"Felix Seal of Approval"

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Hyunjin all but fell through the threshold of his apartment door that day. It had been just over a month since the start of the school year, and Hyunjin was already counting down the days until summer break.

That day had been one of those days that makes one question why they became a teacher in the first place. One of those days where none of the students seemed to listen to instructions. One of those days where it seemed as though the majority of said students had forgotten to apply deodorant before leaving for school. One of those days where the highlight happened to be the ring of the dismissal bell.

With a deep sigh, Hyunjin sank to the floor; back to the wall, face in his hands. The brown haired man didn't have to look up to know that Felix was already at his side. After living with the blonde for over a month, Hyunjin had gotten used to being greeted almost as soon as he managed to make it into the living room. It didn't take a genius to know that Felix was a very social person. After being able to interact with only one other person for over a month, Hyunjin had a pretty good idea regarding why he craved every second of interaction possible.

"Bad day?" Felix's deep voice asked softly.

Hyunjin chuckled a little, "Definitely not the best."

There was a pause before Hyunjin felt the cool pressure on his shoulder which was Felix's hand. The thing about ghosts - or at least Felix's ghost - is that touch is weird. Whenever the blonde touched Hyunjin, it felt as if cold air stayed in one spot and applied pressure. They had figured out pretty early on that Felix could act upon other things, but other things could not act upon Felix. For example, he could pet Kkami, but Kkami couldn't rub against him.

Hyunjin and Felix sat like that for a while, neither of them moving. The blonde waited for a sign indicating that his touch was no longer needed while the brown haired man silently thought about his day. After a short eternity of silence, Hyunjin looked up at Felix and spoke.

"Any luck with the brownies?"

While Felix wasn't able to participate in many normal activities, he had found that cooking - baking specifically- was a hobby that he could take up without any problems. After many attempts at making peanut butter cookies, he finally deemed a batch "perfect". While there had been nothing wrong with the 6 other batches (except for the first one, which he had burned after forgetting to set a timer), these cookies had earned the "Felix seal of approval". After perfecting his cookies, the blonde had taken on the task of making perfect brownies. Hyunjin was quite thankful for that as he was getting sick of eating peanut butter cookies, though he was sure that brownies would get old just as fast.

"They're getting there, but I think I need to cook them at a higher temperature, and for a shorter amount of time... or something like that. The outsides are perfect but the insides aren't as gooey as I want them to be." Felix smiled as he reported his progress with the brownies.

The brown haired man listened to the blonde intently. "I can't wait to try them!"

Both men smiled at each other, Felix's bright grin complimenting Hyunjin's softer expression. Felix removed his hand from Hyunjin's shoulder, and the two stood up to make their way to the other room together. Smiling like an idiot while eating the brownie, the taller of the two tried to ignore the thought that crossed his mind.

'You can't fall for him.'

Hyunjin was absolutely NOT falling for Felix. He wasn't falling for any part of Felix. Not his kind heart. Not his sense of humor. Not his baking. Not his comforting words. Not his deep voice. Not his smile. Not his laugh. Not his hair. And absolutely not his freckles.


Oh shit. Hyunjin was falling.

'No- he's not even alive. Sure, his spirit is still sentient or something, but that doesn't make it right. You can't fall in love with dead people. That's really wrong. I think. Maybe the rules are different for ghosts..? NO! DON'T FALL FOR HIM!'

Hyunjin's internal conflict regarding the subject was never ending. From the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep, the brown haired man's mind was occupied with the undeniable fact that he was literally falling in love with his kind-of-roommate who had become his friend(?). 'At what point can you say with confidence that you are, in fact, friends, and not just two people who are friendly with each other?' Hyunjin wondered.

He didn't have time for this, though. His biggest concern was the fact that he was enveloped in his first ever 'Felix hug'. Suddenly, all knowledge of how to react to affection could not be found. Hyunjin was simply frozen in place as Felix squeezed him tightly.

(Remember that list of things that Hyunjin was NOT falling for? Add Felix's hugs to that list.)



Listen, it's not angst... but you might cry. Make no mistake, it's not fluff. I just- you'll see.

Make No Mistake, the Real Love Story is Between Kkami and FishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz