Chapter 33 I'd Never

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Muse Silver-Green

"Leave us out of family drama," Zander said.

"That isn't true, and it's too late." Rob Salamander backed off. "You can't prove I took out our mother. Dina has the motive, not me."

Shanna removed her phone from her pocket, and their mother's face appeared when she played a video clip. "Shanna receives my grandfather's production studio and a trust fund he set up. She doesn't deserve that money," Quin Salamander said.

"I leave Rob a million credit trust fund and a starter business. He can't do anything right. I almost went bankrupt because he forced workers to supply their own safety equipment." She stopped speaking for a moment and started again. "If anything happens to me before Vash turns eighteen, he'll receive custody of her."

Rob shoved his sister to the ground. "Shanna, you forged this will."

Dina clenched her fist. "I bet you planned to murder Vash, so you wouldn't have to take care of her. I begged Mom for custody, but she threatened Shanna and my kids."

"You're a murderer," Rob said.

"I'd never sabotaged her ship with Vash on board. I loved that girl." Dina stepped back when she realized undercover officers were in the room. "I guess you're here to arrest me."

Zander tried to leave with Jake, but fighting blocked the door.

Rob tried to grab Shanna and kicked her.

She stepped back, but he lunged at her again.

"Why would I? I received my inheritance with your forged will." She yanked Rob by the tie.

He struggled to shove his sister off of him

Hidden police officers and agents surrounded them.

Shana walked behind an officer.

"Why wasn't I informed about this?" Kay asked.

"What does, don't come to this party, don't you understand?" Holbrook asked. "The king was informed. Take it up with your son."

and fumbled for his weapon, but he couldn't find it. Holbrook and Mason pried Shanna's fingers away.

Rob grinned and straightened his tie. "No one can tie me to my mother's death. But I have proof Dina killed our poor mother."

"Mr. Salamander, you murdered your mother, and that is why you are a target, but the will doesn't matter. It's not your company," Mason said.

Dina nodded. "My mother and the old king forged takeover papers. Rob has been skimping on the taxes with dodges, moving the money around, but since Kay and I paid them, it's ours again. The company has been failing since day one. Where is all the money coming from?"

Rob tried to strike his sister, but officers pulled her away. Holbrook wrapped coil cuffs around his wrists that tightened the more he struggled.

Jake started crying again.

"You startled my son." Zander touched his son's fingers.

"Deb-Dagger hurt Auntie Holbrook," Jake pointed toward the salamander sisters. "She makes me sad."

"Baby Jake is back," Commander Nickel said from behind as she entered the door.

Mason growled at Commander Nickel. "It wasn't only about the money, was it, Vash? But I doubt you know the full reason."

"You figured it out. I survived Rob's attempt on my life. The authorities only tested the blood I left mixed with what was left of my mother, and I destroyed records of comparison because I was already working as an agent."

"Yes, you were a preteen genius who could do all that on your own," Mason said.

"When you were nineteen, I could believe it. You had the motive. Quin tortured you," Holbrook said.

"I cheated through college, didn't I?" Commander Nickel kept bragging. "Normal living spaceships can't digest fresh blood. Medics assumed I was dead when they found my blood and Mom's bones. They thought I was digested first because they didn't do full testing. Mother held on for weeks, and I fed her to the ship. I didn't kill her, but I didn't want to freeze to death."

"Yes, one of her killers fed her to the ship," Mason said.

"No, she isn't Vash," Rob said. "Shanna was purchased. And Vash isn't my sister, just gutter trash my mom found."

"Yes, Rob, you never made me forget what I was," Nickel said.

Dina spoke to Rob. "You weren't home when Mom became pregnant with Shanna. Her birth happened two years after Dad passed away. She told me I could keep the baby, but only if I confirmed her lie. Yes, it was dishonest, but I love being a mom."

"Shanna is not Mother's kid," Rob said.

"Everything is about parents failing their children." Commander Babette Nickel pointed at Zander. "Tolbert's cooperation borrowed your son to mess with your head and kill Kay. She is Jake's biological grandmother. My mother and Kay's ex-husband sold you to the highest bidder when you were born."

A dragon wing formed, but Zander's face became a bunny.

Kay removed her contacts, and her eyes mirrored her son's. Dragon wings grew from her shoulders.

"Jake needs to leave with Kay and Zander for their own safety," Nickel said.

"I'll protect Jake," Charlotte said.

Zander, Kay, and Jake ran to a wall, and Charlotte formed a door that disappeared when Zander shut it behind them.

Paisley ran out of the booth. "I'm going to check on them." 

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