The Alchemist

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I was wearing a midnight blue dress , I left my hair open and almost did a light make up. I am not that fond of make up , I tend to avoid it as much as possible but I like getting ready. After everything, I stepped downstairs to tell my parents that I am leaving.
Their faces lit up as they saw me.
" Finally you are going. Have a very good time." My mom said.
" I will." I replied sarcastically.

I reached the venue early. I was standing outside the restaurant waiting for him. It was almost 7 and yet there was no sign of him. I called him twice but he didn't pick up. I even texted him.
' I am here. Where are you???'
No reply as usual.

Just then, someone from the restaurant came up to me.
" Hello Good Evening Ma'am. Most welcome to The Alchemist." That man said.
" Hello , Good Evening!"
" I am the Manager of The Alchemist, how may I help you?"
" Oh no, I am just waiting for someone."
" Do you have a reservation here?"
" Ahh yeah I do. "
" Would you like to come in? You can wait at your table."
" Oh yeah right, I can ."
What was I thinking? Why am I standing out here when I can go in?
Am I that nervous?! No can't be.
I entered inside to see a wonderful interior.
" Can you please provide me your reservation details?" Mark asked me.
" I have a reservation under Aaron Wesley, can you please check?"
" Oh Ma'am please, Welcome, Please follow me to your table , it's ready ." He was stumbling.
Before I could even say anything, He offered me flowers as a Welcome gift.
I followed him to our table feeling absolutely having no idea what was going on. Do they treat everyone like that? Maybe that's why this restaurant is so famous. They were treating me as if I was the owner.

" Ma'am please have a seat , Mr. Wesley will be here soon , till then please enjoy our welcome drink ."
" But I didn't order anything? Is it complimentary?" I asked them, I was still in shock .
" No ma'am it's on the house, please enjoy the drink, if you need anything please do call ."
" Sure thanks."
What was happening, no one treated me like that ever, not in any restaurant I ever went to.
The drink was really good , I had never imagined myself actually having dinner at a fancy restaurant like Alchemist. But where is Aaron?
I got really bored, I asked the waiter if I could roam a little around the restaurant as it was so big.
" Ma'am there is no need to ask , you can do whatever you want ."
Whatever I want? What was that? I ignored that I started walking towards the fountain. It was really a dreamy restuarant. After sometime, The waiter came to me and said
" Mr. Wesley has arrived. "
" Oh okay I will get going , but I should say this place is wonderful."
" Thank you so much Ma'am "

I started walking towards Aaron. He talking with Mark. As soon as he saw me coming, Mark left.
He started walking towards me, wearing a suit. He was looking- . I better stop at this.
" I am sorry darling for making you wait , I was stuck at work." he apologized.
He apologized to me ?! The guy who said that he doesn't care what I think the first time we met is now apologizing to me .
" It's okay no problem."I replied
He took my hand and took me to our table.
" Please sit."
" Okay ". My face was very blank . I was not used to this.
" What happened , why do you look so lost?" Aaron asked. Before I could say anything, he continued.
" Normally you are the one to start yelling at me for no reason." He chuckled.
" Hey! I don't yell at you for no reason." I paused and continued,
" Nothing it's just that everyone is treating me like - you know it's different , I mean I have visited many restaurants earlier but never been treated like this before in any restaurant so it's a little weird for me."
" This is nothing weird, you are supposed to be treated that way ." He said.
I kept looking at him.
" Stop looking at me like that and order whatever you want." Aaron called the waiter.
I kept looking at the menu , not knowing what to order. I can never decide what I want. It's so tough. You can ask me do anything else but ordering food? Never.
" I - you order please " I asked him with a pleading face.
" Okay fine ." He ordered some challenging names from the menu.

As soon as the waiter left , I started a topic.
" So Aaron what's the next step?"
" I already told you tell them I am divorced, I am sure they will break it themselves."
" But Aaron , are you really?"
" Doesn't matter you tell them ."
" But - "
" If you want to marry that guy then do as I say . " His tone was like a command.
" But you didn't tell me anything about yourself. I want to know ." I asked him , I can't wait I was so curious.
" What do you want to know? There is nothing, I am a business man , I live alone, what else you want ?
" Your Reason for breaking the marriage."
" No need " Aaron demanded.
" You are so rude. I told everything to you and you can't even give me a reason."
" I didn't ask you to . "
" Then how were you planning to end the marriage at the first place then?"
" I was going to go home and tell my parents I don't like her , that was enough. They won't go ahead without my permission."
" Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!"
" You never gave me a chance to."
" Aaron!"
" What?"
" That could have been just fine! Rather than acting like an jerk."
" But then if I said no, how could you have placed your boyfriend in your family collage?"
I thought for a while.
" Right " I sighed.
" Have you done it ?"
" Done what?"
" Talked about your boyfriend."
" No "
" Why?"
" My parents don't like Andrew that much."
" Why that?"
" Because he still plays in a football team and they think that it's not a real job."
" He plays for a football team?" He questioned as if he was not expecting it.
" Yeah , he is going for the New York football tournament next year."
He didn't look that impressed.
" So that's why he wants to get married before it." Aaron said.
" Yes."
" Has he even proposed to you? I can't see your ring."
" He did, kind off."
" What is kind off? The ring on your finger is fake."
" I know that. This ring he gave me during our college days, we had made a pact that we would get married in the future. That was like the promise ring."
" Where is the real ring then?"
" He will give it to me."
" Will?"
" Yeah."
" I think you should rethink."
" What?"
" Nothing. Our food is here "

While having food, we talked about the most random topics , half of the time I was talking and he was nodding, until the waiter served us the wine.
" How was the food Nina?" He asked me.
" It was absolutely amazing, you know what, whenever I used to pass by this restaurant I used to think why would someone name their restaurant as Alchemist, I find it really funny . " I was laughing loud. Maybe it was more of the wine .
" The Alchemist name has a story behind it . This place was built after a long time of difficulties and a lot of mistakes. After many falls this restaurant is standing where it is now . The Alchemist is a novel from which this place is inspired. "
" How ?" I asked
" It had a prominent message that it was okay to make mistakes as long as you get up and try . If you get up more times than you fall , you will definitely meet success, and here it is , success."
" Oh wow , so great. Now it's no more funny ."
He had his little laugh . His dimples made me crazy or again it's maybe the wine.
" But how do you know so much about this ?"
" I tend to keep stories ."
" Stories kind of guy ." I replied in a teasing way.

Just then the manager interupted,
" Excuse me sorry to disturb. Sir , was everything okay today ?".
" Yes Mark , everything was good. I noticed a difference in the steak."
" Yes, it's the new chef , he started today. "
" Alright, he is good."
" Yes sir."
Aaron was giving orders ? How come? Is he?
" Are you -? " I asked him with a blown out face.
" Yes . I own this place ." He replied
" What do you mean you own this place?" I was astonished.
" I mean I own this. I built this . "
" That's why. That's why this special treatment , because I came with you ." I nodded.
" Lets get out of here darling."

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