Chapter 4

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Chrollo arrived back at their hideout he was surrounded by his troupe members it was almost time for the first night of the auction and everyone was getting ready. But for some reason his mode was still preoccupied with that tantalizing scent. He could feel his fangs ache at the memory. He had never craved to clame an omega before. It only meant one thing, this mystery omega was his fated pair he could feel it. He'll just have to wait until this mission was over so he could personally interrogate that salesman.

The first night was a bust everything seemed to be running smoothly at first everyone doing their job perfectly. Yet the loot was gone it seems someone had beaten them to it or rather someone was informed on their plan. Uvogin suspended a traitor though Chrollo quickly shot that idea down as no one here had anything to gain by selling them out. This prompted Chrollo to do his own little investigation. Though not long after it was revealed that the shadow beasts where responsible for the missing loot it also seemed they where being hunted down. They where able to retreat the loot from one of the members and Chrollo even gained a new nen ability Fun fun cloth. Though it seems something else was amiss that required his attention for the rest of their plan to come together. As during the fight Uvogin was captured by a mysterious chain user.

Neon Nostrade a young teen supposedly attending the auction. She had the rather useful nen ability to predict the future. It was clear she had some sort of interference. It wasn't hard to convince her to show him her ability, the poor fool he was able to knock her out soon after.

Kurapika wasn't being paid enough to deal with this Neon had apparently escaped from her hotel room while they where out trying to deal with the people responsible for the missing auction items. Only to find themselves witnessing a phantom troupe member brutally demolish the Shadow beasts single-handedly. Though after the one sided battle the guy was poisoned it left a good opening for him to use his chain jail. Though it meant having to escape as quickly as possible before the others could catch up. Even in the car and the advantage of a gap it seems the Luther troupe members where on their tale. He tried to lose them before they could get to the city but it seemed a nen thread type slipped passed them in the heat of their escape melody quickly made work of snapping it. He definitely needed a raise after this.

They where able to strap him down Kurapika couldn't stay much longer he had an urgent phone call. He feel the anger from his boss through the phone though it was already apparent he was angry Neon had woken up it appeared she had lost her nen ability. And they where held responsible for it Kurapika tried to reason as he was preoccupied by the man's other orders to help investigate on the missing auction items. That seemed to piss the man off more as he was fired on the spot Kurapika could care less all he wanted now was his pay but it seems he wasn't getting it as he failed to protect Neon. Kurapika snapped telling him it wasn't his fault his daughter was a spoiled stupid brat who can't take no for an answer. He angrily hung up before the other got the chance to reply. This would be the last time he would babysit someone's overgrown child. He needed to cool off.

He called Leorio to explain his situation maybe he knew a way Kurapika could earn some money. He was tired all he wanted was to rest in that comfy overpriced hotel bed but it seems fate had other plans. That rowdy alpha he captured earlier escaped his restraints though it wasn't his problem anymore given he's been laid off he could just leave and let someone else deal with this mess. But apparently the guy wanted a fight Kurapika was getting restless he wanted to leave this place at this point but he nevertheless agreed as he had no other choice.

The fight was held in the desert as to avoid any further damage as well as any distractions. It was a brutal fight each side getting their own well directed hits Kurapika didn't want to kill him not out of any sort of moral code but because the outcome would be disastrous for him. He could knock him out and make a quick run for it he'll have to get as much distance as possible. As the fight continued of Kurapika saw his opening, he wrapped his chains around him forcing him to stand still. He wraps a part of the chain around his knuckles ensuring he gets at least one good punch. It seemed to work effectively as the rowdy alpha lay on the ground in front of him.

Kurapika booked a flight as soon as possible before calling Leorio and the others. Though Gon begged him to stay a bit longer at least until the auction was over. Kurapika debated for a bit no one else really recognized him he could put on a disguise and who knows when he'll see them again. In the end he canceled his flight.

He met up with the three of them in a cafe the next morning he wore a long gray wig and round sunglasses. He gave them a brief explanation of his night. Leorio seemed more upset about his boss refusing him to pay though Gon and Killua seemed more interested in his fight. He couldn't help but let out a laugh he would miss these moments of tranquility between them.

He didn't go to the auction in fear of being recognized though did warn the two boys of the looming danger. Though for the rest of the evening he decided to go exploring. There was a small library he had his eye on ever since arriving here. He found a section of his favorite author he reached for a particular book when his knuckles grazed someone else. He quickly retracted his hand apologizing to the stranger. The man assured him it was alright before offering him the book. Kurapika thanked him. He couldn't help but notice the man's striking feathers black stands of hair sharp jawline and piercing gray eyes he also had quite a sense of formality he seemed charming. It seems the man also had a few of the same interests as him. He introduced himself as Chrollo they ended up talking for over an hour about their favorite pieces of literature as well as other similar topics. As the sun began to set Kurapika gave him the book explaining he wouldn't be able to return it as he planned on leaving tomorrow. The man grabbed his hand asking him if he would like to go to a cafe before he left. Kurapika reluctantly agreed.

He walked the streets alone still in his disguise it was rather a nice night as the city began to light up like the stars in the night sky. He blushed thinking about Chrollo maybe one day in the future he'll settle down but for now he wanted to live his life to the fullest. He assured himself this wasn't a date Chrollo just wanted a casual meet up.

Chrollo was sure that Kurapika was him, his fated pair it had to be no one else had made his heart flutter like that when they grazed hands. He was perfect smart beautiful funny. Even if Chrollo couldn't smell that wonderful scent on him it didn't mean Kurapika wasn't his. Scents could be easily covered up it was the norm in everyday life as it could be considered dangerous for an omega to be walking around without scent blockers. But Chrollo will get the chance to smell him again he couldn't wait for their date tomorrow.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt