Chapter 11

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As time passed the relationship between Kurapika and Chrollo continued to blossom. Though it became apparent that something dark also began to grow, Kurapika's instincts where going haywire after he stopped taking his suppressants, after suppressing his omega for so many years his body and mind began to change , he began to be restless when away from Chrollo and became increasingly possessive and lash out whenever another omega was within his vicinity. Chrollo feared if things kept escalating Kurapika will reach the point of becoming feral. So he had to take Kurapika to a doctor.

Things didn't go so well as they would be kicked out for Kurapika becoming violent at other patients. In the end he had to call Leorio, someone he loathed but the blond trusted. Leorio had came as soon as he could his presence seemed to calm the omega a bit. He questioned the omega on his eating habits sleep and if he'd laken any previous medication. Kurapika had admitted taking suppressants in the past. Leorio warned him on the danger as taking them for too long can cause serious damage, many prescribe them for no more than a year any longer can cause irregular heats damage to his ovaries and more likely to succumb to his instincts than logic and reason. Leorio asked when his last heat was. Kurapika at fort stayed quiet he knew the answer would anger the both of them, he asked for Chrollo to wait outside. Chrollo reluctantly agreed, he didn't trust the beta doctor but Kurapika needed help.

Kurapika admitted he only had one heat, the first one he had seven years ago after that he'd been on suppressants non stop until a few months ago. Leorio scolded him for nearly twenty minutes. He told Kurapika he needed to have a heat as soon as possible though given his circumstance his body likely can no longer tell his cycle, so for now he'll prescribe some heat inducing medication he's to take for a week, it will cause symptoms of preheat then the next year same time around he'll need to do it again. He warns Kurapika when his heat kicks in it will be very hard since he'd gone so long without one. He recommends seeking help not just with an alpha but to contact an experienced omega to tech him how build a nest as well as to prepare. He tells him to call him if he has any other questions as he'll always answer.  He gives him the prescription slip and a nearby pharmacy where he could pick it up. Kurapika thanks him before hugging him tightly.

Chrollo waited patiently outside though he wanted to listen he could only hear muffled voices. When the blond finally stepped out he asked if he was okay.  The omega explained the situation though leaving some details out, he walked to the pharmacy Kurapika said he needed a heat in forcing medication. He looked a bit more relaxed after visiting the doctor, even if Chrollo disliked him he admitted he was of value at times.

For the next few days Kurapika began to prepare secretly researching information on what to do, he didn't want Chrollo to know how inexperienced he was, as he'll insist on calling one of his spiders to help him and Kurapika cannot have that. There where at least two omega  members even if Kurapika had nothing against then he didn't want them in his and Chrollo's personal affairs it was non of their business.

Kurapika picked a secluded area far from any neighboring city he stocked up on food and water bought some extra pillows he even had Chrollo scent them as Killua and gon where busy and too far away Leorio was out the question as he knew how Chrollo felt. He didn't need the added stress of his jealousy right now. As he took the medication he could feel the effects begin it started easy enough a small increase in his body temperature. But he knew things would get harder from here.

He started to feel hot and bothered and easily irritable he couldn't make up his mind his hormones where all over the place. He wanted to cling to Chrollo but his body heat was too much he didn't know to cuddle or push him away. The alpha had a lot of patience he'll let the blond boss him around for now, he'll be the perfect boyfriend and soon to be mate, they just need to wait this out for a little more. He knew the omega hated letting go of his control he called the shots, he was spoiled when it came to having the alphas attention. He didn't like to share either. Chrollo like always put up with it, but he knew when to put his foot down yet every time he did it always resulted in a fight neither backing down. It was something Chrollo loved about him. Some would say it was unhealthy almost toxic, but he didn't care.  Though there where some aspects of their relationship Chrollo questioned mostly Kurapika's reluctance to share his past, he knew small details but there some things he wanted to know, his questions where often shut down immediately even if Chrollo offered to tell his own story. Though he himself hid things from the other like his stalking or him accidentally getting him fired. Things he thought didn't matter in this point of the relationship but Kurapika was unpredictable with any piece of news told to him he could go from zero to a hundred in a split second. Something he'd witnessed a hand full of times each one resulted in a lost life or two.

But for now it's best to play it safe until his heat is over. Chrollo will take care of him just like before, he'll be his saving grace so the blond can know he can only rely solely on him and certainly not that beta or any other man.

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