sneak out

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" I should hide the hair. Hand me that cap."
" Here. Nina please some sooner okay? I can't hold that long, if we get caught, it's over."
" I know, I will some soon okay. Till then don't open the door."
" Yes Nina. "

We exchanged our clothes, I wore a cap to hide my hair. I slowly tiptoed down the stairs. I looked for the sign of my mother, she was sitting in the living room watching tv. I had asked jane to speak from upstairs to let her know that 'Jane ' is leaving or else she might come to check for her.
" Mrs. Brown I take your leave."
" Yes Jane bye "
She said and looked behind just to see my shadow. I thanked the lord and ran out into the cab.
I walked right into his office and was once again stopped by the receptionist.
" You know me okay, I came in earlier I need to see Aaron right now, let me go."
" I need to have a proof , I can't send you in without one. "
" I can't, give you proof , just dial him please."
" Mr. Wesley is very busy right now, we are not allowed to contact him at this moment."
" God! I -- I have no time --"
I rushed in without permission , I really don't about her right now.
" Ma'am you can't go in like that. Security!"
" God you woman , I am his fiancee."
" We need some recognition."
Just then I saw Daniel coming out of the elevator.
" Daniel!"
" Nina? Thank God you are here!"
" Daniel please tell her to let me in! "
" Nina, you go ahead , he needs you , i will tell her."
" Thank you."
I rushed towards the elevator.
As I reached his floor, I could see the choas everywhere.
His cabin 's door was open with 4 to 5 people in.
" Aaron?"
As soon as he heard me, he came towards me for a hug.
" I can't explain how happy I am to see you."
" Aaron, how's everything?"
" Situation is getting out of hand."
I looked at him with pity.
" I don't know, I need to fight the case."
" I think you should."
" I will, and now I have a reason to fight."
He kissed my forehead.
" How long you have been here Aaron?" He was wearing the same clothes from yesterday.
" Since last night."
" Aaron! "
" I have to find out who has done this."
" Any suspects?"
" My buisness enemies, or probably her or both."
" Can I do something to help?"
" What will you do?"
" I will walk in the court as a living walking proof."
He smiled.
" You are the only person who could make me laugh at a situation like this, I love you."
I hugged him back.
" Wait, how did you come here?"
" I sneaked out."
" Are you serious?!"
" Yeah I wanted to be here for you."
" Excuse me , sir,"
" Yes?"
" There has been a problem."
" What?"
" Your ex - wife, she is in the media."
" What?!"
That was the first time I saw her face. She was talking rubbish in front of the camera. Aaron's reputation just got worsen because of this.
" Fuck!" He yelled
" I swear I haven't done this, Nina."
" I know , I know."
He ducked his head.
" Aaron, it will be fine."
" Everybody, just go out." He said.
Everybody started walking out , I thought he meant everyone so I started walking with them , as he needed some time for himself. But I was wrong, he held my hand and said,
" Not you."
I dragged a chair next to him. My hand started going through he hair.
" Aaron, trust me, I know you will win this."
" Nina, I don't care about the media, really , people will watch and forget but --"
" But ?"
" My restaurant in Paris, the opening is in crisis. If this continues , the people supporting me, are going to cut ties and my dream will --"
" No, aaron, nothing is going to happen like that okay? Aaron."
" I don't know--"
I heard his voice breaking for the first time today. I couldn't see him that way.
" Aaron, no, it's not going to happen. You are going to have your own restaurant in Paris and it's going to be a hit okay?"
" It's not an ordinary restaurant Nina, or else I would have opened it way sooner. It's very unique. It has its speciality. Everything made in there as it's individual meaning. It took many months and years to plan and finish and now-- this thing -- it's collapsing everything."
" I know everything aaron , don't worry, I am there, I won't let anything fall okay?"
He hugged my waist, he was upset, but he didn't even shed one drop of tear from his eyes. I was getting more worried about him.
" Aaron--"
My phone started ringing, it was Jane.
" Jane what happened everything 's fine?!"
" Nina come home right now." My mother shouted at me.
" Mom-- you-- listen to me."
" If I don't see you home in the next five minutes, I am coming there."
" Mom, I am coming -- coming"
She hung up. I was scared.
" Nina, what happened?"
" My mom, we got caught, I have to rush back." I panicked.
I knew I was dead.
" I am sorry for putting you in this."
" No, Aaron, hey , it's not your fault. Okay? I will just go and try to convince her okay?"
" Wait , I will come with you."
" No! Aaron,no."
" I have to talk to your parents, I want to gain their trust again."
" Aaron,now is not the time."
" Let's go."
As usual he didn't listen to me.

As I reached home, my heart was beating faster and faster. She was already standing at the door. My dad was also there.
" Mom, dad -- let me explain --"
" Get in first."
" Mrs.Brown it's me."
As soon she saw him, she pulled me in.
" I had warned you Nina, not to see him again. I made myself clear the other day right?! Then why did you go?!"
" Mom, he needed me, everything they are saying about him is false."
" Mrs brown please hear me out. I haven't done anything, that's my ex wife she cheated for the money ,its all just a trap to fade away my reputation."
" We don't believe you ."
" I believe him. I know Aaron! Mom, he can't do something like that ever."
" Nina stop, you are grounded."
" What?!" I exclaimed in anger.
" Mrs. Brown please, don't get mad at her, she came for me "
" Aaron, please don't waste your time here. I am not going to be fooled by your words."
" Mom! Enough! I trust him. "
" Nina--"
" I would never do anything to hurt her. Ever."
" Get out."
" Mom stop! Please! At least hear him out." I requested her.
" Nina , you have to stop, it's getting out of hand. Forget him. You are grounded until he is out of here." My dad demanded.
" But , dad I love him." I screamed.
I said it. In front of my parents for the very first time and it felt right. My expressions on my face were frozen. All I could see was his face which had lit up after hearing this.
" I love him." I looked at him speaking in a soft voice.
" I love you too Nina." He said to me with a smile on his face.
" Nina enough."
She slammed the door in front of his face. I tried to stop her.
" Mom, no"
" Nina don't make me more furious , if I see this man again at my door , I will file a complaint."
" How could you--?"
" Nina gave you seen the news?! The proofs they presented and what he did to his ex wife? I can't let him to that to you." She said.
" That's all fake! That's what we are trying to tell you!"
" There is no we anymore Nina. You both are over. Break up with him. And I am serious about being grounded until he is out of here."
" Mom!"
" Go upstairs."
" Nina go." She shouted.
I slammed my door and locked myself in. I couldn't stop my tears.
Everything was so perfect, and suddenly everything just crumbled down.

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