It was enough

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Hi! I can't believe I made it here! This story has been so fun to create, and I'm glad that so many of you enjoyed it!

Be prepared for closure. Like- a LOT of closure.



It had been three weeks since Felix first became responsive when Hyunjin received the phone call from Jisung.

"I just got a call from the hospital. They said Felix is awake."

The brown-haired man was so shocked that he couldn't form a sentence to respond with.

"Are you there?"

"When can we see him?"

"I think if you head over there right now, you'll be fine. I'm going to leave right now, but I won't be there any time soon."

"Okay, I'll see you there. Thank you, Jisung."

"Of course."


Hyunjin swiftly turned the last corner before Felix's room. His heart was pounding out of his chest and he could barely keep himself from running down the hall. Once he reached the room, he found the door closed. Just his luck. He stood outside and waited for the nurses inside to leave the room. It only took a few minutes before the door was open and he could finally go inside. As soon as he stepped inside, it was as if he forgot how to breathe.


A freckled face weakly turned to meet his gaze. All it took was a smile followed by a quiet, raspy 'Jinnie' for Hyunjin to break into tears again. The brown-haired man stumbled over to the blonde's bedside, kneeling beside it, and a stream of unintelligible words came from his mouth. All of them a mix of 'oh my god', 'never do that again', 'idiot', 'how do you feel', and, of course, 'I missed you'.

"Jinnie, calm down. I missed you too, but listen, I'm fine. I'm just tired." Felix whispered out.

Hyunjin couldn't help but laugh at that. "Nice try. You just slept for over a year and a half. You can't fall asleep again so soon."

After a few minutes of Hyunjin trying to stop the flow of tears, he finally gave up. When he did so, he turned to Felix. It was clear that he wanted to say something, but he seemed shy.

"Lix," The brown-haired man began, "Can I kiss you?"

The blonde smiled, but he only had the chance to nod for a split second before he was bombarded with tons of tiny pecks.

"You need chapstick."

Felix laughed a little. "I bet I do."


Due to the stroke, Felix's left side had been partially paralyzed. During the time he was in a coma, however, the hospital staff did what they could to limit the effects it would have on him if and when he woke up. The first three months after a stroke are the most important for limiting the effects of paralysis, but because Felix was not conscious during that time, he wasn't able to participate in the treatment that would help him. This meant that after he woke up, he was bound to a wheelchair. The doctors said there was no knowing how long he would need to use it, and that regaining all mobility was impossible.

Felix was, understandably, upset by that. The thing that Hyunjin admired most about him, though, was that he didn't let that get in the way of his recovery process.

While Felix never did regain all of his lost mobility, he certainly did his best to regain what he could. Within 5 months, Felix was baking again, and within 8 months, he was no longer using a wheelchair. Hyunjin did his best to help with the recovery process, which usually meant being there for emotional support. The process took a lot of physical and mental effort, so Felix was glad for Hyunjin.

As for their relationship, one could say they lived happily ever after. Like any relationship, there were ups and downs, but they stayed with each other through it all. Felix officially moved in with Hyunjin as soon as he was allowed to leave the hospital, and living together was just as easy as they remembered it.

Introducing his friends to the blonde had been a lot easier than Hyunjin had thought it would be. They all hit it off really well, but Felix found it especially easy to become friends with Chan as they had both lived in Australia. Eventually, Jisung and Minho met everybody else and the eight men became an inseparable group.

Hyunjin would be lying if he said that he had expected any of it to happen. An even bigger lie, however, would be if he said that he wished it hadn't happened at all. Despite the unusual nature of what had happened, he was extremely grateful for it. Without such a weird series of events, he would've never met Minho or Jisung. Without such a weird series of events, he would've never had the chance to fall in love with Felix.

So, yes, one could say they lived happily ever after. Hyunjin would never admit that he was one to believe in happily ever afters, but he was certain that Felix was his. They had become each other's happiness, and they had become each other's home. Though it began in an unconventional way, their love was perfect and it was theirs. For him, that was enough, and for Felix, it was enough, too.



Seriously, I can't believe I made it here. I am so grateful to all of you who read this story! I hope I wrapped up the end well enough. Endings aren't really my forte lol

Please feel free to leave comments! I really appreciate hearing how much you all enjoy it, and I love hearing what you think about the story!

Thank you so much for reading this. It has helped me grow as a writer, and it has given me the confidence to post more!

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