You think you're a- WHAT!?

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Hyunjin froze at the sight of someone standing directly in front of him, blocking his path to the living room. He began to panic as the realization set in that there was an uninvited guest in his apartment. Not sure of what to do, Hyunjin waited quietly. The intruder almost looked confused as his eyebrows were creased, and his eyes were slowly scanning Hyunjin. The stranger seemed to be studying him, and Hyunjin hoped he didn't plan on taking him on in a fight. While Hyunjin could admit to being strong due to all the dancing he did in his spare time, he was not confident in his ability to fight anyone. Hyunjin's worried thoughts were interrupted.

"Ummm- who are you?" The uninvited guest asked Hyunjin.

That made Hyunjin pause. Those words were confusing, to say the least. Why was this stranger suggesting that Hyunjin was the one out of place? He was clearly the trespasser, so he had no right to be asking that question.

"Listen, I don't know what this is supposed to be, but I should be the one asking that question. What are you doing in my home?" Hyunjin began, hoping this unwelcome person would be easy to get rid of.
The blonde stranger's face showed surprise, and he replied, "Your home? I think there's been some sort of mistake. This is my apartment."

Hyunjin couldn't believe the nerve of this guy. He had the audacity to break into an apartment that clearly didn't belong to him, and then claim that said apartment was his. Rather than nervousness, frustration began to build inside of Hyunjin. His patience was running thin after a long day of moving, so he couldn't help but snap.

"If this is a prank or something, it isn't funny, okay? Breaking and entering is illegal, last time I checked, but if you go now, I won't call the police."
The blonde was also beginning to look annoyed. His response wasn't rude, however it wasn't hard to tell that his patience was running thin.

"Listen, I've been living here for almost a year, and I can prove to you that this is my apartment. I'll show you the contract if that's what it'll take for you to believe me. I think you might have the wrong apartment number or something, so calm down."

"Oh really?" Hyunjin began. "This is apartment 429, right? I can show you my contract - which I signed today - so that you can be on your way."

A look of confusion and impatience crossed the stranger's face. "So, somehow, we both magically have a contract for this apartment?"

"No, because I don't believe you. The owner said that the last person who lived here moved out like- three months ago. Even if there were some kind of mistake, and I was somehow given the wrong apartment key, it isn't possible that you could've been living here."

"That doesn't make sense."

Hyunjin threw up his arms in exasperation. "Don't even start about things 'not making sense' when nothing that you're saying adds up." Hyunjin lowered his arms in order to gesture around the apartment. "For example, if you've really been living here for this whole time, then where is all the furniture?"

"What do you mean? Did you somehow miss the huge sofa in the living room?" The blonde intruder turned around to gesture toward the living room, "How could anyone possibly miss th-"

His words came to an abrupt stop. The shocked expression worn by the intruder's face was almost believable. He was a good actor, Hyunjin would give him that, but the brown haired man was not convinced in the slightest. There was absolutely no way this guy could genuinely be shocked by the lack of a "huge sofa".

"That doesn't make sense. I mean- it was there a second ago. That's where it's been for the past year. I literally just came from that room." The stranger's expression twisted into a mix of disbelief and- worry?

Hyunjin didn't want to fall for his tricks, but the stranger seemed genuine, so he couldn't help but sympathize a bit. Searching his brain for any sort of explanation, Hyunjin tried to come up with any sort of logical explanation. He couldn't think of a single one. The stranger turned back to him, a pleading look in his eyes.

"I'm not crazy, you have to believe me. It was there a second ago, I swear-" He reached to grab Hyunjin's wrist, and the brown haired man pulled it away. However, Hyunjin was not fast enough, and the blonde's hand made contact with Hyunjin's. Or rather, that's what should've happened.

Instead, the stranger's hand passed straight through his.

Both men tensed and stared at each other in shock.

"Would you mind explaining to me whatever the fuck you just did?" Hyunjin barely managed to breathe out after over a minute of silence.

"What- I did that?"

"Well I know for a fact that I didn't do... whatever the hell that was!"

The blonde seemed to think for a minute, crossing his arms and looking up. Realization crossed his face, however it was quickly replaced with a wince. "Fuck."


"You think you're a- WHAT?"

Both men were now sitting on the floor across from each other in the living room. Kkami was watching the stranger carefully, his head slightly tilted to the side.

The stranger, whose name was apparently Felix, sighed and repeated what he had said mere seconds before. "A ghost."

Hyunjin just stared at the other man as if waiting for him to say he was joking, but once he realized that the blonde had no intention of doing so, he leaned over to put his face in his hands.

"Listen, I would really appreciate it if you just decided to be honest with me for once. This whole thing has gotten out of hand. Not that it's acceptable to break into somebody else's apartment, but I just think-"

"I get why you don't believe me, but could you at least let me explain why I think I'm... you know." Felix interrupted.


The shorter tensed and slowly nodded, as if admitting the fact was difficult.

Hyunjin was starting to grow tired, and really was not in the mood to put up with any more false stories. He wanted to tell the blonde that he had no interest in 'letting him explain'. The problem was that this guy probably didn't plan on leaving- 'oh, wait..' That gave Hyunjin an idea. He looked up at the shorter man.

"I'll listen to what you have to say on one condition: Once you're done talking, you leave and never come back."

The blonde thought for a second before deadpanning, "That sounds like two conditions."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Whatever- the specifics don't matter. You get the point. Do you agree or not?"

Felix thought for a second before answering. "I guess."


Yes, the mysterious person from the last chapter is, indeed, Felix!
I honestly don't know how well I wrote Hyunjin during this scene. I feel like it might've been a little out-of-character for him, but I didn't really know how else to write this scene.

Like I said last chapter, please feel free to leave comments and suggestions!
Thank you for reading!

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