Chapter 6

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Kurapika tried to keep his composure, he was in a rundown building surrounded by some of the most dangerous nen users. Though that didn't stop him from being petty, refusing to acknowledge Chrollo's feelings. Yet that didn't seem to bother the stubborn alpha. He wasn't tied up so that was good yet there weren't many options to escape. So for now he kept quiet and taking note of any possible escape routes. Though that in itself was different as Chrollo started talking about their future together, already deciding everything without thinking much of Kurapika's options. It didn't help with the others probing him for answers for their own personal questions. They where starting to get to close to his liking.

He could feel a vain pop with the amount of anger he was holding back the longer this went on. He didn't know how much longer he could last, he'd always had a problem keeping his anger in check. But looking around he figured if he wanted to escape his best chance was to keep calm and convince Chrollo to dismiss the others. So he finally speaks up cutting off the alpha. "Why do you get do decide on what my future will be? If you already knew what my personal goals were, why would you ignore them?" This seemed to draw everyone's attention. There where at least two omegas and it seems others are in relationships with each other. And seeing as Chrollo is their boss it would obviously be disrespectful or even uncomfortable for them to witness an arowith his "mate". Chrollo tries to reassure him that he's not ignoring his interests and just wants what's best for him. Kurapika replies "how do you know what's best for me? How can you ask me to be your mate if you don't even know me? We've only met two days ago!" Kurapika started to raise his voice a little trying to get Chrollo riled up. "I do know you! You are my fated mate!" It seemed to be working. "If you know me so well then when's my birthday? What's my favorite color? My favorite food? I don't even know those things about you! So how could you possibly think this will work out!" The others started to step away some who clearly wanted to watch this go down where forcefully dragged away from the scene. "We can learn! We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other." Chrollo tried his best to reason. "There you go again deciding for me! What if I don't want to know you! Just look around you basically had me kidnapped just because I rejected you! Do you know how insane that is!" Kurapika at this point was starting to inject his feelings. "It's not insane. Anyone rational would have done the same thing if their mate decided to run of to who knows where to do who knows what!"

Kurapika was a bit taken back by this obvious accusation "And what exactly are you implying by that?!" Kurapika grit his teeth. "I'm not implying anything,but it should be obvious what happens to unmated omegas when traveling alone." Kurapika could not believe what he's hearing right now. "I can take care of myself I don't need anyone supervising me especially someone like you!"  Kurapika pacing around supposedly to calm himself down. They've been arguing for a while now it was just them in the two of them in the room there was a window high up he could use his chains to pull himself up fast. He could use IN conceal his nen to keep his plan under wraps. He continued to pace around the room while going back and forth with Chrollo.

When it was time and he could sense the others where far enough he made a break for it. Chrollo watched as Kurapika escaped though he wouldn't let him get away again reaching out to him and grab on to the long strands of gray hair. Though it was fruitless as Kurapika turned his head to face him his golden strands of hair finally free from the wig he smiled at Chrollo as he descended higher and higher. He jumped out the window and made a run for it refusing to look back. He already had a good head start when the others where alerted. He just needed to get as close to the city. It was night now and the streets were as busy as ever. He could here the others close behind him no doubt that pesky alpha Uvogin recognized him now.  The base was not to far from the city he could see the lights. Right over the fence he jumped landing near the open road.

He was within a crowd already though they already seen his face or at least his hair. He needed to lay low somewhere until he left on his flight. He ended up contacting Leorio who was thankfully still in the city. Kurapika told him to pick him up somewhere hidden as well as bring a disguise. He came an hour later with a shopping bag though he wanted to complain about the choice in clothing he was still grateful for him to do this. He changed in a dark ally while Leorio looked out for anyone matching Kurapika's description on his kidnappers.

He walked the street with Leorio to his hotel he was wearing a woman's suit and a long brown wig in a high ponytail. They looked like two office workers on a night out. Things where going smoothly as they made their way to the hotel. But he'd seen someone familiar in the corner of his eye he grabbed onto Leorio as they continued to walk.

He ended up staying a week before deciding it was safe enough to leave he thanked Leorio for helping him out so much they hugged before parting ways. He sat on his seat and let out a sigh of relief. Though he was still worried about being recognized so he continued to wear the disguise until he landed. He booked a flight to a completely different place in fear of running into Chrollo. But he knew once he landed he couldn't relax as his money was starting to run out, he'll have to take on another job or two.

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