Chapter 1

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Kurapika clutched his bag as he kept running his father held onto his hand leading them further and further away from the village. He'd presented as omega a few months before and ever since then his parents planned on sending him away. It was for his safety they didn't want his fate sealed like Pairo. Pairo who presented omega just three months before him was shunned and eventually thrown into the woods to fend for himself. He didn't make it past three weeks before his body was eventually found. Kurapika could still remember his dear friends body when they dragged it back to the village to inspect it. When they where done they threw the body back as fare away as possible not even giving him a proper burial. He shook his head he shouldn't dwell on the past too much he needed to focus if he was to escape. If they caught up to them it would he over as no omega born in the clan was allowed to survive and anyone found helping would be punished severely.

As the sun started to set his father decided they where far enough to rest for the night. Though he was restless it was hard having to leave their mother behind. His father assured him everything would be fine when they reach town he'll go back for her. His words calmed him a bit and he was able to drift off.

Hours later they made it into town his father paid the inn keeper before leaving. He was to stay here he had some money for food and water enough to last him till his father came back with their mother. But he never came back a day turned to two then three then four when the inn keeper threatened to kick him out if he wasn't paid. Giving his last bit of money to stay an extra day Kurapika hoped his father would return soon. When he didn't he was forced to leave he carried his belongings and waited around the inn. As the days turned to weeks he found himself doing petty jobs just to feed himself his clothes were dirty and ragged he slept on the streets though things turned from awful to disastrous when his first heat came.

Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️ this content maybe triggering for some people.

He felt warm his legs felt like jelly a sharp pain was felt every time he moved. His scent spread around drawing in some unsavory company. An older man an alpha had made his way to him, he got too close he could feel his disgusting breath on his neck. He tried to get away when he had felt his slimy hands on him slowly rubbing his shoulders and arms. Kurapika started to cry he didn't want this he wanted this man as far away as possible. He started thrashing around when those hands went down. The old man tried to shut him up covering his mouth with one hand and pulling his pants down with the other. Kurapika was in full panic now kicking and punching a struggle was made and he had seen his chance when he kicked the man in the groin making him double over in pain. Kurapika ran as far as possible till he was in those woods again.


When he awoke in the woods he started to cry again. After that he kept his distance from people as much as possible. He lived in those woods for months at first he tried to make his way back to the clan village in hopes his parents where still alive but he knew if he went back it would mean certain death. His 11th birthday was coming up in a few weeks though he had no friends no family to celebrate not even a home. Though celebrating was far from his mind as he truly only wished for revenge.

He'd made a somewhat stable living his hunting skills improved he'd sell rabbit meat and animal skins as well as give directions. He found his way to the clan village one day it was my mere luck. He failed to see his parents around and a couple of days stalking around he found two decomposed bodies not too far away he'd only recognized them when he noticed the familiar patterns on their clothes he cried for hours before dragging their decaying corpses deeper into the woods where he found Pairo's skeleton few days prior. He buried them there. Kurapika made his way back into town one day he'll get his revenge he will bring despair and anguish just as they'd predicted.

As time flew by he decided he wanted to leave this town to start fresh. He needed enough money for a boat ride to another island or mainland. So when a woman asked him if he knew where the kurta clan was located he didn't think twice telling her for the right price. He started to pack now having more than enough money he bought his ticket out of here as well as a fresh pair of clothes as he'd been growing out his. As well as his first suppressants he never wanted to feel that vulnerable again. He had nothing holding him back for the first time in years he felt optimistic. As he settled in to his destination he thought nothing would make this day better but oh how he thought wrong as he read the newspaper being thrown around in a frenzy. There on the front page was news of the kurta clan it was discovered burned to the ground bodies reduced to ash. Kurapika couldn't hold back his smile things where really looking up for him.

He traveled the world he wanted to learn everything from it even if it meant hiding his true self behind contacts and suppressants. He was fine with it he already decided to abandon everything he knew when he discovered his parents bodies. He started to find ways to make money as he traveled to new destinations his savings where starting to dry up.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora