Nice to Meet You

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"How is it possible that you're here?" Jisung asked, his eyes red from crying.

"I wish I knew," Felix answered.

The four men had gotten situated in the living room. It was clear that a conversation needed to be had.

Jisung looked at his feet, shaking his head. "I'm so confused."

"I know you are," the younger tried.

"You don't, though. Felix, you don't understand. Minho and I, we found you. You were just... on the ground and you wouldn't wake up. We called the ambulance for you. We've been visiting you- the 'you' that's in the hospital. We've seen your body just laying there, unmoving. So, no, Lix. You don't know."

Jisung looked sad. He looked so very sad. Felix felt awful for making his best friend feel that way. He hated making anybody feel sad, so to know that he had been the cause of his friend's anguish was heartbreaking. Looking down at his lap, Felix fought back tears despite being well aware of the fact that he couldn't actually create them. What he really wanted to do was hide.

"I'm sorry." He breathed. Felix wanted to run away and hide from everyone and everything in that room- no, that apartment. Before he could make any attempt to do so, however, an unsure voice spoke from beside him.

"Listen, I know I have a very limited amount of knowledge on this subject. I know I don't have a place to talk because of that." Hyunjin started, obviously hoping he didn't overstep. "But I don't think it's fair to blame him like this. I mean- it's not like he made all this happen. Don't get me wrong, it's okay to be confused and frustrated but he doesn't deserve to be blamed by his friend for something out of his control."

A few seconds of silence passed before Felix grabbed Hyunjin's hand. He whispered a 'thank you' and rubbed his thumb over Hyunjin's knuckles.

"How did it happen?" Felix asked without looking up.

Jisung's slow, shaky inhale was closely followed by his reply. "You had a stroke."

Felix's head shot up to meet the gaze of his friend. He would have to admit that was not the answer he expected. While he knew that anyone could have a stroke, Felix also knew that the large majority of those who do experience a stroke happens to be much older than him. So, he could honestly say that the possibility of him having a stroke was not one he had considered when trying to figure out how he had become a ghost.

"I know. I was surprised, too." Jisung released an airy chuckle. "Well, I guess after... what has it been- almost 2 years? I can finally introduce you to Minho."

Jisung reached for Minho's hand as he said his name. The latter's face displayed the shadow of a smile as he intertwined fingers with his boyfriend.

"Hi, I'm Lee Yongbok, or you can call me Felix. Though, I think it's safe to say you already know that about me. Anyway, it's nice to meet you!" He waved his hand a little and sent a signature sunshine smile in Minho's direction.

The other man replied with a nod of his head, "Lee Minho. It's nice to meet you too."

"I should probably formally introduce Hyunjin, then." Felix began, turning to look at the man he mentioned. "Jisung, Minho, this is Hwang Hyunjin. Hyunjin, this is my best friend, Han Jisung, and his boyfriend, Lee Minho! He's been keeping me company since he moved into this apartment."

The three men exchanged a chorus of 'nice to meet you's before Minho asked, "If you don't mind me asking- regarding you two... what's the story?"

Hyunjin and Felix exchanged a look, both waiting for the other to start talking. Eventually, the shorter of the two gave in and told the story of their first meeting, and the months after that had brought them to become close.

Then, "How the fuck are we gonna get you back?"


Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!

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