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Before this story goes on, please suggest some ships! I am terrible at thinking ships and their dynamics.

This chapter reeks of laziness, you have been warned.


A few days later after the peace treaty was sent.

The Water Realm

That One Air Atom's POV


With one smoothe hit, Pisces's sword went flying towards Cancer, who was enjoying the sword fight between her best friends, Scorpio and Pisces. Her eyes widened and she dodged the flying sword, that struck the wooden structure behind her. "Hey! Be careful. I am too young to die yet."

But, she was ignored. The next moment, the prince was on the ground, with Scorpio over him, pointing her sword at his chest.

"Looks like I won, Dummy." Scorpio smirked and retreated her sword back into it's cover. She offered her hand which was gloved.

"But, if I get a coach like you, I won't." He took her hand but didn't stand up. Instead he tackled her down on the ground so she couldn't move. "And here you are, getting defeated by me in hand-to-hand combat. What a shame."

Scorpio rolled her eyes and in one try, pushed Pisces off of her. "You took me by surprise. That's all. You will still be a Dummy no matter what."

Cancer was munching on some cookies that she had brought, initially for the fighting duo but ended by having them all by herself.

Pisces asked her to share some of those but by that time, Cancer was munching down the very last one. "Sorry. Not sorry." She said as she giggled childishly and Pisces narrowed his eyes. Scorpio rolled her eyes at them.

Suddenly, Scorpio remembered something and asked Pisces "Pi, wasn't the king going to send a peace treaty to the Air Realm? Have they gotten an answer?" Pisces nodded his head. "Father did send it shortly after the meeting and did get a response. But, he hasn't told me yet. I heard that only He, Mother, the Duke and other important people know."

Suddenly, a guy in royal clothes appeared where they were and told Pisces that it was time for him to leave. Pisces smiled sadly and turned to say a goodbye. He sure did hate having to live there. "As soon as I get to know, I will try to inform you both. Bye!" He waved before going with the guy.

"Poor Pi..." Cancer said as Scorpio nodded "yeah, I feel bad for him..." She looked over to the Cancer and said "do you think the Air Realm will agree?" The other shrugged in turn "nobody knows, except for the royals and our parents."

"Hmm..." Scorpio hummed.

Timeskip to when Pisces meets his father and mother

"Greetings Father." Pisces said in a monotone, as if he was in depression or something.

His father, the king, turned to look at him "Oh hello Son. I am going to tell you something important that may change our lives forever."

"Is that the reason I was called back from my practise so early?" Pisces asked, he knew that this question might lead to a lecture on the etiquettes he should possess as a royal or how he should question his father and king.

Instead, the king ignored the question.

"I do hope you are aware that we have been trying to make peace with the other realms, the very first being the Air Realm." His father raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, indeed. I was present at that time." Pisces reassured.

The next few words got Pisces all excited, yet he was determined to maintain his poker face.

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