Chapter 10

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Kurapika's anger was truly a sight. It had been the first time Chrollo had seen his scarlet eyes, they glowed so beautifully. Yet he didn't have the time to enjoy them as he was currently trying to hold back "his" omega. They've relocated from that hotel room a few day's prior in order to continue Kurapika's dream of traveling, though this time with Chrollo by his side. He'd known the blond had a temper but this was the first time it was directed to someone other than him, he didn't know weather to be grateful or not. Right now the blond was trying to claw his was towards his victim, the victim in question was a young beta woman she'd made it her goal to bring Chrollo back to her bed. Kurapika took offense telling her to back off, they ended up arguing on who he stayed with. At one point she'd gotten to cocky grabbing his arm which resulted in Kurapika clawing at her face. She laid on the floor clutching her bloodied face. A crowd was starting to form and Chrollo was forced to carry the blond away.


Kurapika littered his neck in bite marks to show who he belonged to. His eyes still showed scarlet face morphed from anger. They've had sex before but non this rough and intense. Chrollo was usually the one to initiate it. This time the omega was all over him the moment they stepped into the room. Roughly kissing him before harshly pushing him into the bed, he looked imposing while he straddled his lap. He'd use his nen chains to forcibly restrain his hands to the bed frame. Chrollo could only watch as the blond roughly slam down onto his dick. Kurapika growled into his ear before biting it. His soft insides clenched the alpha shaft it felt amazing inside. He could fell his resolve slip as he looked up at the blond, his usual neat hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead with sweat his eyes imposing scarlet eyes looking down on him in a way a predictor did there pray pale cheeks red and mouth half open panting. Chrollo didn't differ much each time the blond slammed down he came closer to release. As they continued longer he could here the blond switching from growling to intense moaning a clear sight he was close. Chrollo could feel the other tighten around him he was so close he started to thrust his hips upwards. The omega didn't seem to like this as he tightened his restraints in warning and continued to slam down with even greater force before finally coming, his head tilted back as his body shook harshly. Chrollo grunted as he tightened to point he feared his shaft hurt but that didn't stop him from coming too. He could feel the sticky mess beginning to pool around them. Kurapika got up soon after letting his limp shaft slip out dirtied with their combined juices. He was still panting when Kurapika went to the bathroom.

Kurapika came back with a moist towel to clean themselves up and finally released Chrollo from his restraints his wrists rubbed raw with clear indents of the chains. The blond grabbed his wrists to bring them up to his face as if to inspect them. For a moment he thought the other would heal the wounds but to his surprise he gently kissed them as to say he's sorry. But he knew he wasn't it was another mark to show the blonds possessiveness.

Chrollo gently scooped the blond into his arms. They'll talk about the situation in the morning but for now they needed some much needed rest.

When Chrollo awoke the blond was still asleep next to him he got up to use the restroom. Though when he looked in the mirror he was in for a shock his entire neck and shoulders where littered with bites and hickies. They would he hard to cover up with any shirt that wasn't a turtle neck which would be uncomfortable in the tropical weather in this region. He was sure the other thought about that when he marked him all over. Kurapika was pretty aggressive and territorial for an omega but the attention wasn't quite unwelcome though they did need to work on the blond to regulate his anger. He ordered them both breakfast through room service.

When Kurapika awoke they ate together before talking about last nights events. Kurapika explained he felt angry that the beta wouldn't leave them alone and that he knew ha had a problem controlling his emotions. When Chrollo asked about the scarlet eyes. Kurapika admitted he was part of the kurta clan before running way and didn't held any negative feelings towards the troupe. He didn't explain why but they'll get there eventually. There where still things they kept from each other  mainly their past topics they weren't ready to talk about. Chrollo suggested different ways to get his anger under control, they tried different exercises and stress relief techniques.

Kurapika found himself trying next time a situation arose. Chrollo was often the one to deescalate the situation by leading the two of them away from the area, but sometimes people where to stubborn following them outside to continue the argument. And Kurapika could only take so much before he eventually snapped it always resulted in mangled body parts and splashes of blood. Luckily by the time it escalated that far they where far enough from any unwanted attention. Chrollo always ended up cleaning up the mess afterwards with one of many stolen nen abilities.

He thought about about introducing Kurapika to the rest of his spiders even though they've already met. He wanted a proper introduction this time with Kurapika more willing. Kurapika often thought the same introducing him to his own pack of friends. But for now they needed to work on the details of their relationship and what what it would mean for them in the future.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ