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The next month passed by like a blur. Jisung and Minho were over as often as possible, usually brainstorming ways to bring Felix back. While it was clear that Felix loved having more people to talk to, Hyunjin wouldn't help but feel a little shaken up. He hadn't even invited his own friends over to his apartment, mostly due to not wanting to have to explain Felix, so the presence of two acquaintances in his home almost every day was a bit hard to adjust to.

School wasn't much better in terms of stress, though. With summer break approaching, Hyunjin had to deal with everything from restless students to grading final projects.

On one day, in particular, about a week and a half before summer break, two second years just could not seem to stop talking. After asking them to quiet down and finish their paintings several times, Hyunjin finally had to ask them to step outside the classroom. The rowdier of the two, Kim Haecheol, pleaded for 'one more chance' and didn't make to stand up. His friend, Min Jinsoo, was less resistant, though. The latter grabbed his friend's wrist, pulling him toward the doorway.

'These kids...' Hyunjin thought. 'Sometimes I wonder if they can even leave without holding someone's hand.'


The door closed behind Hyunjin with a soft thud as he entered his living room. The smell of mint filled his nose, and he felt his body relax a little. Even if everything else was out of place, at least he could count on Felix's love for baking to be consistent. He made his way to the bedroom to shower and get changed into more comfortable clothes. He emerged after a few minutes wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a white tee shirt.

"Jinnie, do you think you could try this icing?" A deep voice called from the kitchen.

Hyunjin was still getting used to the nickname. A few weeks prior, Felix had called him that while talking to Jisung. He had stopped mid-sentence after realizing what he had let slip. The freckled man had turned his head toward Hyunjin, who happened to be in the kitchen with them, and whose face was slightly pink. Before he could apologize, though, Felix was interrupted by Hyunjin's insistence that it was 'perfectly fine' and that he didn't mind the nickname.

"Sure, I'll be there in a second!" Hyunjin called back, Kkami close on his heels.

When he reached the kitchen, the taller of the two found Felix leaning on the counter, a bowl filled with something brown in front of him, and a streak of white on his forehead. The brown-haired man snickered at the sight, hiding his smile with a hand. The blonde turned to him with a questioning look on his face. Hyunjin reached to wipe the flour away with his thumb, a smile still present.

"So, is this the icing I need to try?" Hyunjin asked as he turned toward the bowl of chocolate goop.

The blonde, wearing a smile of his own, turned toward Hyunjin. "Yeah. I just feel like something is missing, but I can't figure out what it is."

A hum of understanding escaped the taller man as he reached his finger into the bowl. He scraped some icing from the side of the bowl before sticking it in his mouth. After a few seconds of thought, Hyunjin raised his finger.

"I've got it." He stated. "I know what it's missing."

Felix waited for the brown-haired man to explain, but upon realizing he had no intention of doing so, the blonde sighed. "And what would that be?"

"Here's the thing, Felix..." Hyunjin began, sending the blonde a smirk. "I can't just tell you. What would I get out of that? Nothing. It needs to be an equal exchange."

"Jinnieeeeee~" Felix complained, "I don't know what to give you."

"Oh, don't worry! I'll think of something." The taller man turned to lean against the counter.

The blonde rolled his eyes, though the smile never left his face. "How was work?"

"Don't even get me started."Hyunjin began, "There were these two second years who could not stop talking. I swear, every day it gets worse."

"Oh? Are they usually disruptive?" The shorter inquired.
"No. That's how you know it's almost break, though. When even the well-behaved kids get too chatty."

"Did you get them in trouble?"

"Not exactly. I just had them step outside for a few minutes." Hyunjin turned to Felix. "You should've seen it- One of them, Jinsoo, practically dragged his friend out the door!"

They laughed together for a few seconds before Hyunjin suddenly stopped. He wore an expression of deep thought and realization. Felix stopped laughing once he realized the other had gone silent.

"What, are you finally gonna tell me what the icing is missing?" The blonde joked.

"It's a little too sweet, that's all." Hyunjin absently commented.

Felix became curious, and a little concerned, about the taller man's behavior. "Jinnie, is something wrong?"

At the sound of the nickname, Hyunjin looked up to meet Felix's gaze. "No, sorry. A thought just crossed my head. It's kind of stupid anyway."

"Can I ask what it was?" the shorter tried carefully.

"Yeah, I was just thinking that it would be really funny if it were that easy."

Felix took a minute to try to figure that out, but he couldn't piece it together. "What do you mean, Jinnie?"

"Felix, what if... what if all it took for you to leave was to have someone take you with them? I don't know how it would work or anything, but I guess those two made me think about it."

The blonde looked at the ground, clearly thinking about something. After a few moments of silence, Felix looked up. "Let's try it."

"Come on, Felix. I know it's dumb, so we shouldn't waste our time trying."

The blonde didn't listen, though. He grabbed Hyunjin's hand, leading him toward the door.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as always, please leave a comment! Comments are like writer fuel! They give us writers motivation to keep writing!

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