Felix is...

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Felix wasted no time twisting the doorknob and pulling the door open.

"Felix, wait!" Hyunjin demanded.

The blonde stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Jinnie, your ideas aren't stupid. I don't care if you don't think it will work, I'm going to try it."

"Please just listen to me!" The brown-haired man pleaded, "The truth is, I don't think I want it to work. I mean, obviously, it would be amazing for you to get your body back. But, when you do... what does that mean for me? Who's to stop you from leaving as soon as you can? Who's to stop you from leaving me?"

Felix stared in shock.

"I'm scared, Lix. If something does work - if something does bring you back to your body - then I'm at a bigger risk of losing you." Tears clouded Hyunjin's eyes as he tried not to let them fall.

They stood in the living room, silence surrounding them. After an eternity, Felix took a step toward Hyunjin. Then, before he could think, the brown-haired man felt a hand on his cheek and a gentle kiss-like pressure being pressed to his lips. As soon as it started, however, the kiss was over and the blonde was dragging him out the doorframe.

As they crossed the doorway, Hyunjin felt Felix's grip disappear. 'It didn't work.'

But when the brown-haired man turned around, searching for Felix in the living room, he found no signs of life. He felt worry rise within him, but he pushed it away. It was a joke, right? Felix was just hiding from him. Any second he would pop out and the two of them would go back to laughing in the kitchen.

The truth is, that wasn't the case. Upon searching the apartment, Hyunjin found that there was so sign of Felix. Save for the cake that was still baking in the oven, and the bowl of icing on the counter, it was like he had never even been there.

All of a sudden, everything was too loud and too quiet at the same time. Hyunjin's breathing became fast and shallow.

'Where is Felix?'


After a handful of missed calls, Jisung finally answered. "I was in a meeting, so this better be imp-"

"He's gone, Jisung. I don't know what happened. We just- we walked through the door together and he disappeared and I don't know what to do." Hyunjin's voice frantically explained.

"Oh my god. Okay, listen, I'm going to call Minho, alright? We can come get you and then we will go to the hospital together, all right? Does that sound okay?" Jisung was trying his best to keep it together. He couldn't lose his best friend again.

"Okay," Hyunjin answered. "Please hurry."

"We will."


The car ride to the hospital was only 20 minutes, but that was 20 minutes too long, in Hyunjin's opinion. A few minutes before reaching the hospital, Jisung's phone rang. He went to decline the call until he saw the caller I.D.

"It's the hospital."

Fear spread throughout the car as soon as Jisung said those words. There was only one reason the hospital would've called, and that reason was Felix. No matter if it were bad news or good news that awaited on the other line, they needed to know. So, with a shaky exhale, Jisung pressed the green button.

"Hello, this is Han Jisung speaking."

Silence filled the car and Hyunjin held his breath as he waited. Jisung's expression was unreadable as he listened to whatever update he was being given. At one point, Hyunjin could've sworn he saw Jisung's jaw tense ever so slightly.

The only thing the blonde said before hanging up the phone was, "Thank you, we will be there soon."

Minho glanced at Jisung, waiting for a relay of the information. Hyunjin could barely keep himself from exploding with questions before Jisung finally spoke.

"Felix-" He began, barely louder than a whisper, "He's responsive."

And without warning, Hyunjin began to sob. Unable to control his emotions any longer, he let out everything he had been holding in. He cried in relief, worry, happiness, sadness, and hope.


As soon as they made it past the front desk, Hyunjin made his way to room C15. Felix's room. Jisung had called it 'minimally conscious' which meant Felix, though not fully awake, could still show signs of consciousness and comprehension using small movements.

'C9, C11, C13...' Hyunjin made his way down the hall. 'C15."

The door was open. Nerves took over Hyunjin's mind, and his hands began to shake slightly. The realization hit him that even though Felix wasn't awake yet, he had the chance to be now. He stopped himself right before the doorway. Taking a minute to gather himself, he took a few deep breaths.

With a small burst of courage, Hyunjin turned the corner and entered the room. He was met with the sight of a white room, a friendly-looking nurse scratching something out on a clipboard, and Felix, though it wasn't the Felix he was used to seeing. This Felix's cheeks weren't full. This Felix's hair wasn't blonde. But this Felix was real and he had the chance to get better. That was enough for Hyunjin.

"Are you here to visit Mr.Lee?" The nurse smiled sweetly as she asked.

"Yes, if that's okay." The brown-haired man replied.

The nurse nodded. "Of course, just one second."

She wrote something else on the paper attached to the clipboard in her hands. After checking the screen which displayed Felix's vitals, she turned to Hyunjin, bowed, and quietly exited the room.

The tall man bowed back, then turned to the man on the hospital bed. If he didn't know any better, Hyunjin probably would've thought Felix was still in a coma. Hoping to prove to himself that the blonde was responsive, he tried speaking.

"Felix? Can you hear me?" He started carefully.

Studying his freckled face, Hyunjin didn't look away from Felix. He watched carefully, hoping to see something- anything. But the blonde did nothing more than breathe.

Hyunjin tried again. "Felix, it's me. It's Jinnie."

This time, the brown-haired man didn't need to search long. As soon as he finished speaking, Felix's eyes moved. Beneath closed eyelids, the blonde was searching for him. Hyunjin's heart fluttered as he felt tears in his eyes. Gently, he grabbed the freckled man's small hand. Felix's fingers weakly grabbed onto Hyunjin's.

"That's right, Lix. I'm here. Jinnie's here." He barely managed to say.

Though he could barely see through the tears he didn't bother to hold back, Hyunjin was smiling. Behind him, he could hear Jisung and Minho enter the room. He didn't spare them a glance, though. All of his attention was on Felix, and he didn't plan on changing that any time soon.


Yeah... I don't really know what to say-

While writing this chapter, I came across the fact that there is sometimes a stage between being in a coma and being awake? I decided to include it, so that is why Felix is not yet awake, but he is responsive!

Thank you for reading!

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