Chapter 35 Sabotage

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Silver-Green, Back Inside Charlotte

Paisley ran back and sat in the other chair. "They're fine."

"Now, there are more witnesses to maim," Commander Nickel said. "I don't want to kill...."

Mason grinned as if nothing was wrong.

"How did you figure I'm the goddess of the universe?" Commander Nickel asked.

Mason's smile collapsed into a frown. "You found out Gloria was safe when no one received that information, and your communications are down. Deb would have had to tell you. Rob visited you, didn't he?"

"I had nothing to do with this," Rob said.

Nickel shook her head, 'no.' "I'm Deb. Mason, please don't hate me. Will you visit me in prison?"

"I don't hate you."

Nickel stuttered. "Why do... you think that my beautiful... Tolbert allowed himself to be captured? I should've bribed you instead of trying to kill you."

"So, you tried to murder my son," Mason's mother yelled.

Commander Nickel didn't answer her. "And I admitted to it." Nickel slipped out her weapon, but she tossed them to the ground. "My laser guns don't work, anyway."

"I didn't know if it was you, Rob, or my mom, so I altered or hid all of your weapons."

"Shouldn't you be angry at your son?" Commander Nickel fell against the wall.

"I'd be angry if Mason excluded me too soon. Do you realize how untrustworthy I am?" Agent Lace leaned over Commander Nickel. "Where are the cultists hiding on the planet?" She pulled another weapon to Nickel's side, but Holbrook pulled it from her hands.

"Where did you buy this? This laser gun is deadly." Holbrook pulled three more weapons off of Agent Lace.

Nickel slumped over and didn't speak.

"Nickel went after my baby boy, and she'll kill us all," Lace said.

"Mother, you're untrustworthy. You know where the cultists are because it's your cult. Well, half your cult. Forcing Commander Nickel to confess was the perfect touch. She was sacrificing herself to save you. Nickel is only harmful to herself."

"No," Nickel said. "I wasn't saving her."

Lace held out her arm. "Give me a weapon that works, so I'm destined to finish Deb's Light and Nickel. She is not harmless. The psycho works for Tolbert, not the other way around."

The door to Mason's apartment opened, and General Allen walked out with his gun drawn. "You aren't going to murder her."

"Why do you care after what she has done?" Agent Lace asked. "You're in love with Nickel, and it's compromised the mission. My son is level-head, but you are not. My friendship with her clouded my judgment as well."

Mason pulled Nickel away and shielded her. "Mom. I replaced or stole most of your weapons because Nickel is your semi-brainwashed follower, not because I was so stupid that I didn't know who Deb was."

"I'm not brainwashed," Nickel mumbled. "No one gave me a choice."

"Babette, what are you talking about?" Lace asked.

Mason narrowed his eyes. "Rob paid you to sabotage Quin's ship. You both wanted money and revenge. You both lead this cult."

"I'm losing money," Rob said.

"But Vash kept warning me the chips were in the weapon or feeling guilty about Zander or Frank because they were never her choice," Mason said.

"Nickel must have altered the chandelier trap," General Allen said.

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