a surprise

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I couldn't sleep at all. That incident kept on poking my mind. I never expected Andrew to go on such levels. How could he? To me? We had spent so many years together? How could he do it when we were so close to make it? He broke us. He broke me. But at least, in my case, he told me that he is breaking up but for Aaron? She didn't even tell him, he thought he was marring he love of his life and then she runs away , that too on their wedding day? Leaving him alone for humiliation. I could have never handled that-- but him, I was feeling so sorry for him. I hope there was someone for him as he was there for me today.

In the morning, Jane came as soon as she heard.
" Jane I never thought that he would do something like that."
She hugged me.
" I am so sorry Nina "
My phone was vibrating at distance. Jane got up to take it.
" He is calling you ." Jane said.
" I don't want to talk."
" It's okay if you don't feel like it. But it's Aaron."
" Oh , give it to me then."
" Hello"
" How are you doing?" Aaron asked immediately after hearing my voice.
" I am fine. "
" Are you sure you are not crying again?"
" No I am not."
How does he know? Everytime.
" Don't, give it some time, you will get over it. I won't say it's going to be today, but someday."
" Yes, by the way, why did you call ?"
" Nothing I will talk later. Do you have company?"
" Yes, my best friend Jane is here."
" Good . Tell her to stay."
" Yeah. Thanks."
" Take care darling."

" You should do something for him, to thank him, he helped you a lot."
" He did , I will."

It's been two days , since the breakup. I have been better I guess. It hurts when in a relationship, you were the one who was involved the most.
Jane started coming over everyday since then, that's a bestfriend for.
Aaron called me when I was sleeping on Jane 's lap.
" Where are you?"
" At home."
" Do you have company?"
" Yeah Jane is here."
" Good. "
He ended the call. Did he just called to see if I am home?
After almost 30 minutes, my mother asked me to come downstairs. I was in my shorts with a tank top , hair undone. I came downstairs thinking she was calling for lunch. I was shocked to see Aaron sitting in my living room with my mom.
" What are you doing here?! " I exclaimed hiding behind Jane.
" I came here to pick you and our friend." He said.
" Where?"
" To a place."
" Aaron , seriously! You could have told me that you were coming, I would have been--" I said , " dressed" I murmured.
" It is supposed to be surprise."
" Aaron -- I don't feel like going anywhere. Please can we do this another time?"
" No. Get ready, we are going."
" Aaron." I said pleading.
" No."
He is so stubborn .
" I am not going. Final."
" Nina stop throwing tantrums and go get ready fast, he is waiting for you ." My mom said.
" No mom , I don't want to go. "
" It's okay Nina to fight once a while. Now keep that fight behind you and please go."
" What fight?" I looked at Aaron , He raised his eyebrows giving me hints.
" Nina Go!" My mother gave me those eyes.
" Fine ."
My mother and Aaron are getting along too much these days. It's not good for my health.

Me and Jane got ready and went with him in his car.
" Someone sit in the front, I don't want to look like a driver." Aaron demanded us.
" We want to sit together. Why don't you keep a driver?" I replied.
" I like to drive."
" Drive then." I ordered him. He looked amazed.
He started the car with me and Jane sitting in the back seat.
" Where are we going, please tell?" I asked him and he was very focused at not telling me.
" To a place."
" The name would be lovely."
" I don't think so."
Jane stopped me from talking about anything else.
" Hey friend, what's your name again?" He asked Jane.
" It's Jane ."
" Jane, you seem nice , if you have time, it would be better if you educate your friend a little. She doesn't have any manners."
" Sure " Jane said laughing.
" Jane! You are my friend!"
" Of course I am."
" We will see about that." Aaron replied challenging me .

" Aaron is so hot " Jane whispered in my ears ."
" What really?! You think now is a good time Jane ?"
" Sorry" she said laughing.
" Any problem ladies?" Aaron asked smiling, he knew what he was doing.
" Nothing, you pay attention to driving, I don't want to die in your car ."
" Nina !" Jane exclaimed.
" Please consider my suggestion Jane." Aaron said.
" Yes ." Jane replied covering her smile.

As we got out of the car, he asked us to follow him.
As we were about to enter, asked us to covered our eyes.
" Aaron what the hell? Did you get only this one day to annoy me when I had a tragic break up two days ago?"
" Stop talking darling and do as I say." I closed my eyes as he insisted. I think Jane was enjoying it all.

He took us inside with our eyes closed, as I entered I felt something on my legs . I was sure that it was an animal. That was the moment he asked us to open our eyes.
" Oh my god! Aaron!"
I find myself between more than 10 puppies and dogs.
" Aaron dogs? Where are we?!" I was so overjoyed.
" It's a dog cafe. I thought you would like it."
" Like it? I loved it -- oh they are so cute-- Aaron--" One of them climbed on me and I lost my balance. I sat down amongst them.
" Yes darling, thank me later." I smiled at him.
I noticed Aaron standing at a distance.
" Aaron, don't you want to come?"
" Oh , no, I have Daniel waiting for me upstairs, you both have fun. And don't forget to come upstairs."
It always made me happy to be around animals. Specially dogs. I love him. I couldn't thank Aaron enough.
" Aaron wait, Please come on play with us ."
" No , he is waiting for me."
" Don't tell me you are scared."
" Actually -- I "
" Wait, are you actually scared?"
" How did you know?"
" What really? I just assumed because you are standing so far away."
" I am -- I am a little afraid." He hesitated.
" How can a grown man who takes down guys in a fight be scared of a dog? Are you serious?"
" Yes, I will get going." He turned around to leave.
" No no no " I ran towards him to stop him.
" You are trying right now ." He held his arm.
" I am not ."
" Come on , face your fears. Just once and then you can leave."
" No I can't, Daniel is waiting for me ."
" Shut up . Hold my hand, I will help you." I pulled him towards a small golden retriever puppy.
" Here , give me your hand." He refused a lot but alas, He gave me his hand and softly patted the puppy.
" See, it's not scary at all."
He smiled at me. He was just a look away from me. I could see his dimple very clearly.
" Okay enough for the day. " He got up. " I will take your leave ladies. Join us afterwards in the cafe. "
" Sure."
As he went , I started to miss his presence around me. I wanted him more .

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