang all looked at each other and huddled together to find the answer. Finally, they dispersed.

"Smg4's worst nightmare is his first video." Tari said nervously.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Wow, I can't believe you got it right!" Ninety-six clapped his hands together. The tv changed to show a golden 5. "And now, for our fifth and final question. What is the true name of the hero from Mage?"

"That's a weird final question." Slg4 mumbled.

Smg3 rolled his eyes. "It's Fred. Fred is the name of the hero."

Wahmph. Wahmph. Wah.

"Oh, I'm sorry that's wrong."

"What!?!" The entire gang all yelled at once. "What the fuck do you mean?" Three's blood was boiling. "Smg0 told me himself that his name was Fred!"

Ninety-six chuckled. "Well, you see..." The tv showed a starting screen the game Mage. "When people start a new game, they can put in a new name for the hero." He explained.

"Just like an arcade game." Tari whispered.

"But the hero actually has a real name. You guessed Fred, that was not the answer."

"Yo!" Bob's eyes were red. "ArE yOu GoNnA lEt Us ThRoUgH? We PlAyEd YoUr DuMbAsS GaMe!"

Ninety-six still had a smiling face on, despite the fact the gang was ready to kick his ass. "Sorry, winning was your only way out of here."

Mario had enough. "Not if I shift into, maximin overdrive!" The plumber rapidly started to backwards long jumped and crashed into the gates, destroying them in the process.

Ninety-six looked on in shock. The rest of the gang followed Mario, Three kicked Ninety-six in the crotch before he left. Ninety-six fell to the ground in pain.

They were almost there. And the sorceress wasn't happy.

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