Chapter 32 The Real Queen

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Muse Silver-Green

Holbrook smiled. "No, you sold it to the government with the stipulation they are permitted to keep ships on it, and even if you didn't, the new king and his mom gave me their permission. Charlotte is a living spaceship. All legal, but I might move in with my father when he finally sets up residence."

"Women who are smart enough to trick me are so attractive. If you don't go back to Zander, I'll treat you right." Rob flexed.

"That is nice, but I have a boyfriend." Holbrook grinned at Mason. She stirred her batter and placed it in the oven.

"I'll give you discounts at my company stores because I'm classy like that. Your next order of expired ramen is on me." Rob patted her arm.

"Sweetie, I'm able to afford my own ramen. Fewer workers will shop at your company stores now that you have competition. I almost got into debt over the crackers."

Rob narrowed his eyes. "Don't act cute. That is my best line. You're worse than the woman who illegally planted cabbage." He touched her arm. "Wow, you're muscular, but it's not in a creepy way."

"I'm not the person being creepy," Holbrook said under her breath.

He patted her hand. "If anything happens to Kay's ex-husband, I'm third in line to be king. You could be kissing the future ruler of planets."

"Your competition is the real queen, and she'll never allow you or her ex-husband to take over," Holbrook said.

"I'll be your new king, and I'm loaded. Suppose you want a guy who looks like the cover of a romance novel. Give me a try. I'm smart and won't be undercut by personal 3D food printers or by Stew and his cheap goods. I'm a capitalist, not a charity," Rob said.

Mason placed his arm around Holbrook. "A market economy must be a free market. You're a monopolist."

Other guests trailed in with dragon salad and bowls of hummus. Charlotte formed her glowing arms and gathered a sample of each dish. The food disappeared in tiny, vanishing bites.

Rob Salamander's beautiful sisters plodded through the unlocked door.

Shanna waved at Mason. "I'm glad you made it."

He winked at her. "I have an answer to all your questions, but you'll need to wait."

Dina Salamander's violet hair poured over her narrow shoulders and covered her ears. Her eyes sparkled.

Holbrook and Mason sang a song that Mason had written.

Everyone clapped except for Rob and Dina.

Shanna jumped up and down. "Mason, I always loved your singing voice, but paired with Holbrook, you're something special."

"Shanna, if our workers can't afford to eat, they can't afford theater tickets." Dina's hands shook. She whispered into Rob's ear.

"Sis, but why?" he asked. "I love theater, and so do you?"

She nodded.

"No, I'm not firing Holbrook. She isn't Deb, and she is cute. You're a paranoid freak, but I'll kick Mason off my land." Rob ate a few chips from the table. "And I'll ban Holbrook from dating anyone. She is going back with Zander. He deserves her more. Well, maybe she might date me. She wouldn't even have to fix her ear because she's gotten hotter."

"Let's not be rude. You can't dictate who she dates. Glow Fourth and Fifth Electrical won't survive another lawsuit." Dina Salamander Jones stepped back. "I have been trying to save the company from the strike. You need to increase pay by 400 credits a month."

Rob ate another chip. "Sis, I refuse to pay even 10 extra," Rob Salamander said.

Zander ran in with his tiny son. "Kay helped me gain custody. She proved Tolbert bribed the judge. Agent Rock-Heart forced me to go through a dozen DNA tests, but I can tell my own son without it."

"You shouldn't be here," Holbrook whispered to Zander. "This is a sting operation."

Zander turned to leave.

Jake sniffled. "I miss Grandma Kay."

"What did you say?" Zander asked. "Did she tell you that she's your grandmother? I'm glad I didn't bet Mason money."

"Shut your brat's mouth." Rob Salamander stood in front of him.

Shanna sang to the boy, and he calmed down. "He is adorable."

"Zander and Jake are leaving." Holbrook pushed Zander towards the door.

Kay followed them in. "I rescued Jake like I said I did. And we were told not to show, but I wanted to say thank you to Mason and Holbrook for saving my children."

Rob snorted. "No, he isn't cute. He has freaky dragon eyes, and the boy will get in the way of Zander, saving my company from a cult."

"I'm tired of you saying it's your company when it's not. Mom didn't leave it to you, and it might be too late, but the will is fake," Shanna said. 

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