can't think of a chapter title, so... stream Circus

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Felix was pacing. He couldn't help it. Pacing had always been a nervous habit of his. If his roommate, Jisung, would've been there, he would've told the blonde to stop. He hated when Felix paced; would always say it made the nerves contagious. The problem was that Jisung was not at their apartment. He was on his way home, however, and he was bringing a guest.

After months of Jisung's non-stop bragging about landing a boyfriend before Felix, said boyfriend was being brought to their shared apartment. With nothing better to do other than relieve his nerves by pacing, Felix attempted to rid himself of all anxiousness. He knew the relentless action was probably not going to help, but while looking like an idiot in front of your best friend's boyfriend might be some people's favorite pastime, the blonde was not too fond of that idea.

He went to go pace in the kitchen rather than the living room, his steps swift. All of the sudden Felix developed a headache and chills, followed by that kind of temperature when you have a fever - you know, when you feel really hot but really cold at the same time. His vision began to fade into white, then to black, and the blonde tripped over his own feet.

He was unconscious before he even hit the ground.


"Honestly, it just felt like I closed my eyes for a few seconds. Then, when I opened them again, I was laying on the floor and you were standing right in front of me." Felix finished his explanation.

Hyunjin sat staring at him in silence for a few moments before he shook his head and spoke through small chuckles, "You're pretty creative, I'll give you that. You should write a book or something! Seriously, with weird stories like yours, you could become rich and famous. I can see it now- 'The Apartment Ghost' will be a bestseller in no time!"

He stopped the charade abruptly. "Now that you've explained, will you kindly get the hell out?"

Felix glanced down at his lap and sighed. He then looked up and replied, "Sure. A deal's a deal. I'll see myself out, then."

Hyunjin watched the blonde stand up and walk toward the door which led outside the apartment. He couldn't help but notice the unnatural fluidity in Felix's movement and the way everything about him - even his clothes - had a slight blue-ish tint.
When Felix opened the door, Hyunjin didn't know what to expect. Maybe he would turn around and run at Hyunjin? Maybe he would break the door on his way out? None of those things happened, though. Felix simply stood, looking out at the hallway for a second before stepping out.

And then he was suddenly back in the living room, frozen mid-walk. The blonde looked around, confused, and met Hyunjin's just-as-confused eye.
He then awkwardly laughed before attempting to exit again. As soon as he disappeared past the doorframe, he was suddenly back in the living room. Again. Felix turned to the taller man, the latter looking at him with confusion written all over his face.

"Don't look at me like that! I swear I don't know what's going on! As you can see, I am trying to leave."

Hyunjin stood up, and went to grab the blonde's arm in an attempt to drag him out of the apartment. He grabbed a handful of nothing before groaning in frustration. He put his hands on top of his head and closed his eyes. 'What the fuck is happening? Am I dreaming or something?" He thought to himself.

"Okay, you win." Hyunjin threw his arms up in the air. "I don't know what you're doing or how you're doing it, but you got me. So what do you want? Money?"


"Sorry but I-"

"No!" Felix interupted. "Listen, I'm just as confused as you are. I don't know what's happening, and right now, I'm just really hoping that I'm wrong about being dead. Whatever you think I'm here for, I can promise you that it's not the case."

Obviously Hyunjin wasn't about to believe this stranger, but he really didn't have another explanation. He went back over to his original place by the wall and sat down. Hyunjin stared at Felix and Felix stared back.

"So what do we do now?" The taller of the two asked.

"I don't know." The shorter replied.


Though it had taken a few weeks, Felix and Hyunjin eventually figured out how to co-exist. Both of them had come to terms with the fact that Felix was, in fact, a ghost and that he wasn't able to leave the apartment. Hyunjin could tell that Felix was upset about the fact that he couldn't leave. It was present in the sad smiles and small sighs he sent Hyunjin's way whenever the brown haired man went to run errands or take Kkami for a walk.

Hyunjin had to admit that - while they had gotten off to a rocky start - the blonde was good company. He was kind and funny, so Felix wasn't uncomfortable to be around. It helped that, despite the lack of familiarity with each other, Hyunjin and Felix became friends pretty fast. Due to the fact that they were almost always together, the two learned a lot about each other in a short amount of time. Felix could probably name all of Hyunjin's favorite songs and Hyunjin could probably name all of Felix's favorite foods. Hyunjin's life with his new ghost roommate was actually surprisingly (and thankfully) easy.

When school had started up again, Hyunjin was glad to know that he could trust the blonde. He supposed he was lucky that Felix was the ghost in his apartment. Had he been an angry or mischievous spirit, he would've probably been a nightmare to live with. Hyunjin was glad to know that he wouldn't have to worry about coming home to smashed plates on the floor or threatening messages written on the walls.

The brown haired man wondered if maybe, despite how unfortunate it was, Felix's death was a good thing. Obviously the blonde hadn't deserved to die, but a lot of good had come from it. Had Felix still been alive, the apartment wouldn't have been available for Hyunjin to move into. Under any other circumstances, they probably would've never met. So, with no bad intentions behind the thought, Hyunjin couldn't help but be grateful that Felix had died.


Thank you for reading!

I don't really have much to say other than the usual :)

Make No Mistake, the Real Love Story is Between Kkami and FishOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant