Chapter 3

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It's September first the day they'd agreed on. Though Kurapika had his hands full right now to meet up with the others. He'd been hired as one of the new bodyguards for the Nostrade family though in reality they where just glorified babysitters for a teen brat. But he's getting paid good money to watch her so he'll just have to deal with it until the auction is over. Though as it turns out the teen isn't as useless as she leads on to believe she was a rather talented nen user being able to tell one's future in a form of a poem. And it seems he father cashed in on his daughter's gift as many mob bosses often payed for her services as they are often in constant danger of their lives due to their type of work.

After guarding her hotel room for what seemed like eternity he was given an hour break. He met up with the others in a restaurant it seems Gon's father gave him a clue and it lead to an item in the auction though they're having trouble raising enough money. Kurapika thought for a moment before telling them to meet him in the hotel lobby before they go out 'raising' money again. They did as told waiting for him in the overly lavish hotel lobby. Kurapika signaled over to them he had a few items in his arms. He showed them a piece of embroidered garment it was small fitting a child around their size he explained it was a traditional piece of clothing from the now extinct kurta clan as well as an old dictionary used to translate from their native language as well as a pair of ruby drop earrings. The earrings where his mothers though it was to painful to wear again and he never wants to look back. He tells them some information on these items and tells them to make sure relay this information when they sell to ensure they have the highest possible price. Gon sensed the sentimental value and almost refused to accept them but Killua thanked Kurapika before Gon had the chance to decline.

They'd gotten help from Zepile to sell some items in the market he knew Kurapika's items where authentic to the kurta clan and was amazed on the pristine condition of them. He told them it was hard to find any artifacts of the kurta as it was a very tight nit community and the entire village was reduced to ashes only rubble and a few items where able to be recovered. The dictionary would be the most valuable piece it was intact though the pages and cover where worn down a bit by excessive use. Then there was the piece of clothing of a young member of the clan it was rich blue with detailed embroidery all hand made it looked well looked after. But these earrings though not as valuable as the others where a rare find a pair of silver drop earrings with a tear shaped ruby. It was often speculated the kurta enjoyed wearing rubies as it was symbol of the scarlet eyes clan members are known to have. Zepile coughed a bit realizing he'd been rambling. He assured the two he'll get a fantastic deal for these. Gon and Killua left Zepile to do his business though Gon still felt unsure if it was right for them to sell Kurapika's stuff. Killua assured him it was fin before dragging him further down the market place they had a lot of work to do.

Though as they left a raven haired man stepped up to Zepile's booth he seemed rather interested in a peculiar item.

Chrollo had been planning this heist for a while now it was going to be their biggest job yet. His fellow spiders seemed rather excited for this job though their was one particular person he should keep a close eye on,Hisoka. That clown the other members seemed weary of he seemed to know exactly what buttons to press to instigate a fight though with Chrollo present the others knew fighting other members would result in punishment. Thought with him around tension still seemed to thicken whoever the clown was mentioned. It was hard work keeping so many alpha's in line though as pack leader it was his duty to do so maybe if he took in an omega as a mate things would run more smoothly? Though there where three omegas in the pack they each already had a mate which makes things harder to control. He needed a breather before going back in the hideout. He took a stroll in the market place it was somewhere he could easy steal with so many people around though many of the items here were just junk it was very far and few to get anything authentic or somewhat valuable. But then he immediately stopped this scent though rather faint smelled delectable. It was hard to keep track of with so many sweaty bodies but it was there. He followed it till it became increasingly stronger, there on top a small booth beside some other junk a blue piece of fabric delicately folded. The owner the booth seemed to notice his interest and began trying to sell it to him he found hard to believe his claims but Chrollo was there the embroidery seemed to fit the aesthetic of the kurta though his troupe made sure to burn any evidence. The scent of this piece of clothing definitely belonged to an omega yet no omegas where found in the village it was made up of alpha's and betas. Yet he couldn't get the smell off his mind it seemed rather fresh too maybe someone who handled it accidentally scented it? He ended up paying a hefty price for it. He asked the man where he'd gotten it though answered he was given a share of the money to sell it for someone. He had no idea where they'd gotten it from his guess they way anyone here gets things his best guess was it was being sold through multiple people before finding its way here. Though Chrollo sensed some truth in his answer he'll find the owner one way or another.

A rare treasure (Kurapika x kuroro)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang