Guess Who

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A knock on the door woke Hyunjin from an afternoon nap. It was the weekend, and he wasn't expecting anyone, so the brown-haired man begrudgingly stood from the sofa and made his way to the door. Felix had been in the kitchen, attempting to make banana bread, but he had taken a break in favor of seeing who was at the door.

On the rare occasion that there was someone at the door, nine times out of ten, it was just a neighbor wondering about the origins of a noise or asking a favor. This time, Hyunjin was met with two men he didn't recognize. He assumed they were new to the building and just wanted to introduce themselves.

"Can I help you?" Hyunjin asked cheerily - or at least, as cheerily as one could after being awoken from a nap.

The two men looked awkwardly at each other before the one with brown hair spoke up.

"Yes, I think you can." He began, "My name is Lee Minho, and this is Han Jisung. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Hyunjin replied. "May I ask why you're here?"

"Of course." Minho looked to Jisung, asking a silent question. The latter took a breath and then began speaking without meeting Hyunjin's eye.

"This may be an odd request, and you're free to decline if you don't feel comfortable accepting, but I thought I would ask anyway." He began to fiddle with his fingers, most likely a nervous habit, but he continued speaking.

"So basically, um, this used to be my apartment. I lived here with my roommate, Yongbok, and one year ago today, he fell into a coma. The reason we came here is that he doesn't seem to be getting any better and we might have to- sorry." Jisung began to choke up. Minho grabbed one of his hands, stopping the nervous fiddling, before continuing where Jisung had left off.

"We might have to let him go soon."

Hyunjin's mind began to spin, many different thoughts entering and overlapping at once. All of them regarding this "Yongbok" and how he might be related to Felix.
Minho began speaking once again. "Jisung wanted to come here to get some closure before that day comes. We were hoping you would let us come in, but as he said, we understand if you don't feel comfortable with that."

Hyunjin couldn't think. He needed a second, a minute, an hour, maybe even an eternity to try to piece everything together. The tall man didn't want to keep them waiting without an answer for too long, though.

"Uh- yeah, just give me a second. I need to ask my... roommate if that's okay."

"Of course," Minho replied.

With a smile on his face, Hyunjin closed the door. As soon as it shut, the smile was immediately replaced with an expression of panic. His eyes darted to the kitchen where Felix was standing expectantly.

"Do you... know someone named Yongbok?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly.

That question startled Felix if his facial expression was anything to go off of.

He carefully replied, "Yes, that's my Korean name. Why do you ask?"

"Holy shit." Hyunjin couldn't believe it. Felix was alive. In a coma, but still alive. How the fuck did that make him a ghost? Who knows. Though he was relieved, Hyunjin was also kind of pissed. Of course he had to learn this along with the fact that they were planning on pulling the plug on Felix. He didn't know what he could do, but he needed to convince them not to go through with it.

"Hyunjin, what's going on?" Felix began to approach Hyunjin as if he were a scared animal. The brown-haired man figured he looked the part.

"A lot, Felix. A lot is going on." Hyunjin tried to gather his thoughts to begin explaining. "So the people out there uh- well they know you. Or I guess one of them knew you? He says he uh... well his name is Han Jisung and-"

"Jisung is here?" Felix interrupted. Hyunjin could tell he recognized the name and so he nodded.

"Why's he here? Who's he with?"

"Well he uh- I think it would be better if he explained why he's here..." Hyunjin was absolutely not going to be the one to tell Felix everything he now knew. "And the guy he's with is Lee Minho, I think?"

Felix smiled, obviously knowing something that the other didn't. That made the brown-haired man's blood boil. How could he possibly be so happy when Hyunjin was so clearly distressed?

"Can I talk to him?" The blonde attached his hand to Hyunjin's.

"I- well yeah. I just want you to prepare yourself to hear something that you might not like..." Hyunjin tried to warn.

Felix laughed a little at the comment, "Trust me, I don't think anything can make me sad today."

Hyunjin flashed a fake smile knowing that wasn't true. "Okay, are you ready?"

"You better believe it."

Turning around to open the door again, Hyunjin took a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing.'

As the door swung open, Hyunjin realized he had interrupted a fragile moment between the two men who were outside. The two had been embracing each other, and they were both visibly embarrassed after being caught.

"Uh- sorry. You can come in now, though I will say you should prepare yourself. I can pretty much guarantee that you're going to be confused."

The two men in the hallway gave each other a look. Hyunjin moved out of the doorway, making room for them to enter. Minho grabbed Jisung's hand once more, then walked through the door. After turning to face Hyunjin, they both froze at the sight of Felix standing right behind him.

"Is he- are you really here?" Jisung whispered out weakly. His eyes were already filled with tears by the time he had finished asking. Minho caught him as his legs seemed to give out.

Felix looked as if he might cry as well. He nodded. "Yeah, it's me. It's Felix."

"Oh my god!" Jisung began to cry, turning to Minho in favor of burying his face in the brown-haired man's chest. Minho enveloped him in a hug, whispering something into his ear.

Felix wasn't doing much better. Though he couldn't produce tears, most likely due to being a ghost, he was still obviously crying. He went to grab Hyunjin's shoulder, but Hyunjin knew he needed more than that little bit of affection. He turned around, opening his arms to the blonde. Felix seemed to cry even harder at the sight. He quickly accepted the invitation, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's neck.

They all stood in the living room, waiting for the two crying men to become coherent once more.


Felix isn't dead!

I don't know how much of this makes sense - if any of it does - BUT I have decided that it doesn't have to make sense. As long as it's possible for everyone to be happy, then I don't think everything has to be logical lol
This is fanfiction, anyway, so does anything really make sense??

As always, thank you so much for reading! Please leave comments, whether it be writing tips or commentary on the story!

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