Chapter 5

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The morning of Chrollo's supposed date his troupe members, well the few who stuck around after the heist had seemed to notice their boss's change in behavior. He seemed to be putting more effort into his appearance he also seemed more enthusiastic. The others seemed suspicious of his sudden change in behavior. Though many of them, the smart ones described not to dwell on the matter seeing as it wasn't any of their business. Though that didn't stop the few between them to draw their own theories about the ordeal.

Kurapika on the other hand treated this meet up as any other occasion. Though decided to wear his disguise until he left the city just in case he ran into a certain alpha. It seems Chrollo arrived first Kurapika apologized for making him wait.

It was a rather nice place to spend the morning though it seems for all their similarities they had a few differences. Chrollo had a big sweet tooth getting the most over frosted piece of cake that Kurapika had ever seen just looking at it long made his teeth ache. Though Chrollo also seemed to notice their difference in tastes he could smell the bitter coffee burning his nostrils no cream no sugar just plain black coffee. He could practically taste the bitterness from his seat. Though their conversation seemed to be going well Kurapika enjoyed talking about his travels as well as learning about different cultures. He told Chrollo where he planned on going to next it seemed like a far trip and he actually planned on leaving this afternoon. At that statement Chrollo's smile faulted he didn't like the idea of his future mate leaving so far away. He asked Kurapika if he was really still considering leaving today and tried to convince him to stay longer. Kurapika frowned stating he'd already been putting off his flight for too long. Chrollo grasped his hand and telling Kurapika if he felt the pull he'd been feeling since meeting. Kurapika snatched his hand back yelling what the hell he was on about. "Do you really not feel it? This attraction I feel towards you is something I've never felt in my entire life, it must be fate! You and I are destined together we're fated pair!" Chrollo couldn't help but say a bit too loudly for his liking. Kurapika quickly got up from his seat "Are you delusional? You must be if you think that crap is real. We've known each other for half a day at most!" Kurapika yelled he hated causing unnecessary attention but this guy was way out of line. He could feel the other customers eyes on them it stressed him out, he wanted to die of embarrassment. He pulled out a few small bills out his pocket before slamming it on the table. He couldn't deal with this he should've just left last night. He said goodbye to Chrollo before making his way out the building. Though before making his way out Chrollo gripped his arm.

It happened so fast Chrollo was on the ground his cheek stung. Kurapika had run off before he was able to get to his feet. The waitress asked him if he was alright apparently Kurapika had punched him.

Chrollo made his way towards his hide out his cheek was a bit swollen. Though it made him a bit happy his future mate was so strong his attraction for him only increased after this. Kurapika couldn't see it now but he will soon there was no escaping him. He just needed to understand first though he needed to hurry before the other leaves the city. By then it would be difficult to track him down he had a few hours before Kurapika's flight to get his plan together. But first he needed some help.

When Chrollo told his troup he found his fated mate they went ballistic before smothering him with questions. He promised to answer any and all questions later but first he needed help. So the plan is find out which flight Kurapika is taking stall it find Kurapika kidnap-guide him out and take him back to base. Things where going smoothly as only one flight was going to Kurapika's desired destination. Getting the flight delayed was easy some technical issues caused by shalnark was a good plan. Though locating Kurapika based on Chrollo's description was harder to accomplish a guy around 19-20ish slender around 5'7 long gray hair and eyes. A description of a person that could blend in easily. They found a few people with similar attributes but where proven wrong by Chrollo. Though people where starting to get into their respective flights leaving fewer people. But after an hour it seems someone could him though he didn't budge.

It was Uvogin that found him probably the worst person to do so. Kurapika held his breath hoping he had mistaken him for someone else. He was sure he would be unrecognizable. This was bad this was very bad he tried to play it off. " excuse me sir I have to get to my flight" though it seems the other wouldn't budge gripping his harm harshly. He kept trying to convince him "I think you've mistaken me for someone else. Now please let go of me" Kurapika tried to yank his arm from him but the other was insanely strong. "You're Kurapika aren't you?" Uvo was sure this was the guy he matched the bosses description perfectly. He began to drag him towards the others. Kurapika began trying to struggle his way out this was not how things where supposed to go how did he know his name what else did he know? It would be best to keep his mouth shut for now.

Uvogin presented Kurapika to the others including Chrollo to confirm he had the right guy. Kurapika took on look at Chrollo and wanted to die. This could not be happening why did he have such terrible luck? "You! Are you behind this? I already told you I'm not interested!" Kurapika wanted to rip someone's throat out. But now wasn't the time to let his anger get the better of him. His rejection fell on deaf ears as Chrollo ordered Uvogin to take him back to base.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang