Chapter VIII | The Arrival at the Camp Regain Mikellar

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"Toivo! When are we going to reach?" Galena asked for the sixth time.

Toivo sighed, "Just a few more steps, Galena". He took a final turn into a quiet and dark alleyway.

Roaches crawling, sounds of wild street animals and the smell of dirty trash filled the most disgusting alleyway we have stepped feet in. No sign of a person anywhere.

"Toivo, Are you sure this is a good place to be at?" Galena asked worriedly, looking around and seeing a person staring out of a window at us.

"Not, but don't worry we will not be here for too long." Toivo replied "Oh! And be cautious, the place we are going to will not be as welcoming as we may think."

He took out a harmonica from his pocket and played a not-so-melodious tune. Suddenly, a gush of wind escaped from the barred sewers below us. It revolved around us, slowly turning into a tornado. The ground beneath our feet started to break and created a hole but we didn't fall because we were held up in the air by the powerful winds.

"Toivo! What did you do now?!" I screamed but he didn't reply instead gave me a sly smile on his face.

The wind took us through the hole which was filled with dense white fog before dropping us there. Toivo made a perfect land with Flubber back in his hands, Galena didn't land perfectly but still better than me because...well-I landed straight on my face of course.

"Ouch," I exclaimed, rubbing my nose as I stood up.

We were surrounded by the thick white fog and stood with our backs again each other, so we won't get away from each other and lost in the thick fog.

"What exactly are we doing here?" I questioned in a feeble voice 'cause of the eerie silence.

"Stay Alert!" Toivo warned, taking out a sword from his pocket.

Galena took out her dagger from her satchel, ready for the unknown threat Toivo was talking about. I too stood my ground, prepared with my fist weaker than one of a rat, clueless about what was happening.

An arrow out of nowhere swiftly came towards Toivo, ready to hit him at the back of his head but Galena sprinted and sliced the arrow half in mid-air using her dagger.

"Extranscer!" Galena murmured, extending her dagger into a sword as many more arrows started to shoot toward us. We were unable to see who was shooting it but we knew we had to protect ourselves.

Galena and Toivo swung their blades, slicing the arrows as they came. And I stood there scared like a wet cat, covering my head with my arms out of fear of getting shot.


An arrow sharply came towards me, it would have hit me if I wouldn't have ducked and dodged the arrow.

I need to do something too to protect myself! Or else I will become the aim board of these arrows.

I started to search over on the ground in a hurry for anything I could use to defend myself with, but instead just found broken arrows.

And then finally, I found a peculiar-looking red crystal on the ground. Out of curiosity, I picked up the stone and started to shriek like a banshee as the crystal melted into a sizzling hot liquid, somehow getting absorbed into my skin.

"What in walnut-?" I thought aloud, looking at my hand as the stinging pain slowly lessened.

When suddenly, I felt as if something was coming towards me as a strange electrifying feeling brushed under my skin. I quickly turned my head to find an arrow in the air a few metres in front of my eyes, but the weird thing was that it was moving at a very slow speed as if the time had slowed down.

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