Chapter 7

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It's been months since Kurapika had last seen Chrollo. He hoped the alpha had forgotten about him and found some unlucky omega to focus his attention on. Though he hated to admit it that he somewhat missed their conversations. He chalked it up to mutual attraction purely physical attraction nothing else. He was his own person and he refused to have anyone bring him down. Right now he's doing a job he'd been hired to escort some rich old guy to an art gallery, apparently it was a big event with other equally wealthy people. He wore a black suit similar to other bodyguards here. Though unlike them he didn't seem very strong he was smaller frailer then the others. Though he always surprised others with his immense strength.

Kurapika admired the detailed works of art beautiful paintings and statues from around the world delicately crafted by masters of their time. They where to be admired by the masses who would appreciate their beauty and meaning. He couldn't help but blush when remembering an upcoming artist he'd met a few months ago. They'd spent a night together after venting to each other in a bar. That following morning he'd let the man paint him. It was a rare time for him to show someone a valuable side of him. His true self without the blockers and contacts it felt rather refreshing yet exciting. He never saw the finished product as he left the town a week later. He hopes to meet him again someday.

Though what he hadn't known was that after he left and the painted was completed it became rather famous in the town. Many thinking it had been a painting of a literal angel who had visited the young artists dream. Or that is how the man had described it. It was of the blond practically nude his striking clear blue eyes staring at those who looked at them. He had pale skin free of any blemishes soft pink lips in a permanent semi frown his delicate areas carefully covered by his long limbs. It appeared to be sitting on the ground legs lazily crisscrossed his arms stretched so the covered his chest. The pose seemed rather innocent if it weren't for the absence of clothing. The painted rested in the city hall so everyone could see it's beauty. Though the man who'd painted had fell in to a depression as he could not recreate that beauty his other works seemed lackluster in comparison. He never could capture that intense feeling when he had painted when first working on it. Kurapika had been his muse.

Kurapika focused on his mission his boss, who was currently drinking overpriced champagne while talking to the elegantly dressed women who attended. It was clear he wanted to bring someone back home to his bed, though it was clear the only thing attractive about him to them was his money. The old man clearly knew this as he flaunted his extensive wealth,bragging about his large collection of paintings many cars and properties he had all over the world. To his credit it seemed to work as one woman wrapped herself around his arm. Though he kept a close eye on her he'd seen plenty of women and omegas throw themselves at his bosses just to get the chance kill them. They where often hired by their never ending enemies or even family members who wait to long for them do die so they could inherit their wealth. It was actually quite sad to see though it was understandable many of them where hard not to hate, they where pretentious and spoiled expecting the whole world to cater to their needs.

When they began driving back to the estates Kurapika made sure to keep his eyes and ears open for anything out the ordinary. His current boss began to get handsy with the woman he picked up earlier, he cringed at their giggles and traveling hands clearly drunk from the champagne that was served earlier.Arriving at the estate he waited outside the master bedroom just in case there was a call of distress. Luckily or unlucky for him things went on normally, he just had to endure this for a few more days before his contract ended he was paid some in advance something he required after the events in York new.  Though taking long vacations after jobs made it worth it, often daydreaming of the places he'll go, he kept in tough with the others though mostly Leorio as Gon and Killua were busy in greed island. He often admired Leorio after he had saved him that night. They often had hour long conversations over the phone he felt a deeper connection with him than with Gon and Killua maybe due to age differences? Killua had always been closer to Gon than with anyone else Kurapika wouldn't be surprised if the white haired alpha says he wants to marry Gon. If he did he'd he rooting for him.  Yet at times he felt a ping of jealousy towards their bond...

Chrollo laid awake in his hotel bed in his arms he clenched that piece of fabric he bought months ago in York new. It's scent nearly faded his own becoming stronger and starting to replace it. He'll find Kurapika, after the events of York new he promised himself once he finds the blond omega he'll never let him go. His angel seems to keep surprising him, he hadn't expected him to be able to use nen. And his hair once long and gray revealed to be golden blonde, it suited him better he wondered what else his angel had hidden from him. He'd been surprised when Uvogin admitted he'd met Kurapika before he was the chain user who captured him during their heist. He told them of his capabilities though he suspected he had a few more the blond hadn't used. Chrollo did some research after Uvogin's statement, they looked back on the hotel as well as others who housed attendees to the auction. They had a list of them though eliminated quite a few for the ones they killed. They also took time to look through camera footage where he'd been scene with others they where all likely bodyguards hired for the occasion. Many went to a certain room multiple times where their boss likely stayed. The room was under knostrade, that name sounded familiar. Neon it was Neon Knostrade he'd stolen her nen, Kurapika was hired to protect her. Uvogin remembered that Kurapika refused to fight him as first saying it wasn't his job anymore. Kurapika must've been fired after what happened to Neon. Looking into the other guards majority where hunters which mean's Kurapika was likely one two. There where around 600 even less of them who are hired to be bodyguards. Shalnark had used his hunter card to access a website where they are often hired for jobs. And there he was listed right there he took it on from there letting everyone to do their own thing for now. He tracked his last job he saw a pattern taking work in popular destinations he worked short jobs lasting at most a month or two.

The place he visited,Chrollo admitted where rather nice filled with must see museums libraries famous restaurants and beaches, towns filled with a rich history and culture. Kurapika had great taste. Chrollo made a mental note to visit some of these places again once when he has his mate by his again. He could almost picture it the two of them at the beach fancy dinner dates and of course long nights in nothing but in bedsheets like a permanent honeymoon.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя