The Unexpected Colour

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"If you pull it through that way then... Minho, no!" River groaned, reaching over to the 'knot' Minho had created.

"Why are we even doing this anyway? It's so boring and there's no benefit to it!" He cried, throwing the string down onto the ground in front of him. River picked it back up and handed it to him.

"Hey, you were the one that had this idea. You saw the knot I was tying and you wanted to learn how to do it too!" River shook her head, and Minho pouted. "Besides, you only don't like it because you're not good at it."

"Wrong. I am perfectly fine at it." Minho defended himself, and River raised an eyebrow. "Well, I would be if it wasn't so stupid!"

"You can't be good at everything you know." River looked down at the half-completed knot in her hand and continued tying it. The evening air was cool on her skin, which was a relief after how hot she had been about an hour earlier. They had taken the day off of running so they could hear what Newt had to say about the Griever hole.

She didn't learn anything new about it. Only different opinions from the Keepers. Some people actually wanted to stay in the Glade. River couldn't help but roll her eyes at them. How could you want to stay here?

"Wrong again, River. I can be good at everything. And I am."

"Tell that to the ball of string in your hand." River laughed.

"It's not my problem you gave me faulty string!"

"Faulty string? There's no such thing!"

"Well apparently there is because I am holding some in my hands." Minho raised the string up to River's face, trying to prove himself right.

"Oh my god, Minho. Let's just hope going through the griever hole doesn't involve tying a knot because you will be so screwed!"

"I highly doubt it will." Minho put the string down for good and continued talking. "Do you think this is really the way out. I mean, how are we sure?"

"You're asking me? I know just as little as you do. But yes, I do think it's the way out. I mean I hope it is." River sat back and put her hands behind her to prop herself up.

"I just hope this isn't a dead end because if this isn't the way out then we have no chance of getting out of here. If the doors don't close again tonight... I don't know. We need to leave now. I just don't know why Newt's making us wait until tomorrow." Minho looked sad with these words, his eyes were absent of all hope, and it hurt River to see him feel this way. She really wished he'd have a positive outlook on this.

"I guess he just wants to say goodbye to the Glade. Maybe convince the people that want to stay behind to go."

"Yeah, maybe. But if we lose more people tonight I don't know what we're gonna do."

"We'll be out of here by tomorrow. Just keep your sights on that. Keep your mind on the target." River encouraged him.

"I guess you're right. Thinking negatively isn't going to change anything." Minho caved.

"Exactly! Now come on, let's go get some food. That'll cheer you up." River stood up and began to wipe the grass off her pants before reaching for Minho, helping him off the ground as well.

"You sure know the way to my heart." He said, beginning to wipe grass off of his pants as well.

"Yeah, I'd like to think so."

The two sat at the table, scarfing down sandwiches when they noticed a sudden change in the lighting.

"Holy shit." Minho began to rise from his seat, staring directly above them. River noticed many Gladers around her had done the same. She followed their lead and looked up to see what was going on.

The sky above them was a dull grey. There was no sun, no clouds, just grey. It was as if it was a ceiling, and no longer a sky. Minho grabbed River's hand suddenly and held it. For her comfort or his, she wasn't sure.

"What the..." Her voice trailed off, unable to find other words. Then the voices began. People were shouting for other's inside the homestead or the deadheads, ordering them to come outside. Other's were screaming profanities from the shock. A few people were theorizing. Newt limped out of the homestead and stood there for a second, before running up to Minho and River.

"What the bloody hell is going on?"

"The sky is gone." River responded, still looking up.

"It can't just be gone. "

"Well it is." Minho spoke up, looking down from the sky for a moment to look at Newt. "And it's a good thing we're leaving tomorrow too. No sun is a bad thing for the plants and animals around here."

"Do you think this is officially signalling 'the end'?" River speculated. "First the doors, then this? Whoever is controlling this really wants us out. Fast."

"Well they're gonna get their bloody wish. We're leaving early tomorrow. No doubt about that." Newt was squinting in confusion at the sky. "I would say we'd leave tonight but it's going to get dark soon. If it even can get dark with this 'sky'. But I'm sure the grievers will still be here, and I'd rather not run out into the maze while they're attacking. So pack a bag tonight if you want to." That was all Newt had to say on the matter. He was dumbstruck, they all were. The fact that the sky just disappeared gave even more proof that this was just fabricated, controlled.

River was surprised when the doors closed that night. She expected them to stay open and for the grievers to pile in once more. It appears that their decision to leave early affected how the night was going to go. That, or whoever was controlling this felt bad. River doubted that though, seeing as they never felt bad through anything else that they went through.

With these thoughts swirling around her head, River drifted off into a restless sleep beside Minho.


Author's Note

Yes I know this isn't the order that things happened in the book, but it's my story so shhh. Anyways, I don't really have much to say on this chapter other than I hope you enjoyed it.

I am now going to go to bed because its like 2 am here and I am sooo tired. Thanks for reading! <3


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