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" Nina what's wrong?! Please tell me "
" I don't know Aaron! She told me to stay away from you."
" Why?"
" I don't know, she told to take a cab and come home right away. She didn't sound pleasant. Something 's wrong Aaron!"
" What do you want to do? Should I look for a cab?"
" No, no, it's alright, I can go with you, I would get down a block away."
" Okay."
All the way home I was thinking what was wrong with my mom? Why did she say something like that? She was the one forcing me to marry him and now she says to stay away from him?
" Aaron, Daniel's been calling you."
" I know I will talk to him later."
" Okay."
" Aaron your phone is continuously ringing , I think it's something important."
" Let it be , nina, I will look into it after I drop you home. Please tell what's going on! Call me as soon as you get to know okay?"
" Yeah, okay, stop right there "
I got down
" Nina, call me asap."
" Yes Aaron, don't worry I will handle it."
I walked towards my house.

" Mom what happened?" I spoke to her as soon as I entered.
" What did he do to you?!"
" What?"
" Did Aaron do anything to you?"
" What ? No, why would he?"
" Did he?"
" No."
" Don't hide."
" I am not. He is incredibly nice to me."
" Nina I am sorry to bring this man in your life ."
" Mom what happened?"
She was silent.
" Mom! Tell me . Dad at least you tell me what it is?"
" We got to know that he is divorced."
" I told you that. He mentioned it to me earlier."
" Did he mention you the reason?"
" Yeah he did , his wife was a thief."
" That's not the actual reason."
" What? "
" He was divorced because he physically abused his wife and so she divorced him. I am so sorry to introduce his man to you."
" What the hell! It's not true! He was divorced because his wife cheated him."
" That not true Nina."
" You are wrong! He told me the truth. who the hell told you this?"
" Why anybody has to tell us? It's all over the news!"
" What?!"
My father showed me the tv.
" That's not true. Mom, dad it's not true!"
" I don't care, Nina you are going to break your ties with him. "
" I am not "
Just then Aaron started calling me. Maybe he got to know about the news too.
" Nina block him right now."
" Mom no!"
" Give me your phone." She snatched my phone from my hands and blocked and deleted his number in front of me.
" Now it's over. Go to bed."
" Dad, you please tell mom , it's not what you think, I know about his ex wife, he told me, this is all false."
" No more discussion on this topic. Nina it's our last warning to you. Stay away from him. Go to bed."
I stormed into my room.

Jane called me.
"Nina did you see the news?"
" I did."
" People are accusing Aaron for physically assaulting his ex wife."
" I know."
" Nina I am sure that's not true."
" It isn't , He told me what happened, its not true these media thing."
" Nina!"
" It's false accusation Jane."
" I know , i know, you call Aaron, look how is he, he must be in a bad phase."
" I can't I don't have his number anymore. My mom blocked him "
" Oh my god."
" Yes, I don't know what to do."
" Listen, I have his number."
" You do?"
" Yeah, I will come to your house tomorrow in the morning, we will call him okay?"
" Jane that would be really helpful. Please come."
" I will , don't worry okay , everything will be fine."
" Thank you so much jane."

I was so worried about him. He was there for me every time I needed him. I should be there for him too. He needs me. Just then I heard my doorbell. Who would be here now? Is it-- I ran downstairs. My mom had already opened the door. I was so pleased to see Aaron standing at my front door but my mom wasn't.
" What are you doing here? Go away right now or I am calling the police."
" Aaron!"
As soon as he saw me, his eyes lit up.
" Nina, I swear I haven't done anything. You know-- whatever I have told you about her was true. Nina, I haven't done anything please believe me."
" Aaron, I know , I know. I believe you" I went towards the door. My mother stopped me from going near him.
" Nina, stay out of this. Get out of our house. I never thought you would do something like that, we trusted you and you --"
" Mom atleast Let him in."
" Nina you go into your room."
" No!"
" Listen Mrs Brown, it's nothing like that , that's why I am here to explain you , everything that they are showing on the news is false I never did anything like that in my life. Please trust me ."
" Get out ."
" Please mom atleast listen to him."
" Nina you don't take his side."
" I know it must be hard for you to trust me as I haven't mentioned about my divorce earlier to you but please believe me , I haven't done anything wrong ."
" We can't trust you."
" Mom, I trust him ."
" Nina!" She yelled at me .
" Please go away or else I am calling the police."
" Mom stop please ."
" It's okay, please don't get mad at her. I am leaving But I will earn your trust once again I promise. Take care Nina. " As soon as he left, I yelled at my mom.
" Mom why don't you understand? You knew him before me right? You told me that he is all good and perfect for me , and now you don't even believe him?"
" I know that I brought him to your life but I didn't know about his divorce. But still Nina is difficult to trust him. I don't want you to go through any of that ."
" I know mom I understand, but you have to give him a chance atleast."
" We will see about that. Nina, you are not going anywhere without me or your father with you."
" You can't do this to me! Mom!"
" He came over today, if he sees you out , he will approach you, and I won't let that happen."
" Mom, you are overthinking this a way too much. He is not guilty. I believe him."
" I am not asking you Nina, I am telling you. It's final."
Saying this she went inside her room.
" Fuck!"

The next day, as planned, Jane came over.
" Here call him."
" He came here, yesterday."
" What?"
" My mom didn't even let him in."
" Oh my God."
" It's getting worse, the media won't stop accusing him. "
" Talk to him, here "
After calling him twice, he finally picked up.
" Aaron, how are you?"
" Nina? It's you?"
" Yeah, my mom blocked and deleted your number from my phone so I took Jane's."
" Oh "
" Is your mom still pissed?"
" Yeah "
" Nina, whatever I told you is the truth -"
" Aaron, I believe you. You don't have to explain all this to me. I trust you."
" Thank you so much nina."
" where are you right now?"
" In my office, trying to figure this out."
" Okay."
" Can I get to see you? "
" Aaron-- my mom--"
" I understand. I will talk to you later okay?"
" Yeah sure."

I felt so bad that I was not able to be there for him.
" Jane , I want to see him. I have to see him."
" I understand but you can't go without your mom."
" Do you think I can sneak out?"
" But how?"
" I have a plan."
" What?"
" Listen , can you please pretend to be me and stay here?"
" But how?"
" Okay so, what can we do is, we would exchange our clothes and I would step out as Jane and you have to stay here as me. Just don't open the door of my room."
" How will you come back?"
" I will sneak back in somehow."
" It's risky Nina."
" Right now, all I care about is him."
" Okay then. Let's do it."

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